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Full Version: [GET] Make $10K In A Weekend - Rachel Rofe and Jaime Mintun [pdf, doc, ppt, php, htm]
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Thanks fi=or the awsome share, rep added!
There's actually quite a bit of high quality information in this book. If you actually follow the steps (and I've seen them put into action) the money is there to be made. But if you were expecting a "Press this button and $10K will appear" you'll be disappointed. But if you're willing/able to make the investment and do the work, you'll definitely make some money.
So very true and so many of your shares are like that...
btw - this info works GREAT with meetups.

Seriously, you can absolutely clean house if you put a little effort into not creating just another pitch fest. Think of it as a laid back get together with like minded people interested in online business and sharing ideas. You don't really even have to sell if you provide solid info that gets people thinking and talking. Food and drink goes a long way to impressions and breaking the ice with prospects.

If you can provide "interesting," inspirational and memorable case studies... you already have 90% of the work selling them done for you.

They will remember you. (top of mind is a powerful branding tool)
They will take your info.
They will subscribe to your list if you make it easy and beneficial.
They will join your FB "group" if you create one around your platform. - Notice I said group and not page. I rarely waste my time with FB pages unless it's to create some kind of auto drip link back bullshit.
very cool... reps and thanks!
can you rreup.cheers
@NC Thank you


Here is Mirror. Usual PW
Magic Button :

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I got this years ago and shelved it when I thought I would never do offline. I was so wrong. Offline is where the money is. They need your help and you will have to fight to help them. +5 rep this.
can someone post s new mirror
Get this here. Please rep OP. Password is as usual.

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