I went through this post so I can worry, how can it be that so many of the members, no one but absolutely no one can repost a link somewhere in mega or even seriously zippy? First of all, dear ones, if you want to post to any host, NEVER but NEVER to put the name "Copywriting..etc" as far as you need it? ... you do not have to be a genius to accomplish this, more to be sure it does not get into zip ... and it can be deleted then ... again you do not have to be a genius and put ... password well known! It's really TRAGIC!
This is a GREAT program, I see links are down again...
So here's a new link
...folks make mirrors! Cos links don't last long in the freebie section...
(01-21-2019 10:04 PM)SoloPreneur Wrote: [ -> ]This is a GREAT program, I see links are down again...
So here's a new link ...folks make mirrors! Cos links don't last long in the freebie section...
link doesn't work...please re-up ??
link doesn't work...please re-up ??
links are down please re-up ??
(02-21-2019 06:32 AM)kostas92 Wrote: [ -> ]links are down please re-up ??
grab them quick, make mirrors
thank you very much! It works fine. Everything is there.
Wow it's amazing how quick they are to take it down
I am late links are down again..anyway thanks and reps given!