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Full Version: [GET] ModenaCam V3.1 + 2 Designs incl.PSD´s not [NOTNulled]!
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ModenaCam has released VIANO TV PORTAL too, and I've these files with FMS application but they are not compatibile with ModenaCam software
Hi, anyone has tried to install the modenacam? when i try to install 404 page appear.....
I have the FMS files. contact me for more
Maybe there are some who lay FMS pozhalusta ?
here you go FMS http://xn----8sbfnk1brdkt.xn--p1ai/1198-flash-media-server-45-crack-keygen.html can get one set up realties skinte instructions how to set up email pozhalusta I do not understand
hello have your fms files ?
Personally, I have the Modenacam with FMS, there are people using my name (If past me) to sell modenacam + FMS. I have, but do not sell or trade, was looking for a partner and ever encountered. !!!
I noticed that you said you have VIANO TV PORTAL files, I can make it compatible with ModenaCam

I will install and configure a fully working modenaCam with Live Streaming for 10 BBHF Members.

Just PM me and it will be done in less than 30 minutes of my acknowledge

I assume that you have:
Step 1.)

a.) A VPS (Virtual Private Server)
b.) Flash Media Server (You can download free version from adobe and get free license)

Step 2:
Flash Media Server: This is a window platform that will host your FMS files to host all the live streamers. You can signup for online fms hosting if you do not have Windows to install it on.

a.) RDP Access to configure your FMS Server on Windows platform, It's much easier to configure the Flash Media Server on Windows platform to host live stream than to host on VPS platform such as Red5, Wowza etc. The reason is that the FMS files were written in ActionScript 3 (main.asc , preview.asc play.asc ) thus hosting this on Wowza need to convert the calls to Java.

b.) SSH Access to your VPS to install necessary dependencies, and configure the website to run properly.
c.) Testing and streaming

Step 3:
Estimated time? 1 hour.
Come back to the forum and tell your story.

(02-22-2015 10:28 PM)goodguy Wrote: [ -> ]ModenaCam has released VIANO TV PORTAL too, and I've these files with FMS application but they are not compatibile with ModenaCam software
i have modenacam + fms files working.... add me in skype:
anyone can share files modenacam + fms files?
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