thank for cyberpunk, I tested for senuke v3.1.47, if don't have good captcha machine, the probality for the success is under 50%, Can you help for the community to crack captcha that work with Senuke. I think senuke is best for SEO.
wow just made it time for the black friday really nice share CyberPunk Thanks!
not working for me,the tool is not starting because he can't validate the login!!!
-need help please !!!!
start the cleaned patched one mate it works thanks
Is there any I can update the version 3.1.47 to .48 without losing my files in the previous version. I have added a lot of user defined websites, I don't want to lose them. Please advice.
Hi :) Thank you CyberPunk - But - not working for me, because he can't validate the login!
So returning to version 3.1.47 :(
Sorry guys, I messed up on this one :) It happens sometimes, especially when your on 0 sleep.
This cracked version DOES WORK, however you need to run the patched exe instead. I forgot to clean up the other senuke exe's that I have to create when cracking this, and forgot to rename the patched exe to the original name..
So FOR THIS VERSION ONLY, DO NOT RUN "SENuke.exe" but instead run "SENuke.Cleaned.Patched.exe"
Get that? Run the exe that has the word "Patched" in the name! If you don't get it, then you don't need to be using SENuke. I will not reply to this thread, comment on this thread, or respond to PMs about this issue because I have already addressed it! I will update the OP to include the instructions as well.
Next version, it will be back to normal. I simply just forgot to rename it after cracking it.
Fantastic! Just the info I needed, Thank you CyberPunk :) "Patched" v3.1.48 running perfectly now :)
Many Thank Yous for you time, and brilliance :)