(02-16-2014 10:47 AM)Just Kate Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Trusted, thanks for advertising my offer.
by the way, I just thought I should mention that this kind of training is probably not a good fit for people who hang around black hat forums (like you), its a way higher level training and skillset requirement than that kind of person.
I just didn't want anyone in here to kid themselves that they can ever make the kind of money like the people who they steal content from ever could.
Do you honestly think that if you steal this content, you will ever apply it? Oh dear, you are disillusion, and one could opine you are also wasting your life away.
If you could take this information and make the money it can help you achieve, they wouldn't be in here in the first place. If only you applied your skills you have applied to stealing my content, to making real money offline, you'd all be bloody rich. But instead you manifest your incredulous skills to nothing more than a blimp on the radar's of career focused people like myself, and people who actually fork out the $7 to buy it.
Oh, just in case anyone has an epiphany that I'm in here, so my statement is a contradiction, I'm in here because you all have snoops in here that let people like me in on your game every time you do this, even my past products you've stolen.
And when I track down some of the people who steal and share my content illegally, and I have in the past, they've turned out to be 18yo's (poor english) people, or a "live in your basement till you 50" kind of person, and it became very clear to me a long time ago that "those kind of people" need real help, real guidance and do want to make a better life for themselves" but instead they help the black hat forum owners make money by sharing stolen work of successful business people. Ironic isn't it.
So, here's the thing, if anyone on this thread really wants to earn $10K per appointment offline, then get in contact with me, and tell me you are from here so I can personally thank the thieves for actually bringing me a customer for once, instead of just being a clown - literally. *profile* says it all...
Jokes on you.
Kate Luella
Oh Kate Luella, I think the jokes on you!
the Warrior Forum WSO mentality is strong with you! Where do we start?
"just thought I should mention that this kind of training is probably not
a good fit for people who hang around black hat forums (like you), its a
way higher level training and skill-set requirement than that kind of
And I quote directly from the Maven Effect Blueprint:
"3. Devise an online brand that establishes your company consists of a team of experts, and you are the New Business Manager."
Ummmmmm what?!?!
"4. Which local business niche do you think would best advantage from your skill? Write it ……………………………………………………"
Ummmmmmmm WHHHAAAATTTTT?????
"7. Find case studies to support your skills do provide local businesses with website leads and/or sales"
Now that's a double what?!?!?!
"10. Build a strategy to get your “authority” product in front of your local business niche to establish you as an expert on the skills."
Expert on the skills?!? Ummmmmmm did you actually say "expert on the skills" haha?
I would honestly be ashamed to release such a sub standard work and come here and try and belittle us the way you have, and to be honest, if you didn't perceive yourself to be an "expert" I would probably understand. You'd just be another 2 bit chump trying to "scam" a couple of grand with your rehashed SHIT! You made a little over 6 grand in your BEST month from your consulting and "offline" services, no wonder you had to try and supplement your income somehow right?
It is thanks to "experts" like you that give us all a bad name, not the people who frequent these forums trying to save a buck by NOT purchasing such absolute drivel as your "Maven Effect Blueprint", and saving that whopping $7 to go and buy a cheeseburger, because that's about all your product is worth. We're blackhat, what's your excuse?
This quote was simply stunning though "18yo's (poor English) people, or a "live in your basement till you 50" kind of person", your from Australia where English is the FIRST language, yet your grammar and spelling is that of an 8th grader, or perhaps your actually doing us a favor and using your skills as a top "offline" consultant and using this flesch-Kincaid level of copy so we might understand you, so kind!
Might I just add that your website is atrocious, I would highly suggest employing one of the MANY top level designers and programmers in here to give you an overhaul, and while your at it, your sales copy SUCKS, so perhaps you could hire one of the many copywriters who frequent these forums to perhaps give you a few pointers, I can guarantee they won't charge a tenth of what you think your worth, and do 10 times a better job (but we are all black hat dummies). Your marketing skills obviously still have A LOT to live up too.
However, this one really tickled me, "So, here's the thing, if anyone on this thread really wants to earn $10K per appointment offline, then get in contact with me", I honestly feel sorry for the mugs who are "supposedly" paying this exorbitant amount being "consulted" by a team who can't even afford to have their content edited for typos, I would love to see some of the campaigns your firm puts out, I bet they PULL!!!!!!!!!
It's you and your phony marketing company that should be ashamed, not the people on here trying to learn what this industry is really about. Thanks to the likes of you, real marketers will continue to be tarred with that same "scammy" brush.
I wouldn't have even wasted my time writing this, but I'm truly astounded by the likes of fakes and wannabe's such as yourself getting on your high horse and coming to rant about your product being leaked, welcome to the 21st century, idiot, ADAPT!!!
P.S: $10k per appointment? I don't even think Jay Abraham charges that
who are you again?
(02-16-2014 06:30 PM)Xebec Wrote: [ -> ] (02-16-2014 04:54 PM)NonConformer Wrote: [ -> ]If you want to really kick ass offline; there are far superior products on here that will speed your learning curve as well as help you bypass a lot of "fluff" and marketing theory.
What would you recommend for the superior products? It's so hard to know what's good, what's crap, and what's good but too basic.
Thanks for the review.
I don't come on here that much, but judging by some of the info non-conformer is putting out, I would HIGHLY recommend taking a look at his posts and learn from some of the greats - Hopkins, Schwartz, Halbert, Abraham, Carlton, Conrad-Levinson etc. they shit better content than a $7 WSO