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(02-19-2014 04:09 PM)NonConformer Wrote: [ -> ]History and knowledge has been stolen and hidden from us for thousands of years. We've been duped. Everything around you is a lie. The matrix is a good analogy for the world we live in because nothing is as it seems. A world full of control systems.

Toss in religion, the vatican, central banks, corporations in bed with gov, controlled media that spoon feed the masses with propaganda and tow the line for their masters, public school systems designed to dumb down the population and pump out twisted history and you have a recipe for a slave system.

The biggest scams in the history of the world. The biggest criminals wear suits and sit on boards and hold seats in government.

Gotta love the "democracy" scam as well where 51% of the manipulated vote gets to run shotgun over the other 49%. And for America, you get one party (the criminal greed party) disguised as two and the people eat it up thanks to their televisions and conditioning. I swear sometimes it's like the twilight zone.

There's absolutely no reason you should have any utilities at all. Your house should be 100% self sufficient. The reason it's not is because technology is held back. Go do some research on "Earthships" for starters. Just taking advantage of the track of the sun can provide passive heating and cooling. Why are city planners not "planning" and taking advantage of this? Because big utility and gov block it. Want to see how government hold it back, watch the documentary: "Garbage Warrior" and watch the ridiculous bullshit and red tape that EVERY city and state government has set up with their zoning scams that are designed to make self sufficiency practically impossible. It's all about control. Control for everything you do and need. Control your water, your food, your energy, your jobs, your air, your living space, your wallet, your children, your opinions.

Free your mind people. It's liberating.

You don't want me to rant. lol

Great shares nonconformer. I take the same "don't get me started approach". Just wanted to expand a bit more on how you can find and keep your research:

Favorite site for curated videos:


This site has the best collection of science/politics/environment/conspiracy, etc. videos that I have yet to discover. The hidden gem has to be the comment sections. I sometimes find myself spending more time there...than watching the actual movie. *Tip: Put yourself on their mailing list.

Favorite tools for keeping (before they are taken down) curated videos:

Code: (shared on BBHF)
Code: (Free)

Simply copy the movie link and jdownloader "grabs the audio/video and even the subs of the videos. I also use it to download youtube videos as audio tracks when I stumble upon a song on I like while listening to internet radio (9/10x the song is uploaded to youtube already).

With these tools you can create quite catalog of "alternative" knowledge. I ranted. Anyway...thanks again for the shares nonconformer.

Magic Button :
(02-19-2014 01:26 PM)tgglenn Wrote: [ -> ]Nonconformer, GREAT, GREAT share!!!!! Glad to see some of the other comments also. Must be some thinkers who don't listen to and accept all the rhetoric from the media and political "leaders" we have, both sides. Also have read a lot on Tesla and have a book about his ion generator and how to build it. You can make a small battery charger for like 2 bucks with electronics from Radio Shack. It's free energy from the sun. Why won't they let this be known??

"My people die from lack of knowledge"

There was a comedy group, Firesign Theater, back in the 70's, put out an album called "Everything You Know Is Wrong"!

And don't even get me started on the FDA, Big Pharma, food additives, cancer, etc. It's really scary! We've spent billions of dollars for 40 or 50 years searching for a "cure", and the best they've come up with is running hydrochloric acid through your veins. HUH? REALLY? It's poison, people. Oh yeah, can you radiate me too! Thanks! How much do I owe you? It's all about the money.

End of rant.

Thanks again and rep added. Keep it coming. Can't wait to see what you dig up next!!

Can you share this book about Tesla? And also share more Tesla stuff?
(02-19-2014 10:27 AM)NonConformer Wrote: [ -> ]Read up on Stanley Meyers. Wish someone would figure his shit out already. My money is on him being murdered.

Also - you want to really go down a rabbit hole?

I'm warning you ahead of time, this is alarming shit and it will affect you.

Research "dead microbiologists." I mean really research it, too, not just carelessly on a couple top sites. Then start paying attention to the sky, weather patterns, contrails (I said that with a smirk). There's some nefarious shi.t going on and it's been going on for a loooong time, but it's escalating at an alarming rate. Look around you at how many people are ill. I'll leave it at that. Take the red pill or not. It's up to you how far you go down that rabbit hole.

I believe you know and have more stuff about that. Can you share some solid stuff about Tesla&free energy?
Thanks for sharing this :)
I'd be interested in checking out that Tesla book as well.
As posted earlier, this book contains a section about Royal Rife, which is a good introduction, but there is plenty of info floating around the net about him.

There's also two really good documentaries on youtube about Rife and his work that I highly recommend. He, just like Tesla, got totally railroaded and had all of his tech and research stolen and suppressed. In fact, the gargantuan destructive and oppressive medical system you see in the states and many other parts of the world began with Rife. The AMA started as a result of trying to take down Rife. It will piss you off... I'm sure of that.

The main documentary I am referring to about Rife keeps being taken down on youtube. I can't find it right now, but if I do, I'll create a separate thread for it. Either way I do have it on another drive and I'll get to it when I get a chance. Here are two halfway decent videos about Rife's work for now though.

There are a LOT of people worldwide working on recreating Rife tech. One of the most promising and one that was funded through crowdfunding is the Spooky Rife Generator. (Yes, a stupid name, but it's the real deal) - the great thing about the spooky system is that the generator is controlled by software. Every aspect of the frequencies can be modded and controlled. There is a HUGE database of frequencies and they are the same frequencies that Rife was using in his studies. There's a large facebook group, forum etc. with support, but also other users who are having a lot of success with the system and also performing their own experiments. The XM Generator and Spooky software is the only Rife system I would recommend or experiment with. Check it out if this kind of stuff interests you.

Main sites:
Company Development Site:
Main Forum:
FB Groups:
Volunteer Support:
John White's Youtube Chan:
He's the guy that started developing the Spooky system.
I'm going to read this book with an open mind HOWEVER I will say I think most of it will be BS....WHY? because think about it, if someone were to discover a REAL cure for cancer or unlimited FREE energy, yes, corporations MIGHT try to suppress it but all you have to do is go to some small Central or South American country or Asian country, open a clinic and if it REALLY worked (not the quackery they have now which produces ZERO real results) as in PEOPLE LIVED, went home and told everyone how their 1st world doc gave them 2 months to live and now they are cancer free because they ate (fill in the blank), word of mouth on this new wonder cure would be spread over the INTERNET like wildfire.
No FDA approval needed...

Sure they might try to stop the $30/yr guy from getting his hands on the miracle cure in Napal but would Millionaires be stopped by any corporation or gov't agency...I THINK NOT....IF it's a REAL CURE.

Same with "free unlimited" energy. Once the genie is out of the bottle, it can't be put back in. They are currently doing research on Nuclear Fussion and Cold Fusion ALL over the globe and are sharing results. So far no one has conclusively gotten it to work (with more energy out then was put in, or at least in any economically viable amounts), but that doesn't stop them from trying, moving forward and eventually making IT WORK!

It won't be free, but will be less polluting and we will NEVER run out of energy...WIN/WIN for EVERYONE including the companies selling. Oil companies would either invest in it, or go broke and new companies would be formed and benefit from it. THAT's THE WAY CAPITALISM WORKS PEOPLE!!!

Ask yourself this, if you were a billionaire (like say Musk or Cuban) why not fund some crazy Tesla like scientist with a contract that pays you 50%?
Win/win, no?

What Oil companies would get mad?
Yeah so?

Did the "ALL Powerful" train conglomerates stop cars and/or planes from being invented and mass producted? NO

People read up on the "evil corporations"....they don't live all that long like everyone thinks. The all powerful HUGE corporations of say 100 years ago are mostly all long gone and buried. The new Giants like Microsoft, Google, Intel, Facebook are all relatively NEW companies started in the 1970's +

You CAN'T Stop progress for long.....

Did the all powerful Kodak which had a virtual monopoly on the film camera market stop the digital camera market from exploding and finally leaving Kodak in the dust.? NO!

Examples of this are all over during the past 100 years of modern enterprise.

Even if the Government (and I'm no fan of large gov't) tries, with today's social media and Internet connected everywhere environment (between scientists, people, etc.) it would be almost impossible to suppress an invention that can change the world...

Now for those that aren't convinced by my thesis above and still want to expose a valid conspiracy.....try this one on for size...."MANMADE" global warming

Yeah, totally BS made up of pseudo-science from those that think they are smarter than the rest of humanity. Um, NOPE.
Just because a self absorbed know it all "scientist" might THINK it's a good idea for the environment to reduce fossil fuel burning, doesn't give him the right to LIE about his "findings" and skew them to "prove" his "facts"....

Be scientific and PROVE your findings...what's that you can't????
Then it's NOT science it's ONLY your OPINION...PERIOD!

Remember, during the 1970's Scientists said we were entering a mini ICE AGE....Um, NOPE. We would all be dying of food shortages due to overpopulation (in 1st world countries), NOPE.
Then Doctor's (okay not really scientists but still believe they are holier than thou) said Steroids didn't work. Um they do! After people realized they were lying, they said they LIED because steroids are bad so they (the most prestigious AMA doctor org in the country mind you) decided to LIE because it was in the best interest of the public???? HUH?? WTF? Now science doesn't matter? Only what "THEY" decide is relevant?
Any you are worrying about evil corporations?

Anyway, that is EXACTLY what the so called "scientists" are doing right now with "Manmade Global Warming".....LYING about it to "Protect the public"

What BS!

Oh, and btw, remember where you read this because in 50 years when the TRUTH comes out you can say you knew all along it was LIES disguised as "science"....

Anyway, I am a big fan of Tesla but doubt he really made some of the things he said he wanted too as the US military took over his patents, etc. and except for the recent Rail gun I don't see any Earthquake machines for sale at Walmart !

That's my 2 cents!
I'm definitely not gullible and it's not that simple.

Read that book and do the research. You need to look far beyond the layers you just listed and far beyond the crap that you have been indoctrinated with through a lifetime of schooling, TV, CULTure, media, endless propaganda and nationalism etc. That's not a dig at you personally (none of this is), hell, unlearning is a looooong process, especially with topics as in-depth as this. I have done my share of it and look forward to doing much much more of it.

Suppression is easy... really easy... knowledge and tech are continually suppressed when it's shelved and compartmentalized. That's what government's do and they do it masterfully. It's always under the guise of "security, safety and protection." (patent offices in my opinion are filters to weed out worthy tech that challenges the status quo, threatens the petro dollar, ruling classes etc.)

Sure, the internet is a huge thorn in their side and probably their biggest mistake. Once that cat got out of the bag, there was no putting it back in. However, the internet waters are muddied up with a lot of nonsense and dis-info designed to muck info up. It's easy to do, just look at the knee-jerk reactions people have on certain headlines, topics, info etc. Some of it is even in your post. When they can't suppress something... they attack it, disrupt it, manipulate it and band against it. Or at least they try.

Bitcoin is a perfect example of this.

Why do you think bitcoin is continually attacked by governments and their ilk? It threatens the banking cartels slave system. Read The Creature from Jekyll Island (it's on here) and you'll quickly learn who really runs the world and how. It's well referenced.

Skepticism and healthy debate on these topics are great and definitely needed, but it must be followed by deep research and fact checking instead of knee jerk reactions, bias, or worse, willful ignorance, which you see a lot of with the general population. It absolutely must be attacked with a critical mind. These rabbit holes are so deep it often leads to frustration, more confusion and plenty of carefully constructed dis-information.

There's so much junk science out there and when you add in a lapdog media that do nothing but parrot what their told to parrot, it's easy to manipulate people's opinions and make a real mess out of whatever you need to make a mess of.

I really wish I could find that Rife documentary, it's good and it covers a LOT of research. You'll see exactly how the AMA formed and again... WHY it was formed. It will piss you off, that I can guarantee. I'll eventually dig it up.

Let me know what you think of the book, especially Rife's work.

Cancer is a cash cow....

Trillions of dollars going into so called "cancer research" over how many years now... and what do they have to show for it? Extremely expensive and toxic pharmaceuticals, endless cutting and burning, endless invasive testing. That is one of the biggest frauds perpetuated on humanity next to these banking charades.

The problem with cancer and healthcare in general, is that mainstream medicine is based on treating symptoms with drugs and evasive testing. Why? To "suppress" symptoms. Want to see how that game works? Read the iodine book posted on here. It's a good trip down the medical rabbit hole told by an investigative journalist. It's also well referenced. It's just a tiny example of the game works, especially in terms of the AMA, FDA and how the current state of testing is designed to keep people sick. Take a look at the curriculum and the current state of education, which is designed to perpetuate it all and keep Doctors ignorant of anything that challenges this bullshit.

If healthcare worked - you'd go to a doctor, explain your problems and the symptoms you are having. You'd be interviewed about your lifestyle and eating habits and tested to figure out exactly what kind of nutritional deficiencies you have and what kind of toxic load you might have in your body. Those deficiencies and habits would be addressed to help you resolve your issues and the toxic load would be addressed as well.

You see that happening with mainstream healthcare?

Nah, what you get is endless guessing, endless invasive testing and spot treating symptoms with pharmaceuticals. And as far as nutritional testing... that's laughable. The RDA levels are a complete joke. They are based on antiquated data that was used to treat and prevent common ailments. Example - vitamin C to prevent scurvy. Sure, the RDA level listed will prevent scurvy, but it is far from the optimal level that your body needs to obtain true health.

There are people healing themselves of every disease you can name (including cancer) all over the world. You can find them all over the place online, on forums, on their own sites, through social media etc.. You ain't gonna hear shit about that on TV or from the mainstream medical system that relies on the exact opposite. Thanks to the internet they are doing exactly what you stated... connecting... sharing... learning... healing... treating themselves with alternative methods and working with alternative practitioners without toxic pills or invasive testing. When you look at something with bias... you are going to see what you want to see... or what you don't want to see.

3 of the biggest diseases on this planet:

- "Healthcare" - (more like disease care)
- Central Banks
- Government/Corporations in bed with each other

Everything these diseases touch... they enslave and destroy.

Obviously it's not all bad... trauma care is fantastic. I'm just generalizing.

The real reason a lot of this info is brushed aside and often attacked by people isn't really because of conspiracies at all... IMO, it's because of their own cognitive dissonance. Not an easy thing to break out of when it has taken years and often many decades to develop. People will fight to remain ignorant because the truth is that painful.

Too many topics for a single post or even a single thread.
Hi, can someone upload the book again? Thanks
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