Thanks for the share, also thanks for the heads up from all you for saving me time by not reading this BS.
P.S. I also want to give a big shout out @California Kid and @blackhatbill for their detailed posts, reps added guys.
James Renouf is a clown. The only way he makes money is by selling garbage. He doesnt even use what he "teaches".
And his videos are f**kin g@y
You my friend, are like MasterCard, "PRICELESS" :)
(01-30-2014 11:59 AM)NonConformer Wrote: [ -> ]Oh boy, another wso to toss on the turd pile. The bullshit's getting deep over there.
Just take California Kid's post up there and save that instead of this turd of a wso.
everybody is jumping on with these bitcoins. Another course came out. The-BitCoin-Exchange-Bot. There is actually a Thread-Req in Any critics on that one too?
I found him.
He's launching his next wso right now.