(02-02-2014 01:24 PM)NonConformer Wrote: [ -> ]I found him.
He's launching his next wso right now.
That's a big pile of poop. If we took it and dehydrated it in a kiln, how much do you think it would weigh, boss? I'm thinking of postage too, so I can send it to him
As an award, of course. Maybe should I spray some gold paint over it?
Perry Mason here at work.
Seems this Renouf fellow is no stranger to bbf. Here is his profile:
Suspect he has at least one possibly two accounts on this particular forum.
Breaking out the most pertinent words the wso-fiend has blackened us with:
(09-13-2013 03:56 AM)renoufj Wrote: [ -> ]Guys I'm too busy counting my money. I got to go. Have a good one with your digital pedophilia.
B******! here is the source of it:
Buy his crap and you defile bbf (I guess you could share it and redeem self, we need crap too!). Just an opinion.
I have done some research and I have determined that there are around 83 'Crypto Currencies' (and counting) floating around the planet at this time. The list that the Author provides is pretty accurate. Including the 'Cadillac of Crypto Currencies', all are highly speculative. Frankly, 'Wild Eyed Gambles'...And, I do not have the stomach for that sort of speculation. But, there are multiple ways to make substantial profits with Bitcoin without holding and hoping the silly thing will move higher in price
haven't you guys seen his blackhat video.. HE LOVES the attention he get here!
Thought it would be interesting to revisit this thread, as we all like to diss Renouf . . . but, how many of us might now wish we had splurged even just $100 on some bitcoin when he released this over 3 years ago, around 100% a year return sounds good :-)