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Full Version: Message from funkydog
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Get well soon
GET WELL Soon brother . wish you a speedy recovery and bless you
Thanks everybody for the kind words... back and alive and kicking (well not yet kicking but i'm getting there)

Recovery took a lot longer as expected but you know what they say... weeds don't die ;-)
I'm glad you're good :)
(04-02-2014 06:16 AM)FunkyDog Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks everybody for the kind words... back and alive and kicking (well not yet kicking but i'm getting there)

Recovery took a lot longer as expected but you know what they say... weeds don't die ;-)
Good to see you recovering .. I know it was bad .. still your comments about crash ? feelings
I don't know you, but welcome back and good luck with your recovery.
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