(11-18-2013 08:35 PM)MirrorBird Wrote: [ -> ]Yes the course is out :) But I will not share it maybe next month in VIP Because I and 400-600 other people who did pay for it do not want it go to a waste. But actually making money from it so if share it here almost no one would take action from those leechers and noobies :) I also do not want to dishonour Britanny by sharing it here for free. She put alot of work in it and she deserve the money we pay for it.
(11-18-2013 05:52 PM)thoughtsfiend Wrote: [ -> ]Course is out now. Would be nice if anyone can share it.
So you mean only brittany is hardworker , what about other products shared here and u leached , what about that ?
You are crying to share a product for just you paid like 20-30 bucks ? What about them you leeched the products From 1 year and 5 days EXACTLY, What the F*** was that, how do they feel
Congratulations you are truly blackhatter and this is a awesome community man.
Sorry for my english , i am not good at it .
(11-18-2013 09:32 PM)sjc999 Wrote: [ -> ]I've got it, you don't. Na, na, na, na, Nah.
There is something much worse than so-called leeching - it's smug fake superiority.
Why are you in a BH forum if you don't seem to agree with sharing products. Except for a few product owners and their spies, there is only one reason to be here. So, when you have a product and don't want to share it, that seems a pretty strange time to get a sudden attack of conscience.
In the end, don't share. That's up to you. But at least have the decency not to come here and thumb your nose at everybody else.
(11-18-2013 08:35 PM)MirrorBird Wrote: [ -> ].....if share it here almost no one would take action from those leechers and noobies :) I also do not want to dishonour Britanny by sharing it here for free. She put alot of work in it and she deserve the money we pay for it.
Comon man, dishonour Brittany? what are you talking about? Thats not a
reason not to share this. Maybe you know her personaly or you dont plan
to share it anyway! if that is the case, then you shouldnt even post the
first time. Also its your personal opinion that Brittany and her course
deserve that much money. How the hell do we know that its true if we
havent try the course yet? Maybe you just want to promote her. i am
sorry my friend but i think you are in the wrong forum
bump for this maybe someone will shareee
+5 Rep points for you Raven...
And F.U.C.K the Leechers + Selfish People :-)
Awesome Share bro
+5 Rep :)