10-24-2013, 08:02 AM
SO got emailed about some awesome super duper new wordpress plugin protection system.
I end up finding a plugin protected with it, the latest Page Expiration Robot.
Essentially, the "fully encrypted code" is:
LOL, eval()..
After that you get the main protection.. and seriously, you can defeat it without having to grab the code being eval()'d.. well obviously if you know the wordpress option name being used.. Because it does THIS to check for non-activation:
So.. if you just get that option value.. you can basically put at the main plugin script, up the top after the first (wordpress required) comment
..or something. and hooray there goes wizshield, in the bin where it belongs..
Note to wizshield devs.. eval() is NOT a protection and neither is relying on hard coded wordpress options..
your "protection" needs to be much improved, you're selling this easy crackable "protection" that any half decent php coder can bypass..
I end up finding a plugin protected with it, the latest Page Expiration Robot.
Essentially, the "fully encrypted code" is:
$longassvariablehere = "base64-encoded-stuff-here";
// snipped a whole bunch of junk functions
// snipped an eval() that basically eval()s eval(gzdeflate(base64_decode($longassvariablehere)));
// snipped more junk functions
LOL, eval()..
After that you get the main protection.. and seriously, you can defeat it without having to grab the code being eval()'d.. well obviously if you know the wordpress option name being used.. Because it does THIS to check for non-activation:
if ( get_option( "page_expiration_robot__pro_vzcld_a"."ct"."iv"."a"."t"."i"."on" ) == "" || get_option( "page_expiration_robot__pro_vzcld_a"."ct"."iv"."a"."t"."i"."on" ) == "fedb2d84cafe20862cb4399751a8a7e3" ) { /* not activated */ }
So.. if you just get that option value.. you can basically put at the main plugin script, up the top after the first (wordpress required) comment
..or something. and hooray there goes wizshield, in the bin where it belongs..
Note to wizshield devs.. eval() is NOT a protection and neither is relying on hard coded wordpress options..
your "protection" needs to be much improved, you're selling this easy crackable "protection" that any half decent php coder can bypass..