php.ini !!!!!!!!!!!
(01-26-2014 03:48 PM)JFOC Wrote: [ -> ]Blank Page
Look at the picture, this is my website is it for you Blank page ?
stupid fool
Almost done with testing and so far so GOOD!! (smile)
is working perfect i dont know why you guys are making some none value comments.
Just i have a question to atakan .
Do you know wich php file s used for payment process cretificate >! ?
Certificate key pem file
on test is used payment/processPaypalAP.php
but on payment folder this file is not existing so wich one must be used because when i try to use it in real it shows error
Unable to process due to payment error
User is not allowed to perform this action
seems like need to find the right process file.
can you help on this or some one else who has already installed it
atakan do you have this file or not ?
Hi guys, thank you for your help and the script. I am jsut wondering whether you guys have the buysell installation manual? I am lost myself.