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  1. [DIS]Metaverse Web 3.0 and Defi: A Fintech Masterclass (0 Replies)
  2. [DIS] Construction Project Cash Flow Forecasting($9.99) (1 Reply)
  3. [DIS] Event-driven microservices: Spring boot, kafka and elasticsearch ($9.99) (18 Replies)
  4. [DIS] Web security: Injection Attacks with Java and Spring Boot ($9.99) (1 Reply)
  5. [DIS] Microservices: Clean Architecture, DDD, SAGA, Outbox and Kafka ($9.99) (3 Replies)
  7. [DIS] 70 websites to get unlimited high quality royalty free images and stock videos $9.99 (11 Replies)
  8. [DIS] Recommendation system Real World Projects using Python (0 Replies)
  9. [DIS] Data Analytics Real-World Projects in python (0 Replies)
  10. [DIS] Time Series Analysis Real world use-cases in python | 100$-->> 10$ (1 Reply)
  11. {DIS] Data Science Real-World Use Cases - Hands On Python | 100$-->> 10$ (1 Reply)
  12. [DIS] Applied Machine Learning| 3 Real-World Projects using Python | 100$-->>10$ (1 Reply)
  13. [DIS] Machine Learning Real World projects in Python | 100$-->> 10$ (1 Reply)
  14. [DIS} Data Analysis Real world use-cases- Hands on Python | 100$-->> 10$ (1 Reply)
  15. [DIS] Time Series Analysis Real World Projects in Python | 100$-->> 10$ (1 Reply)
  16. [DIS] Natural Language Processing Real World Projects in Python (1 Reply)
  17. [DIS] Data Science Real World Projects in Python | 100$-10$ (1 Reply)
  18. [DIS] Spatial Analysis and Geospatial Data Science in Python (1 Reply)
  19. [DIS] Data Analytics Real-World Projects using python ($18-->$5)) (3 Replies)
  20. [DIS] Statistics for Data Science using Python |10 hours (20$--> 5$) (5 Replies)
  21. [DIS] Ethical Hacking: Dive into Injections by Java and Spring boot ($9.99) (3 Replies)
  22. [DIS] Insights from Data Using Excel ($9.99) (0 Replies)
  23. [DIS] Master Python Django Faster : For Basics of Database and Web Development ($ 19.99 > 9.99) (0 Replies)
  24. [DIS] Business Performance Review and Strategy Audit : Through Case Study ($ 19.99 > 12.99) (0 Replies)
  25. [DIS] Practical Problem Analysis : Through Case Study ($ 19.99 > 12.99) (0 Replies)
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