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Full Version: edirectory v 10b Nulled + installation UPDATED
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I also did a search on test site ( with only the city London and this is the error that came back:


Query: SELECT location_ AS location_id FROM Listing_Summary WHERE Listing_Summary.status = 'A' AND MATCH (Listing_Summary.fulltextsearch_where) AGAINST ('(+london) (+londons)' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND location_ > 0

Errno: 1054
Error: Unknown column 'location_' in 'field list'
_SERVER data
SCRIPT_FILENAME : /home/u396189393/public_html/results.php
QUERY_STRING : where=london&keyword=
REQUEST_URI : /results.php?where=london&keyword=
hi all... im still having problem signing in the site admin panel.... and when i signup on the front page,,, i dont get a email for activation,,,, no email at all.... please if anyone can help me with this,,, i really appreciate it,,,, thx buds
Try signing in with:
i did....when i put in my email and password. it wont login..

im using filezilla on the mac to upload..... this time ill try uploading using a PC
i reinstalled the script using windows pc, ftp filezilla... in sitemgr i cant login.... anyone having same issue here?????...main site seems to work ok untill i try to login the admin side, and i cant,,,thx help please what can it be???????
Includes apk files android and iphone?
Includes custom apk/app files for android and iphone?
Hi guys, it seems a lot of people having trouble installing or configuring the edirectory script, if anyone want I can help you installing the script.
I know each and everything of edirectory, so you can contact me on skype: nilshinde

Please don't show me errors you receive, I don't have time to check every error and reply it, but I can give you support via teamviewer, will check everything is perfectly setup or not.
(05-01-2014 06:56 AM)derekb Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Folks,
Anyone found a fix for this yet?

(04-29-2014 03:36 PM)derekb Wrote: [ -> ]Has anyone managed to get additional themes installed?

Try to change the background on the default theme and get this error:

form.elements.type == 'radio') { form.elements[i].checked = false; } else if (form.elements[i].type == 'select-one') { form.elements[i].selectedIndex = 0; } } } function validateQuickSearch() { if ($('#QS_searchFor').val() == 'All') { if (($('#QS_keywords').val() == '')
window.event; if(e.pageX

Any idea on how to fix?
How can I edit the footer where it says "Powered by....." ?
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