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I have for sale or trade aj auction 2012 full ver. All who are interested should contact me
please do not contact me here, just on email.
thank you.
i guess you have wrong idea about this place yeah.. this is not a place to trade or sell thing...

Aj Auction 2012

download link

just share what you have and if you need some other script we will help you out yeah..
dont't worry i have enterprise license and what is yours?user? i pay for that script, have support, and my script is clean not null sh*t like yours

you share script like kalle1 user license, this is script from him...all people here have that script and not
well it's work for me fine, n if u want to shre then u should share wid others...rather then going on abt what u have and then asking people to email yeah..why not share here and ask whatever script you want in exchange..
for you work and for others not work lol looooooooooooollll hahahaha
Haha can say this leecher just becuse some f--kers sell script we give out this ver and yes it will not work afrer 1 april u must fix scobin file . but u have not the right one in the script we release in here and other place. SCRIPT shares not sells so i hope u have sold lots of the fake we give out

And AJ sell script and the script is not ready to run. u must do lots of htaccess jobs first then this works. and we realese a full open sourse in nulled cc with htacces full domain and the publicher was billing

So read the russian and u got lots of script. and hm lots of them u find here later strange

haha some part of htaccess u must do in full script
Options +FollowSymLinks

RewriteEngine on

RewriteRule ^search/(.*)$ index.php?do=search&txtkeyword=$1&other=%{query_STRinG}
RewriteRule ^itemdetail/(.*)/(.*).html$ ?do=itemdetail&id=$1

RewriteRule ^category/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$ index.php?do=allcat&id=$1

RewriteRule ^category/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/parent/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$ index.php?do=allcat&id=$1&id1=$2

RewriteRule ^store/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/(.*).html$ index.php?do=mystore&store_id=$1
RewriteRule ^categoryid/(.*)/(.*).html$ index.php?do=search&id=$1
My script is paid and everything works fine.
What you share here is not good and not work good so .</!>
also i posted AJ Auction Pro - OOPD 3.1 - 2010 NULLED

thanks kaller1 for those information, i will update my post with your information...also you can just go back in admin and change the template and it wil start to display properly as well...
share here please, i need this script ;(
this was posted in the wrong section. for others looking for the script, might try this thread.....
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