(11-18-2013 08:35 PM)MirrorBird Wrote: [ -> ]Yes the course is out :) But I will not share it maybe next month in VIP Because I and 400-600 other people who did pay for it do not want it go to a waste. But actually making money from it so if share it here almost no one would take action from those leechers and noobies :) I also do not want to dishonour Britanny by sharing it here for free. She put alot of work in it and she deserve the money we pay for it.
(11-18-2013 05:52 PM)thoughtsfiend Wrote: [ -> ]Course is out now. Would be nice if anyone can share it.
If the GB organizer is kind enough, actually he/she can help asking questions that GB members have in their facebook group. So they still can benefit from that :)
Also, does anyone know a program for searching Facebook pages and knowing whether they have a cover image, etc? I know there's one like that but I can't find or remember it. I really need that right now.