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Full Version: [GET] VIDEO CASH VOLCANO 2.0 and OTO
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Thanks ThaiJack! There is another thread for this, but you guys have the OTO so I gave you and afrodek (mirror) -

+5s too!

AIO Mirror:

Magic Button :


I use a spin of this model as one of my revenue streams - and it is 100% outsourced! This is a straight-to-the-point NO BULLSHIT product that all you have to do is get going. Sadly - taking action is where it will end for most of the product "collectors" here.

This took me all of 15 minutes to go through and is immediately actionable, relevant and current. These guys actually do this business. You can always tell the guys that walk-the-walk from the "wishful dreamer" product sellers. I know this works because I use a variation of it.

My grade: 4.5 stars / 5 stars.

He is doing a lot of this right. The video lengths (a closely guarded secret that rarely gets revealed) are almost perfect. It doesn't get a perfect score because the actual videos are average - at best. His video scripting also needs work. These are also workable niches, but getting overused fast - so that cuts this down a just a bit too.

But even at $17, this would be way under-priced, and I wished more offers were packaged and offered like this one. At $7.95, it is an absolute no-brainer (obligatory overused cliche). Since most downloaders won't bother paying for this - "FREE" is a license to steal this solid info that can yield a full time income in the first week you do it.

I don't need this - my methods and tactics work better, but I am going to go pay the man anyway - he's earned it.

Thanks for all your hard work over the weekend making it possible to share this product with us. It is the attitude and efforts of people like yourself which make BBHF stand apart as one of the best IM community forums going. I hope you get some sleep to--night!

And of course, +Reps added.
Thanks for sharing
reps added
Thanks. +5Reps Added
@ThaiJack AND afrodek - I know you are both trying hard to get this right, but you are both overthinking this. I am not getting on either of you for the effort.

I will try to put together a short tutorial about how to share something. It isn't hard when you know how, and most of it is paying attention to the details.

First things - first:

@ThaiJack - Your link to the offer page isn't working because you put the incorrect product name in your link. It is not - it is Your PM also does not work on BBHF.

@afrodek - your download is twice as large as needed because you duplicated the file for the videos. Check it and you will see what I mean.
Thanks REP x10
...and more Mirror
Rep given to OP and Quasar for review.

Quasar, what kind of videos do you think work best for this kind of method? Like whiteboard, Powtoon style, or maybe the ones that mix video clips and text on screen? I've been trying to get something like this going for awhile but I can't figure out what style of videos I should be offering.
virustotal 12/50
Does anybody have the OTO ?
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