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[GET] SENuke XCr v3.1.48 - Cracked by CyberPunk

yawn.. another version, get it while its hot

If you have problems, read this before posting: ~*~ CyberPunk's SENuke Help Thread ~*~


SenukeXCr Version 3.1.48 Release, Released 11/26/2013

Added 3 PDF Sites
Added 16 Wiki Sites
Added 26 Social Bookmark Sites
Added 30 Web 2.0 Sites
Added 10 Google Places Sites

Fixed success rates for Social Network, Word Press, Forum Profile

Plus the usual site fixes and removals

Based off changeset #5654


Sorry guys, I messed up on this one :) It happens sometimes, especially when your on 0 sleep.

This cracked version DOES WORK, however you need to run the patched exe instead. I forgot to clean up the other senuke exe's that I have to create when cracking this, and forgot to rename the patched exe to the original name..

So FOR THIS VERSION ONLY, DO NOT RUN "SENuke.exe" but instead run "SENuke.Cleaned.Patched.exe"

If you don't understand, then I can't help you. There is only 1 exe with the word "Patched" in it, it is not hard. I will not respond to this issue, nor reply to PMs about it. It has been answered, so dont ask!


Thanks for the updates - great to have you back!

Rep also added for the great contribution CP
Tanks You The King
Love u CyberPunk :D
you are awesome man cool.. dude i need the new version ... cheers...!
The superstar Cyberman strikes again...

Thanks Sir....

Reps added
[Image: thomashost_windows_vps_prices_blackfriday.png]
Thanks,good work Reps +3
please helpme

"your email or password could not validated"

email: CyberPunk not work
Hi CyberPunk, yes for the first time I also have - "your email or password could not validated"

Help Please :)
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