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Full Version: Message from funkydog
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My husband (funkydog) asked me to put a message on this forum. If this is not the place please replace this message, i just looked up his previous threads and started from there.

He will be in the hospital for some time because he had an aircraft crash. Once he is out he will continue to contribute to this forum again.

He has no life threatening injuries but has broken some bones that needed operating.

Thank you.
I will light a candle for him and I wish him a speedy recovery.
What a man, I wish him to be healthy!
God bless... Recover quick..
that is pretty awesome that he was thinking of the forum in his condition. thank you for the update and supporting him through this time! god bless you both
Take care both of you, regards to funkydog from BBHF friends.. Good to know there's no serious damage from crash.
Sorry To Hear That......:(
Really A Nice Guy...
I Pray For His Speedy Recovery.....
God Bless Him.
Wow. Sorry to hear that. Hope he gets better soon.
Hey Funkydog, Get well soon man!
So sorry to hear that, hope he recovers soon. All the best and God Bless
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