(02-19-2014 08:39 PM)California Kid Wrote: [ -> ]nice share. i just got around to downloading it even though i saw you posted it a few days ago. just got done reading a little over half of it. will finish it off when i have more time and not tired.
it's true. people do need to start doing their own research in things and stop trusting government and big business. i look around watching most people conform like lemmings and little worker ants who have ansolutely no clue what is happening around them.
this is one of the better shares recently in my opinion. wondering when this book came out. a really good read. half of what i read so far i either knew or researched already. still a lot of new info i haven't heard or read about before. pretty cool.....
I'd like to see a new volume, it's a cool book. I got the hard copy about 10+ years ago so it's been out a while.
You can thank public school, mainstream media, the entertainment industry (and TV in general) for the conditioning you see all around you. Critical thought is a rare commodity and that's exactly as planned. What better way to control a population than by dumbing them down and manipulating their opinions.
The fact is, we live in a world full of slave systems, most just can't see the chains.
The single biggest thing that pisses me off are all of the "willfully" ignorant people out there. They know most of what's up yet still dive head first and bury their head in the sand.
(02-19-2014 04:09 PM)NonConformer Wrote: [ -> ]History and knowledge has been stolen and hidden from us for thousands of years. We've been duped. Everything around you is a lie. The matrix is a good analogy for the world we live in because nothing is as it seems. A world full of control systems.
Toss in religion, the vatican, central banks, corporations in bed with gov, controlled media that spoon feed the masses with propaganda and tow the line for their masters, public school systems designed to dumb down the population and pump out twisted history and you have a recipe for a slave system.
The biggest scams in the history of the world. The biggest criminals wear suits and sit on boards and hold seats in government.
Gotta love the "democracy" scam as well where 51% of the manipulated vote gets to run shotgun over the other 49%. And for America, you get one party (the criminal greed party) disguised as two and the people eat it up thanks to their televisions and conditioning. I swear sometimes it's like the twilight zone.
There's absolutely no reason you should have any utilities at all. Your ***** be 100% self sufficient. The reason it's not is because technology is held back. Go do some research on "Earthships" for starters. Just taking advantage of the track of the sun can provide passive heating and cooling. Why are city planners not "planning" and taking advantage of this? Because big utility and gov block it. Want to see how government hold it back, watch the documentary: "Garbage Warrior" and watch the ridiculous bullshit and red tape that EVERY city and state government has set up with their zoning scams that are designed to make self sufficiency practically impossible. It's all about control. Control for everything you do and need. Control your water, your food, your energy, your jobs, your air, your living space, your wallet, your children, your opinions.
Free your mind people. It's liberating.
You don't want me to rant. lol
With you 1000% here.
This stuff really gets me fired up.
I took my kid to get him registered for kindergarten today.
The amount of research and paperwork I had to do and get notarized
to get a vaccination exemption to allow him into school was unbelievable.
Sorry fed douchebags, I'm not poisoning my kid to conform to your rules.
Glad there's a faction here that refuses to be part of the "Sheeple".
Time to go check the vapor"chem" trails to see if we're going to have another
I'll be ranting right along with ya' NonConformer.
I'm so sick of fuckin' stupid people and their " la la land" mentality. They bury their heads in the sand/phone and don't even bother looking up at what is happening right above their head. Hell, most of them don't even go outside. They get out of work and sit glued to the TV.
(05-22-2014 04:40 PM)NonConformer Wrote: [ -> ]Don't even get me started on chemtrails.
I'm so sick of fuckin' stupid people and their " la la land" mentality. They bury their heads in the sand/phone and don't even bother looking up at what is happening right above their head. Hell, most of them don't even go outside. They get out of work and sit glued to the TV.
I love you NC. And I like your shares and posts. Just sayin'...