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(05-07-2014 03:25 AM)Draquin Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the info. You have some pretty decent knowledge about marketing techniques. There's still plenty to learn for me in the world of IM. But you'll never know if you don't take action. I'm going to split-test like you said.
Dude, you would love to have one-ten-thousandth of the marketing know-how I have learned in over three decades.

These comments are nothing but a few notes from one of the millions of mental pages about what works and what doesn't.

After half a Billion dollars (yep, that's with a "B") in sales using my copywriting, sales and marketing strategies for all kinds of consumer goods and services - yeah, I have "pretty decent" knowledge about what works.

Maybe one day, you and about two-thousand of your best and brightest marketing buddies will collectively get 10% of the way to the place I have already gotten.

(05-07-2014 03:41 AM)Quasar Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-07-2014 03:25 AM)Draquin Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the info. You have some pretty decent knowledge about marketing techniques. There's still plenty to learn for me in the world of IM. But you'll never know if you don't take action. I'm going to split-test like you said.
Dude, you would love to have one-ten-thousandth of the marketing know-how I have learned in over three decades.

These comments are nothing but a few notes from one of the millions of mental pages about what works and what doesn't.

After half a Billion dollars (yep, that's with a "B") in sales using my copywriting, sales and marketing strategies for all kinds of consumer goods and services - yeah, I have "pretty decent" knowledge about what works.

Maybe one day, you and about two-thousand of your best and brightest marketing buddies will collectively get 10% of the way to the place I have already gotten.

Thanks for your help anyway. Smile I love this forum so much because people share their knowledge about IM.
WOW! How do you REALLY feel, Quasar? Wink
Thanks for your comments. Unfortunately I received several emails about
how easy it would be to make money with this course and apparently fell for the crap.
I'm glad I didn't purchase it. My problem is I'm in a bind and need to make some quick cash
to pay some bills so I can get back to an excellent passive marketing course
that I actually paid for. I have downloaded way too many products and don't
know which ones actually will help me the most.

I'm not working a regular job right now, and don't have lots of bills, but I do have bills
and apparently I'm not good at getting money from my current clients who owe me money!
I'm currently living in my RV on a beautiful river, so I guess it could be worse. Smile

Thanks to everyone that tried to help me and good luck to all of you.
Have a wonderful day!

PQ Heart
Hey Quasar,

Dude, you would love to have one-ten-thousandth of the marketing know-how I have learned in over three decades.
Yes B*itch,but you're not helping.

Dude, you would love to have one-ten-thousandth of the marketing know-how I have learned in over three decades.
Ditto Above

After half a Billion dollars (yep, that's with a "B") in sales using my copywriting, sales and marketing strategies for all kinds of consumer goods and services - yeah, I have "pretty decent" knowledge about what works.

Do you know where to shove those BILLION dollars? Suggestion.. where the sun don't shine!

Maybe one day, you and about two-thousand of your best and brightest marketing buddies will collectively get 10% of the way to the place I have already gotten.

Thanks for gloating you i*doit. Thats exactly what we need to motivate ourselves Angry

Master Illusionists!
They are all masters at making you deathly afraid of what you think you don't know - cannot do - or MUST have to make money in MARKETING!
This is the oldest ruse in marketing and copywriting! Identify a pain - rub salt in the wound - then represent yourself as the person that has a magic potion to stop the pain!

Oh Really? I do not see, you doing anything, different here contrary to what you may think.. I only see Salt and Wound in your posts. Now why is that?

Nobody cares about your Billions earned with the "B", cause they are your's and well earned I may add, but DO NOT insult our intelligence just because we are just starting out in this endevour.

It is as old as dirt and still works like a champ!

Wake up folks - you are thinking you are doing the same dance as these guys, but you are focused on all the wrong things - or doing all the right things badly!

This is about either being in business or being a hobbyist. 99.9% of the people I see online are the latter.

Your choice ...

What is that supposed to mean anyway?
The way I read it is that either I am wrong or I am dumba*ss wrong. So wtf are you trying to convey, pray?

So other than getting your cat and your goldfish in a twist, could you please contribute here in a manner more befitting your experience and "status"?

Please refrain from the "Holier Than Thou" attititude if possible.

Basically dude Get off your High Horse.

Rant Over

Thanks for the share!

Rep given!
(05-07-2014 06:09 AM)Gdon64 Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Quasar,

Dude, you would love to have one-ten-thousandth of the marketing know-how I have learned in over three decades.
Yes B*itch,but you're not helping.
[Image: 2mqs0ld.jpg]

Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin BiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrin
Don't you just feel the love here?.. that's why I love coming here, people helping people..

BUT it's TRUE,,, a phone call works you know? What has happened to marketing? In the 70's we didn't have the internet or even a cell phone. If you wanted to get ahold of a client you had to either call from the hotel that afternoon or pull over. And guess what? We still did a good job at selling our product! Imagine that..

I'm tired of IM the way it is, I'm ready to go and do it like I sold business equipment or whatever I was selling at the time.. talk to people and get off the butt. Isn't it time to let people know that you even care? Sure there's going to be a ton of no's but isn't it worth it? You do want to sell your product right? So what's your excuse? (Leave a phone number at least.. oh, no...) I have none! It's time to get back to fundamentals again.. other wise you might as well hang it up.. Quasar is right, it's all about getting out there and putting it on the line, and not so much online.. if people or business doesn't see that you are for real it's over.. and that's about it.. you have to see the change coming, it's been here for a while..

Take care all ......
(05-07-2014 12:18 PM)cousinfizz Wrote: [ -> ]Don't you just feel the love here?.. that's why I love coming here, people helping people..

BUT it's TRUE,,, a phone call works you know? What has happened to marketing? In the 70's we didn't have the internet or even a cell phone. If you wanted to get ahold of a client you had to either call from the hotel that afternoon or pull over. And guess what? We still did a good job at selling our product! Imagine that..

I'm tired of IM the way it is, I'm ready to go and do it like I sold business equipment or whatever I was selling at the time.. talk to people and get off the butt. Isn't it time to let people know that you even care? Sure there's going to be a ton of no's but isn't it worth it? You do want to sell your product right? So what's your excuse? (Leave a phone number at least.. oh, no...) I have none! It's time to get back to fundamentals again.. other wise you might as well hang it up.. Quasar is right, it's all about getting out there and putting it on the line, and not so much online.. if people or business doesn't see that you are for real it's over.. and that's about it.. you have to see the change coming, it's been here for a while..

Take care all ......
Thanks for the comment!

+5 reps for "getting" it - not for agreeing with me. This was a nice, refreshing and intelligent read.

Truthfully, I don't care if anyone here EVER agrees with either my methods or my messages.

You can read and understand things, which none of the mentally deficient here seems able to do. (Probably too much time spent watching free porn and playing online games.)

In quite a few of the posts I make here, there is often great info in the messages - often pretty good stuff too. And info that is beneficial to the cause of making money, which seems to get lost with the infants in our midst.

I do have to deal with a few lower life forms, and am admittedly particularly nasty with the deviants. But my morning eggs are tougher to chew than these wannabe keyboard bad

They don't read or see anything other that what they want to read. Then the immediate reaction of nitwits like the newbie above is that they don't like the message because it didn't come wrapped in a pretty pink ribbon. It was a little too coarse.

Well, - that doesn't matter much to me either. But you are getting some gems, whether you want to admit or not.

If you read my post about the 500 emails, that was information you cannot buy - at least not without spending a few thousand bucks.

I all but gave away the process about how to take this simple strategy or ANYTHING and get it to convert.

I almost offered a sample phone script I wrote for my outsourcers to use in the calls they make for me. There isn't a chance in hell I will offer that now.

Yeah, those wannabe keyboard and forum bad as.sses cost everyone here that treat - and it works like gangbusters too. I get four figure fees from clients that want a script like the one I was just going to give away. Glad I didn't have a dumb "millisecond moment" - and waited to see what sort of trolls appeared!

Oh well - it su.cks to be among the mo.ron newbies that think they know some things about making money!

But as I have said many times here and elsewhere, there are too many lightweights drunk in the fantasy that great riches await them online.

For them - it takes just the right thing - and only that "right" thing - only the golden fleece never appears for these losers. This is a good thing for online-only peddlers. They will always have nets to catch these fish - of which there are hundreds of thousands.

I am grateful I learned the value of great salesmanship, how to write great copy and how to use the telephone like the amazing money maker it is.

The fastest path to making more money with the least effort is an that antiquated device known as the telephone.

You can make sales with it, call people and create relationships with them, set appointments to see people in person (another dying art in this age of desensitization). And when you feel like it, nothing trumps talking to people in person to get their pulse, make deals and close sales.

Yeah, it isn't as glamorous as making millions typing all those keystrokes while in your underwear in dreamland.

But you can sure make a s.hitload of money faster than any other way. It ain't no pipedream and it is the reality.

Someday, these newbies, neophytes and wannabes will get that you can make more money (when you learn how) in one hour of solid, dedicated phone time than you can in a month of banging on the keyboard.

Ahhh ... what the hell - life will go on! The illusions will continue, and the big fish will continue eating the little fish.

Thankyou Quasar...+reps added...


Because what he has shared (about 500 mails and how to make this work?) is just awesome....I have read it and picked up few golden nuggets to implement in my business...

Great to have you here...
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