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Discover How to Use EFT Tapping, a Combination of Ancient Chinese Acupressure and Modern Psychology, to Improve Your Health, Wealth, Relationships, Level of Happiness, and Much More…

[Image: Nick-Ortner-150.png]
From the Desk of Nick Ortner, New York Times Best-Selling Author of the Book “The Tapping Solution”…

What I’m going to share with you on this page, and this entire site, is likely to drastically improve the quality of your life.
You see, when I first learned about EFT, a type of Meridian Tapping, I was so blown away with how effective it was that I absolutely knew I had to find a way to teach others the technique. Over the last 8 years it’s been my life’s mission to show others how they can quickly learn and use EFT Tapping to make life better in every way possible.
On this site, the word’s most visited EFT Tapping website, I’m going to share with you everything you need to know to help you get what YOU want out of life. To get going, you can either scroll down and keep reading this page, or simply click one of the images below to go to a particular section…
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What is EFT Tapping? [Image: whatiseft.jpg]
EFT, otherwise known as Emotional Freedom Techniques, is a type of Meridian Tapping that combines ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology with startling results.
From pain relief, to healing childhood traumas, to clearing limiting financial beliefs, to weight loss, body image and food cravings, to fears and phobias, Tapping is proving to be a powerful, well-researched and easy to learn and apply technique.
Tapping utilizes the body’s energy meridian points by stimulating them with your fingertips – literally tapping into your body’s own energy and healing power.
Your body is more powerful than you can imagine… filled with life, energy, and a compelling ability for self-healing. With Tapping, you can take control of that power.
I’ll explain exactly how EFT Tapping works and why it is so effective, but before I do that, check out this video, originally filmed for our 2013 Tapping World Summit, which was attended online by over 500,000 people, for a full explanation, along with a visual demonstration on EFT Tapping…

Why Does EFT Tapping Work? [Image: whydoesitwork.jpg]As Dr. Oz says, "Energy medicine is the future of all medicine. We’re beginning now to understand things that we knew in our hearts are true but we could never measure. As we get a better at understanding of how little we know about the body, we begin to realize that the next big frontier in medicine is energy medicine. It’s not the mechanistic parts of the joints moving. It’s not the chemistry of our body – it’s understanding for the first time how energy greatly influences how we feel."
EFT Tapping is already proving to be the next big frontier of not only medicine, but also personal change and growth, and here’s why…
Human beings have an intricate energy system that flows throughout the body, something that has only recently been recognized in the West, that controls our physical and emotional health. All negative emotions that we have are felt through a disruption of our body’s energy. The biggest way that we typically feel this is with negative emotions such as stress, anxiety, and overwhelm as well as with actual physical pain and disease. And the two are, not surprisingly, very connected.
When we have unresolved emotional problems, whether conscious or unconscious, they manifest themselves into physical symptoms. And when we have physical challenges, they tend to cause further emotional turmoil.
To address these issues, the body’s health must be approached as a whole and the root emotional causes must be looked at. You cannot treat the symptoms without addressing the cause, and vice-versa.
The body, like everything in the universe, is composed of energy. Restore balance to the body’s energy, and you will mend the negative emotions and physical symptoms that stem from the energy disruption. Tapping restores the body’s energy balance, and negative emotions are conquered.
And negative emotions, previous traumas, and unconscious blocks affect all areas of our lives, not just physical pain.
There’s a saying with EFT Tapping to "try it on everything" because it has been shown over and over again to be so effective with so many challenges! Relationships issues, fears, phobias, anxiety, physical pain, weight loss challenges, financial success blocks, and so much more…
And as I’ll show you in just a minute, research is showing just how powerful it is.


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*Platinum + Gold Access of 2012 vip world summit event (733MB):
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- Introduction -
The Basics - An Introduction to Tapping
Nick Ortner
    Quick Start Guide
Carol Look
    Introduction to Tapping
David Feinstein
    The Science and Research Behind Tapping

Here Are Your Five Gold and Platinum Level Bonuses
    Julie Schiffman
Ending the Headache Nightmare
    Dr. Erin Shannon
The Marriage Between Traditional Psychology and Tapping
    Pat Carrington
Choices Method – Clearing Financial Fears
    Rick Leskowitz
The Impact of Group Energy on Sports Events
    Pamela Bruner
What to Say When Tapping

Here Are Your Five Platinum Level Only Bonuses
    Jaqui Crooks
Clearing Self-Sabotage: Finally Finding Success
    Karin Davidson
Matrix Reimprinting - Change the Picture to Change Your Life
    Rue Hass
Advanced Tapping Techniques - Tell the Story and The Movie Technique
    Sarah Holland
Can Women Have it All? The Transition From Independence to Motherhood
    Dawson Church
Bringing More Passion, Love and Understanding to Your Relationship
    Karin Davidson
Matrix Reimprinting - Spider Phobia

Tapping For Stress Relief
with Jessica Ortner
Track 1 - Introduction
In this 5 minute track, you will learn how stress affects your life and how tapping can help you dramatically reduce
that stress.
Track 2 - The Science of Tapping
In this 11.5 minute track you will learn about EFT and how to use it for the best results. You will also learn about
the science behind tapping.
Track 3 - Morning Clearing Tapping
In this 7 minute track, Jessica will guide you as you start your day clearing away the stresses so that you can be
ready to tap in the positives for the day.
Track 4 - Morning Affirmation Tapping
Once you have cleared away those morning stressors, it's time to tap in the positive to have the best day possible.
Track 5 - Evening Clearing Tapping
In this 7 minute track, Jessica will help you to reduce those stressors that have built up throughout the day so that
you can prepare for a peaceful night.
Track 6 - Evening Affirmation Tapping
In 8 minutes, Jessica will help you to end your evening tapping on a positive note to help you have a peaceful and
restful night sleep.

The Platinum Package
Tapping World Summit Digital Library
- Day 1 -
Emotional Gridlock: How to Get Out Of Your Own Way to Get What You Want
Stacey Vornbrock
    Breaking Through The Fear of Failure and The Fear of Success
Carol Look
    Overcoming Overwhelm for a Life of Success
- Day 2 -
Pain Relief with Tapping:
Why It Works Over and Over Again and How You Can Use it Today to Get Relief
Nick Ortner
    A Faster Solution: Understanding and Healing Pain and Illness
Gwenn Bonnell
    Physical Pain and the Emotion of Resentment: A Surprising Connection
- Day 3 -
You Deserve More: How to Create Your Financial Success
Margaret Lynch
    Speeding Up the Transition From Debt to Wealth
Pamela Bruner
    Overcome Resistance and Fear Around Sales and Growing Your Business
- Day 4 -
The Formative Years: Overcoming Negative Childhood Programming with Tapping
Brad Yates
    How Your Identity Rules Your Life
Terri Cole
    Healing Pain From Your Childhood
- Day 5 -
Weight Loss: Why Tapping Works When Nothing Else Does
Carol Tuttle
    Body Image and Weight Loss: Something That Finally Works
Steve Wells
    Food Cravings: How To Take Control
- Day 6 -
Procrastination and Perfectionism:
The Two Most Common Blocks To Moving Forward
Kate Beeders
    The Secret To Overcoming Procrastination (It's Easier Than You Think!)
Mary Ayers
    Why Perfectionism Might Be Ruining Your Life
- Day 7 -
How to Create the Relationship of Your Dreams with Tapping
Rick Wilkes
    Finding Peace with Bad Breakups and Letting Go of Old Relationships
Lindsay Kenny
    Manifesting Your Soul Mate (Now!)
- Day 8 -
Supercharging Your Tapping
Donna Eden
    Energy Medicine And Tapping: A Perfect Marriage
Pat Carrington
    Opening Up Your Options - The Choices Method
- Day 9 -
Try It On Everything: The Widespread Use of EFT
Tom Hanson
    EFT and Sports: The Mainstream Breakthroughs That You Can Use Today to Improve Performance
Ruth Stern
    Tapping Into Deep, Peaceful, Sleep and Overcoming Insomnia
- Day 10 -
Integration Day: Bringing It All Together To Create the Life of Your Dreams
Jessica Ortner
    Integration Processs
      Personal Peace Procedure

*VIP Passes for 2014 vip world summit event(2G):
Magic Button :
Magic Button :
Pre-event videos
    Bob Proctor
Author and Success Mentor featured in "The Secret"
Video - 48 min and 36 seconds
In this powerful video Bob Proctor shares his expertise on the body's energy system and how you can work with it to get
what you want in life.
    Carol Look
EFT Expert and Attracting Abundance Expert
Video - 43 min. 24 seconds
In this interview Carol explains how our underlying emotions play a role in our ability to lose weight, overcome addictions,
phobias and much more and how to use EFT to get the results you're looking for.
    Carol Tuttle
Author and EFT Expert
Video - 49 min. 12 seconds
Carol Tuttle reveals how frequency and vibration work and why staying in a place of high vibration is the key to getting
the happiness,
health and success you want in life.
    Dawson Church
Energy Therapy Expert
Video - 54 min 37 seconds
Want to learn about the science behind EFT? In this informational video Dawson Church reveals some of the latest and
greatest studies being conducted on EFT and what they mean for you!
    Dr. Joseph Mercola
Founder of and the Mercola Optimal Wellness Center
Video - 30 min. 48 seconds
Ready to learn how your emotions effect your health? In this revealing interview Dr. Mercola explains how EFT can be
used to radically improve your health.
    Patricia Carrington
EFT Expert
Video - 64 min. 19 seconds
Learn why Dr. Carrington moved from her traditional pyschiatrist techniques to using EFT as her primary tool for working
with clients along with specifics on how she uses it to help people with trauma, stress, limiting beliefs and much more...
    Joe Vitale
Best-selling Author featured in "The Secret"
Video - 38 min. 01 seconds
Hear personal experience on how EFT helped transform Joe Vitale's life. You'll hear how he used EFT to eliminate his fear
of public speaking, lose over 80 pounds and transform his financial well-being.
    Jack Canfield
Co-creator of the
"Chicken Soup for the Soul" Series
See the Tapping World Summit pre-view video interview done with Jack Canfield where he discusses using
EFT on the past to make the Law of Attraction work in the present and future.
    Bruce Lipton
Cellular Biologist
See the Tapping World Summit pre-view video interview done with Bruce Lipton.
    Cheryl Richardson
Personal Coaching Pioneer
and Best-Selling Author
See the Tapping World Summit pre-view video interview done with Cheryl Richardson.
    Kris Carr
New York Times Best-selling Author
Video - 20 minutes
See the Tapping World Summit pre-view video interview done with Kris Carr.
    Louise Hay
Best-selling Author
Nick Ortner, Producer of the Tapping World Summit, speaks with Author of "Heal Your Life" which has sold
over 50 million copies
    Dr. Mark Hyman
Author of "The Blood Sugar Solution"
Nick Ortner, Producer of the Tapping World Summit, speaks with Dr. Mark Hyman, Author of "The Blood Sugar Solution".
    Nick Ortner
Tapping Expert and Creator and Producer of The Tapping World Summit
Jessica Ortner, host of the Tapping World Summit speaks with Nick Ortner, Tapping Expert and Producer of all five
Tapping World Summits.
    Wayne Dyer
Author of over 40 books!
Nick Ortner, Producer of the Tapping World Summit, speaks with Dr. Wayne Dyer, about how to use the incredible
power of forgiveness, along with the Tapping technique, to radically transform your life.
    Lissa Rankin
NY Times best-selling author of "Mind Over Medicine"
Nick Ortner, Producer of the Tapping World Summit, speaks with Dr. Lissa Rankin, M.D. about the power of our
minds to control our health.
    Nick Ortner working with Bobbie at a live event
NY Times best-selling author of "The Tapping Solution" and producer of all 6 Tapping World Summit
Nick Ortner, Producer of the Tapping World Summit, works with a woman by the name of Bobbie on stage to help
her release decades of emotional and physical pain.

- Introduction -
The Basics - An Introduction to Tapping
Nick Ortner
    Introduction to Tapping
David Feinstein
    The Science and Research Behind Tapping

Here Are Your Six Gold Level Bonuses
    Margaret Lynch
The Secret Language of Emotions
    Carol Look
Improving Eyesight
    Rue Hass
Chronic Fatigue
    Mary Ayers
Releasing Feelings of Loneliness

    Wallet Sized Tapping Points
Front side of Card - Download Link
Back side of Card - Download Link

    Tapping for Stress Relief CD

    "Overcoming Patterns of Sabotage Once and For All"
4 Part Teleclass with Carol Look
The Gold Package
Tapping World Summit Digital Library
- Day 1 -
Releasing Emotional Pain from the Past
Cheryl Richardson
    Healing and Releasing Patterns of Guilt and Shame Forever
Iyanla Vanzant
    The Power of Radical Forgiveness: How to Forgive Everyone for Everything with Tapping
Bonus Meditation Audio MP3 - Download Link
Bonus Meditation Transcript - Download Link
Daily Meditation
    Finding Peace in the Past:  A Guided Tapping Meditation
- Day 2 -
Healing the Body with Tapping
Nick Ortner
    Dramatic Pain Relief with Tapping: The Miraculous Results and How You Too Can Use It Today To Get Relief
Julie Schiffman
    Healing the Body: A New Approach to Health and Illness
Daily Meditation
    Finding Relief from Physical Pain: A Guided Tapping Meditation
- Day 3 -
The Stress Effect: Overcoming Burnout, Weight Gain and More...
Jessica Ortner
    The Tapping Solution for Weight Loss and Body Confidence: How to Stress Less, Weigh Less and Love More
Carol Look
    From Burnout to Balance: How Tapping Can Bring You Peace and Clarity
Daily Meditation
    Connecting to Your Core: A Guided Tapping Meditation to Feel Centered and Strong
- Day 4 -
Tapping Into a Stronger Financial Future
Margaret M. Lynch
    From Debt to Wealth: How to Clear the Hurdles Keeping You Stuck
Pamela Bruner
    Reconciling Money and Spirituality: How to Be Spiritual and Abundant!
Daily Meditation
    Finding Financial Peace, Focus and Creativity: A Guided Tapping Meditation
- Day 5 -
Releasing Anxiety and Anger with Tapping
Mary Ayers
    Releasing Anxiety: Tools to Create an Anxiety Free Life
Donna Eden
    Using Tapping with Energy Medicine for Dramatic Results
"5-Minute Routine" Handout - Download Link
Carol Tuttle
    Healing and Releasing Anger: How Truly Letting Go Can Change Your Life
Daily Meditation
    Releasing Anxiety Around a Future Event, Project or Deadline: A Guided Tapping Meditation
- Day 6 -
The Love Day: Intimacy, Soulmates, and More...
Dawson Church
    Intimate Relationships: How to Experience Deeper, More Fulfilling Relationships
Lindsay Kenny
    Tap Into Love – Using Tapping to Find Your Soulmate
Daily Meditation
    Cutting the Cord: A Guided Tapping Meditation to Release a Past Relationship
- Day 7 -
Growing Up! Tapping for Kids and Aging Gracefully as Adults
Dr. Pat Carrington
    Aging Gracefully: Wisdom Teachings from a Tapping Elder
Brad Yates
    Our Children: How to Tap With Kids to Transform Their Lives and Futures
Daily Meditation
    It’s Never Too Late: A Guided Tapping Meditation for Health, Vitality and Passion for Life
- Day 8 -
Getting The Momentum Going...
Rick Wilkes
    When You’re Stuck – Overcoming Frustration and Creating Self-Acceptance
Dr. Paul Scheele
    Your Life Purpose – Finding Inner Clarity and Meaning with Tapping
Daily Meditation
    When Life Feels Stuck: A Guided Tapping Meditation to Help You Move Forward
- Day 9 -
Tapping Around the World
Dr. Lori Leyden
    Tapping for World Change – Dramatic Results That Will Inspire and Move You
Dr. Erin Shannon
    Peak Performance – How Our Top Athletes Are Using Tapping and How You Can Too
Daily Meditation
    Create Peace in the World: A Guided Tapping Meditation
- Day 10 -
Overcoming the Inner Obstacles
Steve Wells
    Catapulting Your Dreams: Overcoming the Fear of Failure and the Fear of Success
Gwenn Bonnell
    The Power to Truly Transform: Self-Acceptance and Self-Love as Gateways to Healing
Daily Meditation
    How to Quiet the Critical Voice: A Guided Tapping Meditation
- Bonus Day -
Integration Day
Jessica Ortner
    Integration Process
        Personal Peace Procedure

Don't just hit and run like a leecher! Angry
+5 for the Tapping Summit!
Way to go mate!Wink You could have at least given me some credit as to where you got it.LOL.
Thank you for the share!
This looks good :)
Thank you, Love Your Work. Rep Added
This is an awesome share! I've always wanted to learn EFT in more detail -- because it uses the sense of touch, I think it is far more effective in releasing our anxiety and negative emotions than any other kind of mental technique or visualization.

Maybe it's different for others, but it seems like EFT has a very high success rate if you do it properly. I remember reading about how they've taught it to schoolchildren with discipline and learning issues, and the results were near miraculous after just a few short sessions!
True. Awesome share! Reps added. Thanks.
(03-08-2014 07:04 PM)rainmaker Wrote: [ -> ]This is an awesome share! I've always wanted to learn EFT in more detail -- because it uses the sense of touch, I think it is far more effective in releasing our anxiety and negative emotions than any kind of mental technique or visualization.

Maybe it's different for others, but it seems like EFT has a very high success rate if you do it properly. I remember reading about how they've taught it to schoolchildren with discipline and learning issues, and the results were near miraculous after just a few short sessions!
Yes, done properly it has amazing results. I've used it for years for myself and others. Results are fast. I've seen phobias, depression, even so called physical pains disappear in minutes to a few sessions. Really great for any kind of stress or emotional issues.
EFT has helped me, and I am thankful for the links !! I tried the S3 Ripper to get directly from amazon but had no success. I have downloaded everything that was available as files ... 3 YT vids were not.

Will be posting the mirrors here as soon as they are ready(respect the bandwidth for the producers please) (slow ul speeds!) ... grouped by day etc .. rar'd and then zippd for stealth .2.11 GB of presentations.. usual password ... I can ul the 3+GB of interviews if here are requests: while interesting IMHO there is little therapeutic value.
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