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I am just going to go back to wordpress meta widget.

Well, if I could get it to work I would use it. I guess no one is going to help, then I will just deactivate it, until someone has the gull to bother with helping me.
I got it working.
Please send me the link +5 rep added thanks
(06-13-2014 05:52 PM)mcpro Wrote: [ -> ]Please send me the link +5 rep added thanks
mail me :D
Reps+5 added. and also emailed.

(06-12-2014 02:47 PM)HaselBiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]Up, Please Add Some 1 or 3-5 Reps if you want to get the Link of My Plugin.. Thankyou :D ill keep updating this plugin..
done Smile
forward link
+ Rep Forward link please
rep added Smile
Waiting for PM
(06-14-2014 05:40 PM)daniel13dark Wrote: [ -> ]rep added Smile
Waiting for PM
mail me
rep added :)
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