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Full Version: [GET] How to Date a Stunning Stripper
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[Image: 411c4ADEM8L._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]


DL link including all 5 bonuses:
Magic Button :
Cool, thank you.
Take a fat stack out of your pocket and throw it in her face. Problem solved, no need to read this book with terrible cover!
lol I actually dated one before. They know how to please that's for sure. Wouldn't wife em though, they almost never get to be a wife
Strippers make great friends.
Who the hell wants to date a stripper? LOL
Thanks for sharing!! Speaking from experience. Strippers can make great girlfriends. In comparison your girl next door is just like a stripper only she does it for free. I mean, she wants to date the guy with the nice car, etc. She sizes a guy up based on what he has, just like a stripper. The difference is only that she does it in the back of her mind were as a stripper is upfront about it. If you have ever dating a good stripper you will find that alot of them are very business orientated, less reserved when it comes to sex and have all the right curves in the right places. What more could any guy ask for?

CAUTION: This is not for everyone. Strippers can spot a weak Man a mile away. By nature, if they find you to be weak they will have to exploit you for ever dollar you have and then some. So, if you do not have any game then you best stay clear.

@Batman it seems you hang alot with wonderwoman nowadays :-D
(03-03-2014 09:34 AM)babloodabloo Wrote: [ -> ]@Batman it seems you hang alot with wonderwoman nowadays :-D

LOL. since they are on same club. League of Justice. :D
that cover tho! :-/ *lol*
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