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02-21-2020, 07:38 AM
Post: #1
(req) $200 in 2 Hours - Glenn Osborn
anyone know what Glenn Osborns $200 in 2 Hours is all about ? or can obligingly share.. Thanks Love

02-21-2020, 10:17 AM
Post: #2
RE: (req) $200 in 2 Hours - Glenn Osborn
bump for this
02-21-2020, 12:04 PM
Post: #3
RE: (req) $200 in 2 Hours - Glenn Osborn
I hate blind copy. Whatever this is......bump this.
02-21-2020, 02:29 PM
Post: #4
RE: (req) $200 in 2 Hours - Glenn Osborn
"The Success You Seek Does Not Lie In a New Technique or Tool, But In Simple Daily Consistency."

$$$ [MVP Access] on MoneyVIPProgram.com $$$
02-24-2020, 07:29 AM
Post: #5
RE: (req) $200 in 2 Hours - Glenn Osborn
bump for this
02-24-2020, 09:34 AM
Post: #6
RE: (req) $200 in 2 Hours - Glenn Osborn
bump for this
02-24-2020, 10:31 AM
Post: #7
RE: (req) $200 in 2 Hours - Glenn Osborn
Good copy SofB jaja
02-25-2020, 07:52 AM
Post: #8
RE: (req) $200 in 2 Hours - Glenn Osborn
I'm also intrigued by this one...Anyone have any idea what this might be about?
Never heard about this guy before now.
Crazy how all his websites still look like they are from the nineties..lol
02-25-2020, 03:50 PM
Post: #9
RE: (req) $200 in 2 Hours - Glenn Osborn
(02-25-2020 07:52 AM)dstoltz Wrote:  I'm also intrigued by this one...Anyone have any idea what this might be about?
Never heard about this guy before now.
Crazy how all his websites still look like they are from the nineties..lol

Look at the URL---NLP/
04-24-2023, 07:48 AM
Post: #10
RE: (req) $200 in 2 Hours - Glenn Osborn
Yeah, I have this.

It's a 12 page pdf.

Here it is in all its glory.
Enjoy :)

$200 in 2 Hours

400 M*illion D*ollar Tightwad
Invents $200 in 2 Hrs Hobby For His 2
Sons - to Avoid P*aying Their Allowance.

Dear Friend,

Thank You to TIM and Several others who used the MAGIC  WORDS....

"I would P*ay you to Write up Emergency Cash Idea #1."

I sat down and Wrote it down for you.

Let me set the Scene.

Explain how I met Mr 400 M*illion Tightwad.


I S*old 1.2 M*illion D*ollars worth of Jay Abraham seminars as  a Telemarketer to tony robbins list and a few other gurus.

DID not take a dime for it.

I made a deal with Jay's #1 S*Alesman.

HE found Good prospects he couldn't close or who didn't have
the munny for a 15K bootcamp - flipped them to me.  (I closed them.  He got the  s*ale Munny.  I got a F-r-e-e Seat at the Seminar.)

INSTEAD of selling AT THEM.

I called them up to help them Make TWICE what the Bootcamp  COST.  Explaining that the ideas came from my going to Jay's  events.


Glad you asked.

I sent Fredericks of Hollywood RED and BLONDE wigs to Jay's female STAFFERS.  Who then gave me the times and ph #'s for  the Weekly Conference Calls - that I was NOT SUPPOSED to be  part of.

THIS ALLOWED me to Write down Literally 100's of munny  making ideas.
Which I wrote up into my 500.00 Newsletter.

"M*illionaire Mastermind Marketing Association Newsletter"

Jay did Not Allow SELLING at his events.


I printed out 100 Copies of my 25 Page Newsletter.  Fed Ex'd a  bankers box full to myself at the Double Tree Hotel in Los  

Then STALKED Each Attendee who Stood up and Shared How  they were making 5 or 6 or 7 figures.


STALKED isn't the right word.

Tip Toe-ed.

Hopped and skipped?

I "followed" each SUCCESSFUL PERSON out into the lobby or to  the Buffet.

Pulled a Copy of my Newsletter out of my inner suit pocket.

Said, "I am Jay's Unofficial Historian.  I Write down and share  the most successful Protege Munny Making Stories.  I have  
attended 3, 5, 7, 10 Events so far.


80% read the front page of Bullet Headlines and said, "Wow,  this is great.  HOW Much?"

I said, "500.00 for 12 issues a year."

AND THEY handed me 500 bucks - right there.

So I was making 50K a year from Newsletter Descriptions.

This is how I met Doug - Mr Tightwad.

He Stood up and Told us how he used Thank You Notes to  boost s*ales by 400 Million IN ONE YEAR in 3 new England  states.

Round of applause.

He sat down.

Nobody asked any Questions like, "HOW in HADES did you DO  that?"

So You ALREADY know the rest of the story of HOW I Found out  more from Doug.

I followed him outside where Doug was taking a Cigarette  Break.

Doug BOUGHT my Newsletter.

We went to lunch.

As we were swapping munny making stories - he told me how  his 2 sons where making 200 Bucks a day with a little strategy  he worked out TO AVOID P*AYING them an Allowance.

AND here is what Dougs Teen Aged Sons were doing all  summer.

As you can imagine.

200.00 a day in Cash over 2 months of summer vacation ADDS  UP.

Let's see now.

200 smackers X 5 days a week = 1000.00 a week.

Times 8 weeks = 8000.00 in C*Ash.

AND just to get Your GREED GLANDS going.  The two boys  continued to make 200.00 or more EVEN After School started.   Whenever they needed POCKET CHANGE.

STEP BY STEP Details on How Mr Tightwads EXTRA C*ASH  Strategy Is Done - Below....

STEP I - Find a Subway store near you.

STEP II - Ask them, "What are your top 2 Best Selling Subs?

STEP III - Locate a Subway store in easy walking distance of a  Bus Stop.

STEP IV - Get a Lunch Tray.  Buy 20 of the Best Selling Subs.  Pile  them on your Tray.  Carry them to the Bus Stop.

STEP V - Say, "Who is Hungry?"

STEP VI - Sell each sub for a 1.00 more than it c*ost you.



#1 - If someone says, "Hey, this is more than Subway charges." You say, "Go ahead and walk over there yourself. You might miss the bus."

#2 - If Someone does not like the top Two Choices. IF they  know when the bus  
arrives you can do a Special Order for them.

#3 - Doug's sons - Todd and Gary - discovered they could make  even more if they put A six pack of coke and Pepsi in a backpack.

50 cents more for a Coke or Pepsi.

BECAUSE people get thirsty after eating a Sub.

10+ Trips to a Bus Stop
During Drive time each morning.

New People waiting as each bus
Arrived and left - for different parts of town. Different times.



1.00 is not enough to make them WINCE at b*uying a subway sandwich.

HUMAN NATURE is a beautiful thing if you are an Entrepreneur!

AND just as Dr Tom Stanley says in his book, "The M*illionaire Next Door".

OFTEN there are brief WINDOWS of time - where a group assembles that you can sell to.

Like a group of Affluent Farmers who eat at the same Cafe Each  morning.
And the SMART Insurance Agent who gets up early to EAT there  too.  And ends up selling 100% of the group insurance.

This is one such 2 Hour Window of MOOLAH MAKING  Opportunity.

say this too.

In my 26 years of interviewing affluent small business owners.   THIS Subway Sandwich strategy is one of the Simplest,
Cheapest, Easiest, NO SELLING REQUIRED extra C*ash Ideas I have ever found.




A BIG Thank You BONUS...

We Consult with dozens of men and women Who do Dr to Dr or Telemarketing.


Some Kind of Sales to Home Owners.

We Have a 1 Page LED Report - Which Allows A S*ales Person to Say, "Hello, I will P*ay you 1000 Bucks - Mr/Ms Home Owner/Biz owner - for 2 Minutes of your time.

The Following Page is a ONE PAGE Added Value YOU Can Add to Your Marketing or S*ales.

ADDED BENEFIT - You Get Rapport AND Create Reciprocity. Who Do You Know Who Can Benefit From A ***200.00 in 2 Hours***

A 400 M*illion Dollar Tightwad Dad Created for his 2 Teenage Sons
So He Didn't Have to Pay Them An Allowance

AND here is what Doug-The-Tightwad Invented for his Teen Aged Sons to Make Extra Moolah Each Summer or Before School.

As you can imagine.

200.00 a day in Cash over 2 months of summer vacation ADDS UP.

Let's see now.

200 smackers X 5 days a week = 1000.00 a week.

Times 8 weeks = 8000.00 in C*Ash.

AND just to get Your GREED GLANDS going. The two boys continued to make 200.00 or more EVEN After School started. Whenever they needed POCKET CHANGE.

STEP BY STEP Details on How Mr Tightwads EXTRA C*ASH Strategy Is Done - Below....

STEP I - Find a Subway store near you.

STEP II - Ask them, "What are your top 2 Best Selling Subs?

STEP III - Locate a Subway store in easy walking distance of a Bus Stop.

STEP IV - Get a Lunch Tray. Buy 20 of the Best Selling Subs. Pile them on your Tray. Carry them to the Bus Stop.

STEP V - Say, "Who is Hungry?"

STEP VI - Sell each sub for a 1.00 more than it c*ost you.




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