01-27-2014, 01:23 PM
This twitter Bug was active and i was able to get more than 1000 followers in 1 minute
This was pretty simple
Instructions :
1) Create a fake account
2) Login to your fake account
3) Now go to the page for which you need to boost the follower count
4) Continuously hit Follow/Unfollow Button
You can see that even tough your real follower count remains same the followercount on your page goes up
Video Tutorial
WARNING :- Twitter might block your account for some days thatswhy i asked youto use fake account (If you do as i said then no problem at all thankyou).
But Continuously hit Follow/Unfollow Button is so boring and time consuming. so i prepared Automation scripts for you guys.
Automation Scripts
1) Console script:-
Do the first three steps in the instructions and then open your browser console(press F12 and goto console tab), then paste the code and press enter.
Code :-
2) iMacros Script:-
Do the first two steps in the instructions
Then in the third line of thecode "URL GOTO=https://twitter.com/*****" replace the url with the page url for which you need follower count.
Then copy the 4 line "TAG POS=4 TYPE=BUTTON ATTR=TXT:FollowFollowingUnfollowBlockedUnblockPen*" and paste it more than 1000 times.
Then play 2 loops which is more than sufficient because in code their are more than 2000 loops (in total 2 x 1000= 2000 loops).
You can run more but twitter will suspect you and delete all count you got.
URL GOTO=https://twitter.com/*****
TAG POS=4 TYPE=BUTTON ATTR=TXT:FollowFollowingUnfollowBlockedUnblockPen*
iMacros is d*** fast out of all methods. so i recommend using imacros but you can follow any of the three
2)Console Script
Depending on your convenience.
Rush guys, i don't how long twitter is going to kepp this bug for us. But please don't forget to add reputation for me in that rush.
This was pretty simple
Instructions :
1) Create a fake account
2) Login to your fake account
3) Now go to the page for which you need to boost the follower count
4) Continuously hit Follow/Unfollow Button
You can see that even tough your real follower count remains same the followercount on your page goes up
Video Tutorial
WARNING :- Twitter might block your account for some days thatswhy i asked youto use fake account (If you do as i said then no problem at all thankyou).
But Continuously hit Follow/Unfollow Button is so boring and time consuming. so i prepared Automation scripts for you guys.
Automation Scripts
1) Console script:-
Do the first three steps in the instructions and then open your browser console(press F12 and goto console tab), then paste the code and press enter.
Code :-
2) iMacros Script:-
Do the first two steps in the instructions
Then in the third line of thecode "URL GOTO=https://twitter.com/*****" replace the url with the page url for which you need follower count.
Then copy the 4 line "TAG POS=4 TYPE=BUTTON ATTR=TXT:FollowFollowingUnfollowBlockedUnblockPen*" and paste it more than 1000 times.
Then play 2 loops which is more than sufficient because in code their are more than 2000 loops (in total 2 x 1000= 2000 loops).
You can run more but twitter will suspect you and delete all count you got.
URL GOTO=https://twitter.com/*****
TAG POS=4 TYPE=BUTTON ATTR=TXT:FollowFollowingUnfollowBlockedUnblockPen*
iMacros is d*** fast out of all methods. so i recommend using imacros but you can follow any of the three
2)Console Script
Depending on your convenience.
Rush guys, i don't how long twitter is going to kepp this bug for us. But please don't forget to add reputation for me in that rush.