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(03-27-2014 12:28 AM)HaselBiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]
Version 1.0.82 (26 Mar 2014)

- New feature: Responsive, standard users table template with customizable columns
- New feature: Frontend publisher reset form after submitting to stop spam
- New feature: Frontend publisher improvements, more mobile-friendly
- Improved: added a few media queries to make the users table more responsive
Waiting :)
(03-27-2014 03:00 PM)HaselBiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]
v1.0.83: Development – Frontend Publisher

By: Userpro author

This topic is for discussion and updates regarding the next minor version 1.0.83.
Here are a few changes I have already completed.
You can control what fields are required (post title, post content, featured image) and the form won’t be processed before filling require fields. Saves user time to know he missed something, and improves the user experience part. By default, title, content and feature image are required. I’ve provided shortcode options to make them required/optional. as follows:
require_title, require_content, require_featured 1 = required, 0 = not required.
I will also apply a similar option to the post meta keys (additional fields) so you can easily make something like:
require_custom_url=1 where custom_url is a post meta for example.
This is the first improvement that I’ve got done, ability to control which fields are “REQUIRED” before form is processed.
Stay tuned, that’s not everything for this version!
Awesome updates!
Now , it make more easier for my site to let user post. Especially since my site is all video

(03-28-2014 04:34 PM)HaselBiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]
v1.0.83: Development – Frontend Publisher

Version 1.0.83 (27 Mar 2014)

- New feature: you can make any field required/optional with frontend publisher
- New feature: control which fields appear in a frontend publisher shortcode
- New feature: customize the order of frontend publisher fields easily with shortcode
- New feature: add and collect unlimited custom fields with frontend publisher
- New feature: UserPro backend design and colors improved/enhanced
- New option: compatibility setting to solve UserPro post saving issue on some webhosts
waiting for dl links :)
Add reputation 1, PM me iwant it :'(
Userpro 1.0.82 updatess
rep added~
Thanks very cool plugin +1 rep added
Soon to Post Userpro 1.0.84
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