An example of iono. and what is being used. it is possible to delete all the calls in the licensed script. it is just and förlja calls, and then clean out the sql after clearing the scripts from all the call strings. What AtakanCan did was to put all calls to your own server instead of what the script called from the beginning.
Had he removed everything or put on call to the folder on the install host had things been good - Smile it Bärsta is to delete all the calls in the script. it's easy when you have iono intregerings code.
And you know what that is called. A hint of things are easy when you know how. knowledge makes perfect. and since you usually get the decode, you get the source code and everything becomes easier. [img]
$license_key = 'USER LICENSE KEY'; // License's key
# *************************************************************************
# You do not need to edit any of the following code
// Error texts
$error_text['disabled'] = '<p><strong>License Error:</strong> Your license is disabled. Please contact your software vendor for support.</p>';
$error_text['suspended'] = '<p><strong>License Error:</strong> Your license has been suspended. Please contact your software vendor for support.</p>';
$error_text['expired'] = '<p><strong>License Error:</strong> Your license has expired. Please contact your software vendor for support.</p>';
$error_text['exceeded'] = '<p><strong>License Error:</strong> You have reached the maximum number of installs allowed. Please contact your software vendor for support.</p>';
$error_text['invalid_user'] = '<p><strong>License Error:</strong> Invalid license key. Please contact your software vendor for support.</p>';
$error_text['invalid_code'] = '<p><strong>License Error:</strong> Invalid license status code. Please contact your software vendor for support.</p>';
$error_text['invalid_hash'] = '<p><strong>License Error:</strong> Invalid communication hash. Please contact your software vendor for support.</p>';
$error_text['wrong_product'] = '<p><strong>License Error:</strong> The license key you provided is not for this product. Please contact your software vendor for support.</p>';
// Home call details
$home_url_site = '{data_home_url_site}';
$home_url_port = 80;
$home_url_iono = '{data_home_url_iono}';
$user_defined_string = '{data_user_defined_string}';
// Execution options
$comm_terminate = {data_comm_terminate};
$license_terminate = {data_license_terminate};
$product_license_id = 0;
// Check that the $license_key provided is for this product
if (!empty($product_license_id))
$key_parts = explode('-', $license_key);
$product_id = array(substr(md5($product_license_id), 0, 8));
if (!in_array($key_parts[4], $product_id))
echo $error_text['wrong_product'];
($license_terminate) ? exit : NULL;
// Build request
$request = 'remote=licenses&type=2&license_key='.urlencode(base64_encode($license_key));
$request .= '&host_ip='.urlencode(base64_encode($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'])).'&host_name='.urlencode(base64_encode($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']));
$request .= '&hash='.urlencode(base64_encode(md5($request)));
$request = $home_url_site.$home_url_iono.'?'.$request;
// New cURL resource
$ch = curl_init();
// Set options
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $request);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PORT, $home_url_port);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'iono (');
// Execute
$content = curl_exec($ch);
// Close
if (!$content)
($comm_terminate) ? exit : NULL;
// Split up the content
$content = explode('-', $content);
$status = $content[0];
$hash = $content[1];
if ($hash == md5($user_defined_string.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']))
switch ($status)
case 0: // Disabled
echo $error_text['disabled'];
unset($home_url_site, $home_url_iono, $user_defined_string, $request, $header, $return, $fpointer, $content, $status, $hash);
($license_terminate) ? exit : NULL;
case 1: // Ok
case 2: // Suspended
echo $error_text['suspended'];
unset($home_url_site, $home_url_iono, $user_defined_string, $request, $header, $return, $fpointer, $content, $status, $hash);
($license_terminate) ? exit : NULL;
case 3: // Expired
echo $error_text['expired'];
unset($home_url_site, $home_url_iono, $user_defined_string, $request, $header, $return, $fpointer, $content, $status, $hash);
($license_terminate) ? exit : NULL;
case 4: // Exceeded allowed installs
echo $error_text['exceeded'];
unset($home_url_site, $home_url_iono, $user_defined_string, $request, $header, $return, $fpointer, $content, $status, $hash);
($license_terminate) ? exit : NULL;
case 10: // Invalid user ID or license key
echo $error_text['invalid_user'];
unset($home_url_site, $home_url_iono, $user_defined_string, $request, $header, $return, $fpointer, $content, $status, $hash);
($license_terminate) ? exit : NULL;
default: // Invalid status code
echo $error_text['invalid_code'];
unset($home_url_site, $home_url_iono, $user_defined_string, $request, $header, $return, $fpointer, $content, $status, $hash);
($license_terminate) ? exit : NULL;
echo $error_text['invalid_hash'];
unset($home_url_site, $home_url_iono, $user_defined_string, $request, $header, $return, $fpointer, $content, $status, $hash);
($license_terminate) ? exit : NULL;
// Clean up variables for security
unset($home_url_site, $home_url_iono, $user_defined_string, $request, $header, $return, $fpointer, $content, $status, $hash);
This is something we inplant in softvare so IF YOU are a programer and dev Ata you should take this away