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10-12-2020, 07:07 AM (This post was last modified: 10-12-2020 07:08 AM by Lumos.)
Post: #1
Lightbulb Marketing...Trust.
At the bottom line - marketing really IS ALL about trust.

People desperately want to believe there are shortcuts, and marketing relies upon taking advantage of this fact.
That is why and how 'shiny object syndrome' works so very well...for a time.

Sadly (for sellers), most folks do eventually wise up after buying bunches of useless junk from those honest-faced, smiling, lying gurus.

Members here are very, very fortunate though - because we get to see the same useless junk WITHOUT having to go broke in the process.

Of course there are the OTHER millions and millions of MMO wannabees who are NOT members here and likely will never find BBHF, so there's loads of unsuspecting folks who can be just about skinned alive by the IM gurus, so the gurus depend upon this to make their incomes.

OK - so what about here then ??
There's loads of different offers like GBs that are cheap enough to check out, BSOs from all over the planet, and so on - pretty much endlessly.

Speaking from personal experiences and learnings - after a few years of being a member here and seeing how IM (especially) thrives from vast exaggerations, overblown claims and outright lies - what becomes very rare is...

What also tends to vanish when anyone is totally profit-centered are compassion and decency - but I'll leave those 'till another time.

So, when anyone who is all about being truthful and open with integrity comes along to offer something - what are the (very natural) responses here ??

Try these on for size:
'Yeah, sure.'
'Looks too good to be true so it MUST be BS.'
'Just another bunch of lies.'
'Another bunch of BS like all the rest.'
And so on.

Here is what brought this to mind for me, very personally:
After years as a member here I finally felt sure enough about something that I know is really good - totally honest - and worthy of sharing with others here, as in ZERO BS.

Then I made the efforts to arrange it, and put my money down to get it posted here.

Results ??
Not much.
Then, seeing the responses told me what I now write of in this posting.
Even with the sort of reputation I've worked at creating here as a truthful and open member - others find trusting almost impossible to do.

This is OK with me because what I have gained for my investment is the learning described here - so the $$ spent DID bring me some value.

What saddens me about this experience is that I am offering something here that is truly so rare that most folks will never know about such an ability.

But...what really tickles me about this exact thing is that asking a lawyer about it brings a totally pissed off response...and why ??
Because such a thing stops them DEAD in their tracks - they cannot squeeze anything out of such a lawyer-proof thing.

Lastly for this post, I want to add that I totally agree with NOT trusting most (as in 99%+) IM baloney - and that in truth MMO is obviously NOT EASY.

BUT...there ARE some few of us here who avoid telling the IM lies because we know it will actually hurt us to do that no matter if it made money, or not.

Best Wishes to All !!

(Below this is my sig, which points to what I am offering, in case you may be curious...)
I totally despise board spammers and spambots !!!
10-12-2020, 05:59 PM
Post: #2
RE: Marketing...Trust.
So let's see if I get this straight:

You talk about trust... how it's lacking... how we're all exposed to vast exaggerations, overblown claims and outright lies... how compassion and deceny vanishes when you are totally profit-centered...

And so therefor... you go on to promote and ask ppl to pay you for your service "bulletproof US bank account - Never fear anyone ever freezing your money NO MATTER what happens to you due to a Judgment, Collection, Lien or Garnishment."


I'm sorry but anyone who can't see through this post ought to NOT be on the internet at all.

I wouldn't touch this with a tower-sized pole.
10-13-2020, 09:42 AM
Post: #3
RE: Marketing...Trust.
Thanks tomwheelskirt !!!
You provide EXACT and GLARING PROOF of what I asserted in the OP here - that is just SO COOL !!!

It was my BSO that helped me discover the dimensions of what I've posted about here, yes.

I wrote about all that too.
So - you either did not notice that clarity, or chose to ignore it so that you could aim your flaming at me - good work there buddy.

Speak for yourself...:
(10-12-2020 05:59 PM)tomwheelskirt Wrote:  I'm sorry but anyone who can't see through this post ought to NOT be on the internet at all.
I wouldn't touch this with a tower-sized pole.

Ah-hah - you did - and:
I thank you most sincerely.
I'm Perfectly Delighted NOT to even try to help you in any manner.
My sincerest thanks for pointing all this out.
I shall remain grateful for this info and be sure to remember you in all things here from now on.

Thanks Happydance Thanks
I totally despise board spammers and spambots !!!
10-14-2020, 05:08 AM
Post: #4
RE: Marketing...Trust.
I am fully aware of the "structures" that 'smithnowt' is referring to members of BBHF.

I have used these trust accounts numerous times.


Best wishes on your promotion, 'smithnowt'....


"Success leaves clues, but rarely within reach of a couch."
---Blair Warren
10-14-2020, 10:11 PM
Post: #5
RE: Marketing...Trust.

Not sure the method you are using, but as an "Entrepreneur", I have had to make sure my assets are protected well.

In the USA, there are more lawyers than the rest of the world COMBINED. Many work on Contingency, meaning they do NOT collect fees upfront, but get a percentage of what they recover.

This means that as you start to become more successful, you become a target for those people that would rather take what you have than go out and work to make their own wealth.

About 20 years ago, I paid a fair amount to go to a "Special Seminar" that taught me the basics of how to protect my backside. It all starts with the concept of Own Nothing, But Control Everything...

I can't say whether if the method you are offering is good or not. What I can say is, in today's world, you have got to learn to protect your financial future for yourself and your family. That does NOT mean buy insurance, but putting into place structures that people with wealth have already figured out and have paid big dollars to learn. Now you can gain from that experience for a fraction of the cost.

It's by no way my main line of work. I do digital marketing, help people build funnels and marketing machines that once setup can run on Autopilot. I also teach people how to build Internet businesses, AND I have a pile of websites that sell info products. But I have helped 3 people to set up the same basic structures I have set up and can attest to the fact this works.

I have been sued 2 times in the last 10 years and the entire cost to me was a grand total of about $400. No legal costs, not much time involved and was kind of fun as I got to suck the Lawyers in on the other side for a long time before I closed the door on them with the kiss of death in that they were going to make a whopping $200 for all the work they put in to try and steal my assets.

So, If you are NOT protected, then find a way to get yourself covered ASAP. Smithnowt's offer is low priced, so you may want to investigate it. I can't say if it will work or not as I don't know what he has on offer.

But get off your backside and do something.



Consistency builds momentum... And that’s how dreams become a reality.
10-16-2020, 09:29 AM
Post: #6
RE: Marketing...Trust.
Some great wisdom that you've shared here - Thanks GordonShumway !!!

This portion, is especially superb:
(10-14-2020 10:11 PM)GordonShumway Wrote:  About 20 years ago, I paid a fair amount to go to a "Special Seminar" that taught me the basics of how to protect my backside. It all starts with the concept of Own Nothing, But Control Everything...

I bet that same seminar here in 2020 would cost someone about an average year's income to attend !!

As for ourselves as relates with all this:
We are merely poor apartment dwellers at present with nothing very valuable, so the only thing worthy of very deliberate protection for us right now is what we entrust to the bankster's hands - and anyone who still thinks that banks are trustworthy and/or incorruptible in 2020 - well, better have a clearer think ASAP.

That is a starting point, and beyond it is learning how to create other structures for businesses, properties and other high-value things so that nobody can hijack them away from you...quite legally.

The question I suggest for everyone to ask themselves is this:
What would you do if you used your debit card at a store one day only to find it declined due to lack of funds - and then found out that your bank account balance had just become zero, without any warnings ?!?

That horrible situation is avoidable, and the solution can be gotten by clicking on my sig. here...but only if it is possible for you to have some trust in another BBHF member and if you truly value your confidentiality and privacy.

Best Wishes to All !!
I totally despise board spammers and spambots !!!
10-19-2020, 05:12 AM
Post: #7
RE: Marketing...Trust.
For those of you, sleeping on protecting your bank account, or any of you assets, WAKE THE FLUCK UP!!!!!

I'm currently in the process, of setting up protections for my Crypto Earnings, and will MOST DEFINITELY be taking OP up on his offer. Which is to trade an email address, plus a lousy $10, to gather some information.

That information in turn, if I act on it, may save me countless headaches, and hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in the long run.

In the past, in one fell swoop, I had almost a half million dollars taken from my bank accounts by government bureaucrats. Talk about a sick feeling in your stomach!

There are people in life, that want to TAKE EVERYTHING YOU HAVE. It may be due to jealousy, envy, hatred, or simply because they think they can get away with it. I don't know why, nor do I care why. I just know they're out there

You may not have hundreds or thousands of dollars to lose. Why are you here? Most of you, I suspect, are here looking for ways to get hundreds, thousands, or even millions of dollars. Why not learn to protect it now, before you get it?

If you have a bank account that you use on a regular basis, I don't care if you only keep $20 in it. It's YOUR MONEY and NO ONE has a right to it, except you! Learn to protect and keep what's yours.
10-19-2020, 12:57 PM
Post: #8
RE: Marketing...Trust.

Thanks for your very candid reply and PM Constantmoney !!!

We do not have much here to protect and just holding on to the abilities to have shelter, food and utilities is enough reason to keep our funds safe.

A lesson of mine that was very similar to what you shared above=>
Long ago I learned the hard way that it is possible for someone to LEGALLY STEAL what is yours by using the services of a greedy lawyer and thereby actually being able to take away LEGAL OWNERSHIP of your property with the force of courts and police to make it stick.
It is an experience which engraves itself into your memory forever.

Constantmoney is 100% correct - even if you've done nothing wrong of any sort, there are very dishonest people who literally live off of stealing from others via their lawyers and the courts.

This sort of thing does NOT seem likely to decent, honest folks, BUT:

That is how such horrible things sneak up and surprise good people.

Having your funds stored in such a way that someone who is that rotten cannot have their lawyers steal from you is a very good thing - and it is also what makes this type of account so rare.

AFAIK, 99% of all lawyers will get such accounts for themselves (if they know how to do it), but will NEVER make such accounts for their clients.

Get the idea ?!?
I totally despise board spammers and spambots !!!
10-31-2020, 01:07 PM (This post was last modified: 10-31-2020 01:11 PM by Lumos.)
Post: #9
Lightbulb RE: Marketing...Trust.
Now, back to the ideas of marketing and trust...

For some years I've made very good uses of IFTTT.

That site offered some really cool and useful ways to have an online recipe to do small and large actions repetitively by connecting with other existing services.
They had a huge array of things which could be connected too.

For free, it was really great...until=>
They killed off a bunch of things, like craigslist, some phone type things, and others which I had never needed or used from there.
I know, I know - for free, whadaya want, right ??

Using their site got kind of nasty too after they changed it to sort of hide lots of stuff and even searching there got so it wasn't worth bothering with anymore.

But from the user's POV, they've taken a big step in forcing folks like myself to choose whether or not to even use IFTTT anymore.
They are now imposing severe limits upon free users and going to a paid model for anyone wanting more than 3 connections.

For a day or so more folks can still get the next level of IFTTT for as 'low' as $24/year, then the set price of $3.99/month kicks in.
( https://ifttt.com/plans )

I've been getting hit with their sales pitch emails for weeks and frankly I cannot make myself see enough value in it anymore to spend money on it.

There is also this list to consider:

Here is an article which explains things about all this pretty well:

Very clever marketing on IFTTT's part - BUT:
How can they be trusted to give 'pro' pricing that'll stick around 'forever' when their original services have been cut and changed so radically as well as their telling folks they could use IFTTT for free....forever, which now it is NOT.
61heart 61heart 61heart 61heart 61heart 61heart 61heart
I totally despise board spammers and spambots !!!
03-13-2021, 01:13 PM
Post: #10
RE: Marketing...Trust.
Well, after ~5 months of endless contact about my BSO it just plumb wore me out and that thread is now closed.

I had thought that requiring folks to put up a little 'earnest money' to gain access might be enough - but I was very mistaken - most folks paid that little bit just so that they could kick the tires, and that was all for most of 'em.

Turns out that what WAS problematic in my offer was EXACTLY the topic of this thread:

To start with and as I've said - folks here are used to getting stuff for 100% free or very cheaply;
But beyond that, they are also quite accustomed to paging through falsehoods put out very earnestly by IMers and those endless lies are purely poisonous in every possible way.

Then silly old me comes along offering (as it happens) a TRUST service for making PERSONAL bank accounts which was absolutely 100% legit - yep, silly old me...
The service offered was totally personal for every buyer, and as it was legal services, not cheap either.


Now add in all the DIS-trust folks are used to around here, and that made the connection between getting a totally personalized service done for THEM and having to provide (off forum) personal info...almost 100% impossible for most folks - and why ?!?

Those folks could not TRUST enough to to get their own, PERSONALIZED TRUST documents.

After months and months of trying to ease those folks' worries, I've closed that thread.

'Tis a shame though, because mostly it is only lawyers who have the know-how to make trust structures, and they don't do it for clients - so the result is that the only types of folks who are so protected are those greedmongers who might as well be IM 'gurus' as slimy as most of 'em are.

(Before anyone takes issue with that last bit above=>
I've had an attorney as a client for my IT work for over 20 years - because he is NOT slimy at all, so I know at 1st hand that NOT all of 'em are slimeballs 'cuz I won't work for that sort at all.)
I totally despise board spammers and spambots !!!
