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Full Version: [GET] ModenaCam V3.1 + 2 Designs incl.PSD´s not [NOTNulled]!
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and What did he say?
before I post a msg here for gigihack not you that's what I ment.

And he's not asnwering me so...
I'm trying to modify the files, but got nothing.
anyone has a working ccbill script that will work with V4..?

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Hello work in progress!!!!! have a little patience .... Thanks GigiHack Cool
there is a new version of modenacam v4.7 official release here :
ps. if anyone know how to install or setup ccbill payment gateway with modenacam please share with us.
you do not need one must first solve the problem of 'FMS
Version 4.7 is also the I

ve tried to install it?
i have install the new 4.7 version.. it working good except the FMS part. I already have an merchant account open with ccbill and i want to connect it with the website, but i don't find any script or setup manual. If anyone can help me with that i will be grateful.
You're speeding to much man.
We all are looking and fixing this fms files for years and still didn't get to the bottom.

So I'm sure noone had tried to get an account for any ccbill or other payment before they
have website which is working properly
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