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05-26-2013, 02:02 AM
Post: #1
Rainbow HUge list to ping? Clean? Blackhat advise for a White Hat Idea

This no doubt has been covered somewhere before but I hope to get a 2013 perspective on this.

I have a large list of past customers and I have not touched the list in over 2 years.


Yes yes I know many will say the list is dead but that is not true.

My email is 10 years old and still use - because i did not spread it around.

All my database customers are not tech, internet, money marketers, get rich quick guys..

It is managers workers plumbers electricians, fridgys, sparkys etc, small self employed or working on staff in a skilled hands-on job.

But the list is 3 years old plus and is very large.

How do i -

1st see if emails are still used or in the email servers database?
2nd check if the addresses are able to be sent email - direct to inbox..


How to not be spam! This is vital and although my list is large i will only be sending in an appropriate way and not all overnight.

How to clean this list and then email all these guys and not break any current rules....

I need to email them first a notice.. I intend to have not url or link in the first message..

Just a remove from list or they can reply to my first email..

Those that reply get another message updating them on my sites, product and ability to be on the subscription again.


I need 'White Hat" results..

But things are grey out there..

Any help is appreciated.

Advise or offers of services to best use my database are FULLY appreciated!

05-26-2013, 10:41 PM
Post: #2
What I would suggest is just mail the data once with a simple, "Hey, long time no see!" or some other similar generic statement. After doing so, you go back through you logs and parse out any hard bounces, leaving you with nothing but your deliverables (email addresses that can still be sent to). Also, you could always run a re-opt-in campaign. If you run a re-opt campaign, make sure you throw a snippet in your email reminding them of they got on your list, otherwise - it probably won't be so successful. Good luck.
05-30-2013, 12:37 PM (This post was last modified: 05-30-2013 12:42 PM by martialarm.)
Post: #3
DO programs like this still work?

Bulk Mailer 8.4 - Mass Email Sender

Or are the email spam, verification methods and google - yahoo mail too advanced these days?

Is it correct that the most important is the IP address you are sending from, the senders email address having a clean history and lack of spam keywords and known spam links in the body of the message the most important factors.

Software cannot address these points only a good message from a reliable sending service from a good IP address...

Am i missing something or is this correct?


Also what I really need at this first point of my list and database is an

Email Verifier


I searched for a crack in this forum but no result. Does anyone have a suitable verify program to check a large list so it is ready to be emailed to?
