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Full Version: [GET] Postcard Marketing Handbook + Bonus - Bob Bly, Lina Penalosa [pdf]
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(04-07-2014 08:51 PM)voodo Wrote: [ -> ]ABSOLUTELY - This I believe is how Joe Polish sold his marketing system to carpet cleaners, that's why I came up with the idea.
Not familiar with Joe.

(04-07-2014 08:51 PM)voodo Wrote: [ -> ]Again I don't understand what you are on about here...
...that such a deal/package for a business owner is a no-brainer.

(04-07-2014 08:51 PM)voodo Wrote: [ -> ]My marketing system {Client reactivation letter and Post card promotion} provides very good ROI for this particular niche.

If I sold/licensed my system so that ONLY one (this niche) business per town in EVERY County in the UK can use my marketing system, I'd become RICH!

And that IS what I intend to do!
...and your question was how to track / steal-proof the system right?
(are you sure this is your biggest worry?... is the system a one-time deal, or are you
going to be updating it every now and then with new material?)

Quote:I have virtually sussed out who the decent biz owners will be, so in effect I've eliminated the Mr B type owners.
Let me ask you, do you have any REAL world experience with licensing Yes or No ?
Yep, I buy licensing and sell licensing too ;)
I have customers who are on a yearly licensing program.
TQ NonConformer! +REPS

Here's a mirror
(04-07-2014 10:04 PM)emiko Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:Let me ask you, do you have any REAL world experience with licensing Yes or No ?
Yep, I buy licensing and sell licensing too ;)
I have customers who are on a yearly licensing program.
It looks like I may have been a bit expeditious in my reply in post # 28 about you, in which case I apologize...

Please can you expand on your above two sentences.
Check your PM

Thanks for the detailed PM, I'm real busy at the mo
, will reply soon...
Just seen this: Postcard Profits by Luke Jaten

Would complement Bob Bly's product...

Get Postcard Profits by Luke Jaten here:
Here's a mirror with Bly's postcard book and postcard profits:

Magic Button :
Thanks NonConformer! +Rep Added!
Awhile back Bob Serling created a product called "New Business Power Marketing" that generated leads with postcards. I think that if you are trying to put together a system to offer local business owners it would be another good read. Sorry I can't help you find a copy, I had the hard copy.

and thanks and rep to nonconformer and others that have added to this thread.
Thank you uploader
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