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Full Version: [GET] Brittany Lynch - Faceb00k Mastercla$$ L00kin 2K In 3 Days - $997
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(11-18-2013 08:35 PM)MirrorBird Wrote: [ -> ]Yes the course is out :) But I will not share it maybe next month in VIP Because I and 400-600 other people who did pay for it do not want it go to a waste. But actually making money from it so if share it here almost no one would take action from those leechers and noobies :) I also do not want to dishonour Britanny by sharing it here for free. She put alot of work in it and she deserve the money we pay for it.

Love Tongue Lol

(11-18-2013 05:52 PM)thoughtsfiend Wrote: [ -> ]Course is out now. Would be nice if anyone can share it.
Well no thanks to you then.... F***ker
If the GB organizer is kind enough, actually he/she can help asking questions that GB members have in their facebook group. So they still can benefit from that :)
also here is the facebook group never saw that shared...
Hey guys, download all 4 vids fast and easily from my mediafire folder:


Rep and mirror

Enjoy :)
(11-19-2013 04:03 AM)j3zr33l Wrote: [ -> ]Here are the resources she mentions in the opening of the vid. I Honored her work by stealing it.
That's the spirit haha Biggrin Biggrin
Ok so 400+ people paid $995 for this....

Not bad for a weekends work.

I like this business model.
(11-21-2013 11:26 AM)stockbob55 Wrote: [ -> ]Ok so 400+ people paid $995 for this....

Not bad for a weekends work.

I like this business model.
Easy half million dollars for a weekend job, true Biggrin
Awesome share!!! Thanks!!!
Download mirrors for days 1-4 plus resource file:

Magic Button :

Also, does anyone know a program for searching Facebook pages and knowing whether they have a cover image, etc? I know there's one like that but I can't find or remember it. I really need that right now.

(11-21-2013 11:26 AM)stockbob55 Wrote: [ -> ]Ok so 400+ people paid $995 for this....

Not bad for a weekends work.

I like this business model.

Hey stockbob

You forgot that some of them will ask for a REFUND even before this share created.

Well i am sure NOW more people will ask for refund....LOL Lol
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