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Full Version: Latest Twitter Followers Bug (Very Simple and More Followers)
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It don't work already. Twitter has fixed it :( and my followers don't increase at all..
my twitter account goto 5k followers thnx dude work prefect
I can confirm. Thank you man!! Lifesaver!

(Excuse me..but who needs a video for this haha? )

EDIT: Can someone confirm, that the new followers will constantly stay?
still working? Are your followers stay?
(02-02-2014 01:19 AM)BestBlackAssForum Wrote: [ -> ]still working? Are your followers stay?
NOPE ! the followers are completely gone back within 2 hours to the old, exact value.
So this is just a an optical tuning of your followers for a very short time :(
+5 Rep for the effort.. thanks OP
Seems TwtDominator also has scooped the bug. They've halted the free downloads as well.
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