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Full Version: [READ THIS] We need to address this issue
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I agree with this
Thanks for bringing this up, it's the least we can do :)


Yeah I agree too. This is something we can do to actually help the owners.
Honor Among Thieves.
I agree.
Well said. I agree 1000%
Agree with the thread.
This thread has been around a little while but the point is just as valid now as it was when it was made, if not more so. As much as I find Direct Links convenient, they carry with them too much risk that they will be taken down and, as pointed out by others, it can cause problems for the developer's server. In addition to agreeing to create mirrors, we should also agree to always hide our mirror links and sales pages information using the available technique and even go as far disguising the the name of the product so that it isn't easily discovered by search engines and the developer. Some do these things already, which tells me they recognize the value of doing so. Granted, doing this makes it more difficult for forum members to actually find the thread containing the product mirror, but if it means it remains available longer, then maybe it will be worth it. Just a thought.

will keep that in mind Blush
Old post. I hope it is somehow monitored.
I totally understand uploading a file or files and sharing them on, say, BUT
What can be done with shares that contain over 200 files that are found on ???/index of/downloads?
The only right thing to do!
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