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08-11-2023, 10:33 AM (This post was last modified: 08-11-2023 10:34 AM by Lumos.)
Post: #1
Question I dare you.
Yeah - YOU - whomever you are.

I dare you to prove my assertions here WRONG:

1 - IM&MMO shiny object products and courses are truly, MOSTLY sold by folks whose 'systems' barely make them ANY $$;

2 - Grabbing and viewing GBs of supposed video 'training' is a great way to waste away one's life while gaining way too little in return;

3 - Truly simple, short methods to bring in moderate $$ just DO NOT exist;

4 - Using endlessly complicated methods with nested 'steps' is a grand way to become utterly discouraged;

5 - The internet giants (like amazon) constantly make sure to diminish the profitabilities of all things which benefit individuals;

6 - Most IM&MMO stuff depends upon you becoming obsessive to the point of beating your own head against the walls of the many obstacles.

What you say...too harsh ?!?

After checking out endless products, methods, programs and courses for YEARS here that is my POV.

So go ahead - show me some great stuff that a simpleton like myself can easily work on for a decently short while to bring in even some small $$ (and NO - this is NOT an invitation to point out fiverr and the like.)

Best Wishes to ALL !!

I totally despise board spammers and spambots !!!
08-11-2023, 01:53 PM (This post was last modified: 08-11-2023 01:56 PM by Expand.)
Post: #2
RE: I dare you.
(08-11-2023 10:33 AM)Lumos Wrote:  Yeah - YOU - whomever you are.

I dare you to prove my assertions here WRONG:

1 - IM&MMO shiny object products and courses are truly, MOSTLY sold by folks whose 'systems' barely make them ANY $$;

2 - Grabbing and viewing GBs of supposed video 'training' is a great way to waste away one's life while gaining way too little in return;

3 - Truly simple, short methods to bring in moderate $$ just DO NOT exist;

4 - Using endlessly complicated methods with nested 'steps' is a grand way to become utterly discouraged;

5 - The internet giants (like amazon) constantly make sure to diminish the profitabilities of all things which benefit individuals;

6 - Most IM&MMO stuff depends upon you becoming obsessive to the point of beating your own head against the walls of the many obstacles.

What you say...too harsh ?!?

After checking out endless products, methods, programs and courses for YEARS here that is my POV.

So go ahead - show me some great stuff that a simpleton like myself can easily work on for a decently short while to bring in even some small $$ (and NO - this is NOT an invitation to point out fiverr and the like.)

Best Wishes to ALL !!


Cannot disagree with anything you wrote here.

Ten years ago MMO ventures were a lot easier.

There is now so much nonsense being shared in the WSO section alone, I have wondered if the vendors are making any money at all selling them, such is the useless content they include.

Way too much competition now for newbies to get involved in selling on Amazon and eBay, for example.

Youtube is completely saturated as well for anyone without any social media following to promote their content.

All those rubbish "I asked ChatGPT to create a faceless youtube channel and I made XXX dollars" ( and similar) videos that keep appearing on my timeline.

Fiverr has way too much competition for newbies wanting to start a gig.

I was looking to get involved in a certain affiliate marketing course involving paid traffic, which seems to be the way forward these days, however, the vendor is apparently spending thousands a day on paid ads.

Now I have moved away from this area and am involved in a much more approachable program that has realistic aims, even for newbies.

Just my quick thoughts on this matter!
08-15-2023, 11:19 AM
Post: #3
Exclamation RE: I dare you.
Dare remains unmet...just as expected.
I totally despise board spammers and spambots !!!
09-24-2023, 04:25 AM
Post: #4
RE: I dare you.
well your dare is now met because you are wrong on all points unless you can explain in detail of your experiences and specific methods or courses that don't work. someone who writes something like this tells a lot about a person and so does what expand wrote who agrees with your points.

here is the simple fact. just because something doesn't work for you doesn't mean it doesn't work and we have to apply this as the basis to anything we do in life. for instance, i can't hit a home run out of dodger stadium but it doesn't mean other people can't. they do it all the time.

we are not just talking about tools(methods and courses) but also skills which take a lot of time to acquire and master

i find those who struggle the most do NOT have a business mind. it doesn't come natural to them and therefore the struggle even with the most simple instruction even if those instruction are step by step because they make excuses to do things their way on some steps and they choose to skip steps sometimes and they don't have the patience do do some of the work. and even if it's not step by step, they are just incapable of thinking outside the box.

making money only for me boiled down to one simple concept. find a need and fill it's that simple. it's not rocket science and a 5th grader can make money online without much effort. but that 5th grader still needs the tools AND skills which includes being able to follow STEP BY STEP and/or thinking outside the box.

i loved money my whole life even though i never knew what to spend it on. i just liked it and would always just save it and i saved a shit ton. starting when i had a paper route at age 13. around the same time, i would also collect newspapers door to door with a wagon and recycle them. around the same time in jr. high i would take my lunch money before school, go to 7-11 and buy little candies for .05-.10 and resell them for double that at school so i can fund my video games before and after school and also have enough money for lunch before lunch time. when i was reading the business section of the l.a. times every day when i walked to school 7 blocks away. was reading warren buffet books after high school at the library. so i can start investing the money i saved and learned my favorite technique from him which was "rolling stocks". i started my own business after i dropped out of college. it was a website creation business and i added seo services later on. i started small offering services for free and just grew from there. i had sold my clients(well most of them) when i moved to missouri and started learning affiliate marketing and then eventually learned list building and email marketing.

i learned ALL this stuff on my own. it was easy for me because i was already business minded. was born that way and comes more natural to me. other people have to learn it and practice it. they have to go through a series of mistakes in which they need to learn from in order to get better at what they do

when i learned all this stuff and how to make money all on my own, i seriously wonder what the point is to a post like this where people are saying the need other people to help them make money. sure it can help some people but it doesn't help all people following other peoples instructions.

what i realized watching people is that some things get lost when people are looking for what this post suggests doesn't exist and that is THE RIGHT MIND SET and THE RIGHT PERSPECTIVE. with those two things, anyone can accomplish ANYTHING they put the mind to. that's a FACT. that isn't some pipe dream. ask successful people how they became successful. if they say anything other than the right mind set and perspective then they are lying to you and you are talking to the wrong people.

learning anything takes patience and there is no magic bullet. if you fail to learn the right mindset and perspective first, the chances are high you will fail at most everything you put your mind to.

this sounds more like a pity post which is also made from ignorance. so sure of ones self that you are right so you needed to post about it. well, to that i say get the F*** off your high chair and start afting like an adult man or woman.

if i gave someone a dollar and i said go double it, most anyone can do that. i was doing that shit before i was a teenager. the same concept applies to $100 and/or $1000. it's the same exact thing as doubling a dollar except it takes longer because it's 100x or 1000x.

when i see a post like this, i think of people in other countries like the philippines or india or china where people get online and make a shit ton of money. the latest craze for the last decade for these poor people living in poor countries is creating a youtube channel. it's the easiest shit a person can do when people own NOTHING to their name. they find a demand and fill it and it doesn't cost them a dime unless they want to scale. the age of the internet gave these opportunities to EVERYONE.

if i had a gun to your head and your family member's heads and i told you i am going to start pulling the trigger unless you make $1000 this month online either by following a method or course or thinking outside the box. are you going to fail when you and everyone you love is in jeopardy. for most people, HELL NO. for some, yes. but just because some people will fail and ultimately die doesn't mean others will too.

i was just going to post in general but just for kicks and giggle, it's go through the 6 points....

1 - IM&MMO shiny object products and courses are truly, MOSTLY sold by folks whose 'systems' barely make them ANY $$;

that is relative to the person making money or not making money is this point is useless. it's an opinion and not fact.

2 - Grabbing and viewing GBs of supposed video 'training' is a great way to waste away one's life while gaining way too little in return;
this depends on what a person wants to accomplish with their life. if they want to learn a skill then it's not useless. if they want to get a taste of what's out there and ideas to make money, it's not useless. this is also relative to any 1 person while everyone is different with different fulfillments and goals in life

3 - Truly simple, short methods to bring in moderate $$ just DO NOT exist;

this is a blanket statement insinuating ALL short methods and so this is obviously not a true statement coming from a person who spent most of his life using short simple methods starting when i was a teenager

4 - Using endlessly complicated methods with nested 'steps' is a grand way to become utterly discouraged;

this depends on the person and how capable they are in following instructions so this is kinda pointless to to bring up and make an arguement.

5 - The internet giants (like amazon) constantly make sure to diminish the profitabilities of all things which benefit individuals;

i am not quite sure what you mean by this but i have made money from amazone before and i was satisfied. this is a free market and amazon is a business and the point to any business is to make money for themselves....not other people. in fact, amazone is a great way for newbies to make money with this so called internet giant and you will never have to worry about not getting paid. they are trust worthy and respectable when working with them.

6 - Most IM&MMO stuff depends upon you becoming obsessive to the point of beating your own head against the walls of the many obstacles.

haha i can understand why someone can think this way but this is absolutely not true. in fact, what you just said could be applied to ANYTHING someone is trying to learn for the first time on their own. so your last point is false too. but this last point pointed to one of your problems. you insinuates that these points come from YOUR experience. you becoming obsessive is on you and in YOUR control. it clearly shows you not having the right mindset and perspective

the last point is important to note because nobody should ever be listening to ANYONE with the wrong mindset and perspective.....with their own lives and life in general.

although i disagree HIGHLY with the original post and all of it's points, i find it an educational moment to turn something negative in to something more positive for those who can see this post as a learning experience.

here is an example for you lumos....

where is your blog? you like to write and write and write on this forum. you have a unique way at looking at things. you not only belong here and possibly paid for vip but you are a member of the vip site and had to pay for that too. you have started a lot of interesting threads here that don't pay you for your time. what can? writing in a simple measly blog and then monitizing the blog. sure, you have to learn a little seo and shit just like everyone else does with their blog so you're seen and so your articles and what you write about is organically seen but people do this every day. it's one of the most simple methods and i advise everyone to start out that way because it's SIMPLE. but people are master excuse makers lumos and you are included in that group who hasn't learned yet not to make any excuses for your made decisions. i can see how one can think this way and post what you did. i actually fully understand it but just because something is a struggle and hard to do for some people doesn't means it's that way for everyone

like i said before....there is no magic bullet in success. it's a bunch of little things combined and rolled up in to one big thing where you will find your success. i can write a book on those little things we need to learn along the way but i did mention. he two most important and that is mindset and perspective and someone with experience being obsessed doesn't have either so you need to think about that lumos

this post isn't to discredit you as i already said i understand where this post comes from. i don't spend much time here anymore because this forum turned to shit with bad moderating and bad implimentation of rules for group buys and bso's and the eventual gradual loss of extremely great member who left this place because of how poorly run it has been. so i don't see that many posts i can respond to that can be a good reminder to others and something that can help someone move forward with making money online. so when i see an opportunity, i like to take that chance in home my post DOES help someone. that's been my main goal here on this forum and still is even if i have to shoot from the hip and correct someone and tell it how it REALLY is. and this is not an arguement or debate either. you can disagree with me and that's perfectly fine too but ignorance wont be bliss here when the same problems keep holding the same people back in life and what they are putting efforts in to the wrong way. you spoke from your experience and i spoke from mine and i gave specific examples and fact to support what i said while you did not which i am sorry to say makes what you said less credible.

so you threw down a dare and i accepted the challenge and although my response was more general than specific, i think it was enough to prove my point and i think anyone reading this who chooses to be honest with themselves cannot deny anything i said here today. i just hope it can make people think so that they may be able to think in a different way and not the creature of habit which creqated the rut they feel they are in.
You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone that can never repay you
09-24-2023, 04:58 AM
Post: #5
RE: I dare you.
you want proof you have the wrong mindset and persepctive and how wrong you are?

you totally discredited fiverr(i didn't notice that at first) when you said "(and NO - this is NOT an invitation to point out fiverr and the like.)"

this is EXACTLY what i was talking about when i said some people just refuse to do the things that work for whatever excuses they are making that day to fail. i've made money on fivver and i actually showed my girfriend how to make money on fiver being the writer she was and still is. she made a lot of extra money with fiverr alone being a ghost writer and tutor and editor. but you don't like fiverr for whatever reason.....just like you don't like most other thing as you plainly pointed out in the points in your post.

i am curios. do you see the problem with your own self rather than blaming others and other things or do you really not see the problem. there was also not 1 positive thing you said in your post as if you have learned nothing from the methods or course you have gone through except for all the negative things you mentioned. you have a negative tone to a lot of your other posts too. i have a simple line in my profile you can learn from. "we are what we think about". so think about that .

while i told you how my girlfriend made money on fiverr after i showed her how, the way i made money was mass posting plr shit i would find on this forum with resellers rights. but you don't want to do that or fivver..... just because this is YOUR choice and in YOUR control doesn't mean anything you said in your point within your post is true. in fact, any normal person can see you are making excuses and your excuses are part of the problem. be honest with yourself and stop being in denial blaming other people and other things because as long as you are making excuses and in denial, all that shit you are creating for yourself including the negative mindset and negative perspective is going to bleed in to every aspect of your life. that shit is a distraction to success so stop doing it and learn how to think the RIGHT way so you wont have anymore excuses and you can do things the RIGHT way without any of the negative distractions. sounds like your best quality is "hope" but hope only gets you so far and sure as hell wont do the work for you.... you're always hoping that this next method or course is going to be different and you will find success with it.

i don't wanna write this second post without giving you another example of a very simple method. take a course or method and run it through chat gpt. you don't even have to create your own twist. just reward the whole thing and go on gumroad and sell it. it doesn't get any easier than that bro. if you want more traffic, create a youtube channel and talk about some shit in the method or cours and point the viewers to your course on gumroad. do the same thing with a website for more traffic. if you want more traffic, promote it in facebook groups that are related to the niche. JUST DO SOMETHING RATHER THAT SIT THERE WRITING SOME SHIT ABOUT THIS SHIT DONT WORK.
09-24-2023, 10:07 AM (This post was last modified: 09-24-2023 10:09 AM by Lumos.)
Post: #6
Star Or, as the song says...
I see that CK has pitched in here with his incredible rambling rants=>
Thanks CK !!

Good fortune has it such that I really no longer NEED to chase rainbows.

In terms of simple practicalities it would certainly be possible for me to scrape in a few shekels via fiverr - this is well known to most BBHF members, hence no need to flog that subject IMO.

As to the rest of IM and MMO, the most obvious problem as revealed here at BBHF is that even with almost a million members there is just about zero being shared from the places of actual success.

What there IS in great multiplicity is what I refer to as 'wheel spinning'.

I consider myself immensely fortunate in that I need not any longer expend my life energies uselessly, just doing SOMETHING for its own sake.

Going around in circles endlessly and aimlessly makes for a wasted life, and that sort of useless activity for its own sake is absolutely everywhere.

A superb example of that can be seen right here at BBHF by just bringing up the new posts list and sorting it by forum.
Most days the 'WSOs BSOs JVzoo and Early Bird Products; section has over 300 'new' entries, most of which have over 1000 views - and in paging through all the sections just ONE thing is totally missing all the time - members sharing their ACTUAL successes.

In recent years I have learned that it is possible to get wonderfully great fuel efficiency with my ancient car - and how is this accomplished ??
By simply allowing it to stay parked for a week at a time.

I apply that same methodology to my life choices.
Instead of racing around in circles, it is 100% possible for me to be content sitting quietly and reading.
Reading about others who race all around chasing rainbows (or whatever) is as close as I wish to get to such wasteful activities.

Here is the song I refer to:

( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOwFVowEugQ
I totally despise board spammers and spambots !!!
09-24-2023, 10:18 AM
Post: #7
Lightbulb RE: I dare you.
And BTW=>
LEAST interesting to me is chatgpt and other supposed ai things.

YES, it IS artificial - but NO, it is NOT intelligence.

Many folks like to get all excited about fads...
Remember hulahoops and pet rocks ??
All this supposed ai is just like that.

None for me, thanks.
I totally despise board spammers and spambots !!!
10-09-2023, 08:19 PM
Post: #8
RE: I dare you.
I was about to create a thread about the best method that is a REALLY good source of income, and I found this thread.

Thank you for knowing that I'm not the only one who questions how hard it is to make money and thank you CK for showing me that it's just a limiting belief of mine.

Lots of things to change internally in order to create the reality I desire externally.
11-01-2023, 01:54 PM
Post: #9
RE: I dare you.
that last line you wrote was very perceptive of you and i agree totally. not just with you. for everyone. that's why when i try to help people, i first try to focus on mindset. it's key to everything.

one of the reasons why it's hard to find a method that works is that people are so focused on the "method" that they are distracted in what is right in front of their eyes. the fact that someone made money off someone else selling that method. people have tunnel vision when it's so important to be an out of the box thinker. i was never like this myself that i can recall but i understand a lot of the problems just from talking to people. you aren't alone but i wouldn't seek validation from lumos or whoever he will be calling himself tomorrow. he changes his name often because he wants to be anonymous and afraid to be known and paranoid about people watching and tracking him and conspiracy theories. don't be influenced by people like this or seek validation from the crazy haha.

if you need any help or guidance, you can always pm me. people don't need a "method" per se because a method is just one piece of the puzzle. people need to combine that method with other things to be successful.

if i ask someone what a fulfilled life is where someone can be truly happy, they can't do that because there isn't just 1 thing that someone does to lead a happy and fulfilled life it's a multiple of thing. it's also relative to a person seeking that happiness and fulfillment because everyone is different and has different individual strengths and weaknesses and it's up to us individuals to really figure out what our are internally for us. some people aren't meant to be doing certain methods in life because they wouldn't be good at them. and not in their strength wheel house. so when they try to do something that they aren't good at they are going to fail. it's not for a lack of trying. it's from a lack of being naturally good at what they are trying to learn and practice. that's why for the most part it isn't the method, it's the person

lumos threw down a challenge that nobody accepted but me. i didn't understand his response but it had the same negative tone as his original post. there isn't anything that's gonna make this dude happy haha if he didn't want a response, why did he ask for one? i am glad you got something out of my response though. i just try to get people to think and sometimes i have to get personal and sometimes create a little drama to get peoples attention and focused on what i am trying to get across.

(10-09-2023 08:19 PM)senhor_milagre Wrote:  I was about to create a thread about the best method that is a REALLY good source of income, and I found this thread.

Thank you for knowing that I'm not the only one who questions how hard it is to make money and thank you CK for showing me that it's just a limiting belief of mine.

Lots of things to change internally in order to create the reality I desire externally.
You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone that can never repay you
11-01-2023, 02:24 PM
Post: #10
RE: I dare you.
if you like slowing down your life doing little to nothing, that is perfectly fine. it's your life but people don't become fulfilled that way. content? yea. peaceful? yea. happy? probably not. so there are benefits to it but to me, the negatives outweigh the benefits and it's not very productive or a way to give back to society and help others.

what i want to focus on here though is that you brought up the "success" of others that isn't be posted. why does other people's success need to be posted? especially on a share thread? in almost all of my helping shares, i have posted about my own success in little bits and pieces. i don't even like doing that but i only want to talk about what i know. i have also done reviews on shares. but i understand your point. a review is not the same as trying to fully impliment something and find success in it so we can post about it.

for what you are looking for, i will direct you to the journey section in vip where people will post their journey's and successes along with their failures. that's exactly what you said you were looking for that you also said was non existant here. that was false information because we have a whole section just for that.

and i also know it's false information because i have posted about my success in what i have done in the past before and what works. but i also put in the actual work to learn how to build websites and do seo.

but what i don't understand is why are other people successes important to you? why does it matter to you? do you think other peoples successes or failures prove anything to anyone? all people have their own strengths and weaknesses and those things will reflect what they are good at and how well they do something. everyone is different so why are other peoples successes important? in my opinion it's not important at all. when we focus on others or even try to compare others to ourselves, it's a distraction to who we are and if we are distracted in who WE are as iunique individuals, we can't be focused on what we need to be focused on for that success we are looking for(or what i would call fulfillment). fulfillment that fills that empty hole inside us all until we start practicing what we are meant to be doing in this life.

it's interesting how you call my posts incredible rambling rants when they are specifically designed to help others. but you did always have a negative attitude towards life where people and even life was out to get you to where you would never find success yourself. you always have this angry and resentful tone about you which in my opinion has held you back to where now you enjoy nothing but reading and being content alone except when you come on here to secretly seek attention from others.

here is the fact though. you threw down a challenge and i took you up on it....but from your point of view, it wasn't good enough because you threw it in the box called "rambling rants". i never did say you would get anything from it or even agree with me. it wasn't intended for you if you got nothing from it actually....but designed more for the open minded who hasn't quite given up on their life yet like you have. it's unfortunate because you are a smart dude and sometimes very interesting with a unique perspective. but your negativity creates failures here on this forum....not successes. you seem to think that just because you failed at everything you tried here, everyone else has to fail and no methods work and that is utterly ridiculous! and if others feed in to that bullshit, they aren't gonna succeed either. negative thinking is a disease and it spreads like wildfire. so i gladly responded to your challenge to give people some help and guidance and hope where you yourself failed in doing so.....and in fact accomplished the exact opposite

in this world there is called balance so i added some balance to your original post by responding and taking you up on your challenge and i succeeded in doing just that even if you have labeled it "rambling rants" and disregarded it. by me responding right now, i know you wont see the error of your ways which is perfectly fine....but others will and that is all that matters here so they aren't distracted by the b.s. that's out there trying to influence them to failure.....

(09-24-2023 10:07 AM)Lumos Wrote:  I see that CK has pitched in here with his incredible rambling rants=>
Thanks CK !!

A superb example of that can be seen right here at BBHF by just bringing up the new posts list and sorting it by forum.
Most days the 'WSOs BSOs JVzoo and Early Bird Products; section has over 300 'new' entries, most of which have over 1000 views - and in paging through all the sections just ONE thing is totally missing all the time - members sharing their ACTUAL successes.

Reading about others who race all around chasing rainbows (or whatever) is as close as I wish to get to such wasteful activities.

Here is the song I refer to:

( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOwFVowEugQ
You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone that can never repay you
