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Good work. lol. I'm an Aussie, please don't tar me with the same brush...
I won't download that crap, but it's so funny that this wf scammer wannabee came here to cry

+5 + special job offer for @Just Kate
(02-16-2014 06:30 PM)Xebec Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-16-2014 04:54 PM)NonConformer Wrote: [ -> ]If you want to really kick ass offline; there are far superior products on here that will speed your learning curve as well as help you bypass a lot of "fluff" and marketing theory.
What would you recommend for the superior products? It's so hard to know what's good, what's crap, and what's good but too basic.

Thanks for the review.
Search through my threads (link in my signature) and you'll find high quality sold gold content. Seriously, I don't post crap. There's a reason I've created threads for fundamental marketing and copywriting as well as all of the "masters" who have proven track records of "billions" of dollars in sales.

I don't have time to hand pick courses for you right now, but you'll find everything you need if you browser through those threads. Dan Kennedy, Jay Abraham and EVERY copywriting related thread is 100% gold. The "Hidden Marketing Assets" consulting products are also great for offline.
Well, after reading these past couple of comment, I rescanned this "Kate" woman's product and I take back what I said about it being good for noobs. I only scanned through it quick the first time.

Don't waste your time with it.

This is just another rehashed bullshit WSO wrapped up in a shiny new package with fancy graphics. With all the ridiculous grammar and rambling it's obvious this is either carelessly outsourced or a bunch of plr tossed together. And with that said, I highly doubt the author/product creator (if it's even Kate) makes any money at all with offline marketing. NONE, ZIP NADA! Nothing more than another warrior bullshitter. I'm sure her income is coming from the WSO forum from crap like this and nothing more. I could be wrong, but I doubt it. I'm really good at spotting hacks and bullshitters.

You know what the real problem with products like this are- besides the waste of time and money? It's the fact that some noobs will actually follow the advice to the letter. They'll be getting in their own way.
(02-17-2014 03:33 AM)dougkpga Wrote: [ -> ]Good work. lol. I'm an Aussie, please don't tar me with the same brush...
My goodness You have a funny way of talking over there. They call it "down under" here, you know.
(02-17-2014 01:48 AM)shadowman Wrote: [ -> ]Guys can somebody recommend me good offline products that are shared here because every shinny product comes out each day that makes it hard to actually get the product that actually works in today's world.
Thanks in advance.
Hey Shadowman,

Now I'm no expert, because in this field, no one ever truly is, so take what I'm going to say and think of it as you will! You guys have to get out of this mentality. To be fair, it's because of products such as this that offer you the world in a $7 WSO and claim to guide you all the way to the bank that you are finding it so hard to find an actual product that works.


Please don't get me wrong, we all started from exactly the same position, but it's the ones who never stop learning, and never stop testing that truly make it in this industry. Like it's been mentioned previously, and reiterated by nonconformer, just view the offerings, learn from the greats, there's a reason such books as Claude Hopkins and Ogilvy sit dog eared on many of the top guys bookshelves - IT'S BECUASE THEY WORK!

Quality marketing and advertising is timeless, only the fakes come and go, much like kate the hack, and the majority of the rest of the WSO's and "guru's" out there.


It's not going to come over night, this sh*t takes A LOT of blood, sweat and tears! Put in the work, don't fall for the hype and soak it up like a sponge, then and only then will you become truly successful.

To all of your successes, your in the right place, JUST DO IT!
(02-17-2014 04:07 AM)NonConformer Wrote: [ -> ]Search through my threads (link in my signature) and you'll find high quality sold gold content. Seriously, I don't post crap. There's a reason I've created threads for fundamental marketing and copywriting as well as all of the "masters" who have proven track records of "billions" of dollars in sales.

Repped 5 for that. Thanks!

She may be actually "trying" to be an offline Maven.. or whatever.. but on her website.. she has ONE supposed client
and on my end half the tabs dont' work.. her about page didn't load..!!!

oh and listening to five minutes of one of the videos... (wow such generic info.. ) I'm a noob in this so there were a couple of dinky uh dirty gems..

But she actually said if the client wants to be able to have their customers to be able to COMMENT ON THEIR SITE
she would need to CHARGE $2000 FOR CODING...

then goes on to say well of course I have A FREE plugin for that.. ????? WTF LADY?

ARE YOU A CROOK?.. $2K to your rich clients that we all know you don't have to sell a plugin that is FREE???

TAKE YOUR SHIT OFF THE WARRIOR FORUM.. you are making the WF look bad!! and I wouldn't bother coming here again

until your product is at least worthy of a turd award..
Hey Kate,

You know what's funny, you can't even get the name of the person that posted about your product here, name is not "Trusted", lol.

Second, you criticize BH forums, but I see you have been a member since Jan. 2013, so you must be coming here for some reason, not just that someone told you about your product being on this forum. Come on, tell the truth, you like it here, but don't know how to admit it! Listen to what everyone is saying here, it is so true, the WF has so many people putting out SH** products, it is amazing.

Good luck with your product,

Kate is busy downloading shares from my threads. Biggrin
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