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07-14-2013, 05:50 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-14-2013 01:26 PM by StevieRay.)
Post: #1
It's all about this post here! [GET] VIRALPLAYBOT from goodapprentice : http://bestblackhatforum.com/Thread-GET-Viral-Play-Bot and this comment by THESCHOCKER ! Misunderstanding what i mean! No Offence! Thx for the comment THESCHOCKER < Shows YOU CARE! ;-) SCHOCKER WROTE! Well the moral of this story is that there are people in the "VIP" area that are there for one thing to spy to try to keep their content away from the black hat forum. So even if shares are not leaked outside the VIP area it appears with the "spys" whom are in the "VIP" area will try their best to ensure it will not be shared either in the VIP area on anywhere else on this forum. So even if a super top secret area was developed the members of the VIP that are there to spy will find that out. Unfortunately folks as I stated in my previous post there is no way and I mean no way to protect digital content. All it takes is one person to get on a file sharing site with the content you have attempted to protect. Even so with this forum with the "VIP" area. All it takes is one person to share something which in this case from my understanding is what has happened in this thread. As far as leachers etc. I was a member of several BH forums. I have contributed to this forum numerous times using a different names. This is hands down the BEST BHF that I have come across. But you have to think of this whole thing as a game. Trying to catch that elusive mouse. You think you have him cornered under the rug and you pounce on that area only to find that he is no longer there and but is under the table. As far as a solution to this sharing problem.... well just like my first post on this matter digital content.... if you chose to create it be prepared to have it shared with the masses for free. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- by "KissMyAss" aka "CopyMyCash" as of this morning! Guy's LET me explain once more! This EWHORE "LinkWhizz" is the owner of the shit! as you could have read in the posts before! This MF is using US as VIRAL BUZZ , MARKETING BITCHES, SECURITY HACKERS THAT TEST HIS F****** SITE! AND treats Us as SHIT BY LYING HIS WHOLE FAMILY OF WHORES AND DOWN GAYS! (no offence!) AS EXAMPLE! AND USES US LIKEWISE! BY EVEN OFFERING JV ON THE UPCOMMING LAUNCH! AUGUST 7 It was planned! THIS SOCALLED EWHORE WITH HIS PARTNERS! PAYED $50 to BECOME VIP! Not for SPYING BUT BUILDING CREDIBILITY! YOU ALL TRUST THE F****** VIP EWHORE! Because his name wares VIP! By doing this yesterday! The name of his launch gets buzzed~! Right! Check a new launch and BBHF is on page 1! OK, By posting stuff that launches in +/- 3/4 weeks from now! You wake up SLEEPING! EWHORE'S! (dog's) THEY DELETE THERE SHIT, NOW THEY KNOW WERE THEY HAVE LEFT THE DOOR OPEN! BECAUSE THEY ARE F****** LYING THIEF FROM THE ONES WITH THE LEAST $$$$$ ! OK! Also we all Reply and thanks and so on with the name of his shit in the treath BUILDING THEM FREE TRAFFIC CAUSE GOOGIE SLUT! LOVES THE VIRAL BUZZ WE ARE CREATING! SOFTWARE WILL BE ALTERED IN THE COMING WEEKS, THERE WILL BE IN AUGUST ELITE DEVELOPER MULTISITE LIFETIME UPDATES V11 LAUNCHED! GET IT! .... So for $50 he get's a massive viral buzz created! REMEMBER LAUNCH IS IN AUGUST ITS JULI NOW! SECURITY WILL BE TIGHT ASS THE FUCKERS *****! AND WE HAVE OLD NO GOOD S***** SOFTWARE! THE TALK ABOUT THE SOFTWARE GONE AND REQUEST FOLLOWING AND THE V5 and Updated Version Talk CREATES FREE MARKETING ADVERTISMENT! STILL WE ARE BEFORE LAUNCH DATE! <<< WEEKS ..... AND 7 DAYS BEFORE :LAUNCH ! THE EWHORE AND THIEF WILL GIVE AWAY REVIEW COPYS ABOUT HIS LATEST WORLD CHANGING SOFTWARE ! AND GIVE THE CHANGE TO JV WITH THIS STINKING EWHORE LYER HIMSELF! SO YOU ALL CAN MAKE HIM $$$$$$$$ AND GET PENNIES ON RETURN! SO YOU MAKE A THIEF AND A EWHORE ON CRACK RICH! AND GET FUCKED IN YOUR ASS AND TREATHEND IN RETURN! NOT BAD FOR $50 Bucks Keeping in mind that 500 followers on whatever social network COST you $150 at least! SO YOU SEE ITS ABOUT ETHICS ! THE EWHORE IS AFRAID HE WILL GET FUCKED WHEN HE COMES STEALING OUR CASH! (HE'S AFRAID NOT CAN GET MORE THEN HE's AL READY GOING TO!) When LAUNCHDATE IS AT ETA COUNTDOWN!!! ROGER!!! PRODUCT LAUNCHED! PICKPOCKETING IHAS STARTED!!!! SO EVEN F****** GREEDY NO GOOD EHORE THIEF ALSO! THE MEMBER CLAIMING TO NOT LEECH! STUPID FUCKS DESTROY WHAT WE A BBHF MEMBERS FAMILY HAVE BUILT IN ALMOST 3 YEARS! AND EVEN CLAIMING THAT THEY KNOW WHAT THEY TALK ABOUT! WHILE OTHER MEMBERS NEWBIE OR VIP DOESNT MATTER PUT F****** EFFORT IN TRYING TO GET IT THROUGH THE OPEN SLOES BOXXXESES !!!V AND SHARE WITH US ALL! SO ITS NOT ABOUT GETTING ANGRY ITS SHARED OUTSIDE THE VIP BUT BEING USED AND FUCKED IN THE ASS AND LOSING IN THE END THE COMPANY OF ALL YOU BBHFMEMBERS AND FRIENDS THAT ARE FAMILY! WE ARE THE BIGGEST FAMILY BASED SHARING COMMUNITY IN THE WORLD !!! YOU TELL ME WICH ONE IS THE SAME AS BESTBLACKHATFORUM ??? AND I AM F****** PROUD TO BE A FATHER BROTHER BABY NICE GRAMNDPA WHATEVER IN THIS COMMUNITY! THATS WHAT COUNTS AND NOT HIS F****** PRODUCT GETTING OUT OF VIP! NO THE RATS AND USELESS FUCKS ! SMILLING AT US AND F*** YE FROM BEHIND IN YOUR MOUTH! (THATS ART ALMOST) SO I HOPE I EXPLAINED SOME STUFF! "EWHORES LEECHERS AND THIEFS! ___ " KISSMYASS" GOT YE PIC! WHILE DOING SO ON MY AVATAR! BECAUSE YOU LIKE IT SO MUCH! FOR ALL OTHERS! CONTRIBUTING AND HONEST FAMILY WORTHY MEMBERS AND FRIENDS! "CopyMyCash" aka KissMyAss ------ Signing out! >>>>>> For now! ALSO THANK! "ASHWIN77" < Newest VIP Member! and "JBrown63" aka "Johnny63" THE EWHORES ARE THE LEECHERS! THEY WILL KNOW! AND "LinkWizz" Owner of this Boroing product! Downlaod and share as much as you can before! August 7 and even befor next week! Think Launch Date will be FAST! hahahaha May He Not Make A pennie! At least not USE US ALL AS SHIT! HERE YOU GO ALL, ENJOY! "KissMyAss" DOWNLOAD AND SHARE : ELITE V5 DEVELOPER VERSION AND MANUAL! Hey linkwhizz, Up to a game? All your plugins freshly downloaded from the pages... :-) WHERE IS THE SOFTWARE???? SCROLL A FEW POSTS DOWN AND I AM SURE OUR GREAT FAMILY HAS A WORKING COPY! (DL LINK) POSTED 4 U! Cheers, Johnny63 and Here some more! Enjoy! "CopyMyCash" If you like this post share with the world! Tell everybody this is FREE for Now! ;-) PS BONUSSES NICE ONES !!! SHARED IN LEECHERS POST BY ME! Here: http://bestblackhatforum.com/Thread-GET-Viral-Play-Bot like 8 or so! |
07-14-2013, 06:29 AM
Post: #2
What is it all about?I read it throught google translate into my language but i still not understand what this text mean.I only see a lot of bad words.
07-14-2013, 06:34 AM
Post: #3
It's all about this post here! [GET] VIRALPLAYBOT from goodapprentice : http://bestblackhatforum.com/Thread-GET-Viral-Play-Bot
07-14-2013, 06:37 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-14-2013 06:42 AM by Catzzz123456 aka RusCat.)
Post: #4
I see this thread but i dont understand what is happening.And much post in that thread like - "love you dumb ass linkwhizz","leecher","bullshit".I dont understand at all this thread.
--------------------- I only see that you crush his sales. |
07-14-2013, 07:00 AM
Post: #5
LinkWhizz owns "Viral Pay Bot" (Viral Play Bot topic) plugin. He thinks that we are all here assholes. He even paid for their VIP status to infiltrate here and watched what was happening. He hopes that we will find security holes. And then he corrected them. On the other hand, he's doing a commercial for the plugin itself. And so on. Are you now understand?
REMEMBER: If you invest now you are a Guaranteed Millionaire
http://bestblackhatforum.com/Thread-If-y...illionaire |
07-14-2013, 07:31 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-14-2013 07:32 AM by StevieRay.)
Post: #6
07-14-2013, 07:33 AM
Post: #7
THE REST DOWNLOAD AND SHARE POST AND GIVE AWAY THIS ELITE DEVELOPER VERSION FOR FREE WEREVER YOU CAN! DOWNLOAD AND SHARE : ELITE V5 DEVELOPER VERSION AND MANUAL! Hey linkwhizz, Up to a game? All your plugins freshly downloaded from the pages... :-) Uploadseeds mirror: http://www.uploadseeds.com/download/1Y4L...ot-pac.rar Cheers, Johnny63 and Here some more! http://uploadmirrors.com/download/TTMH3T...AYBOT_.rar Enjoy! "CopyMyCash" If you like this post share with the world! Tell everybody this is FREE for Now! ;-) PS BONUSSES NICE ONES !!! SHARED IN LEECHERS POST BY ME! Here: http://bestblackhatforum.com/Thread-GET-Viral-Play-Bot |
07-14-2013, 07:54 AM
Post: #8
listen BBHF army, spread this like a virus kgo
07-14-2013, 08:09 AM
Post: #9
(07-14-2013 07:00 AM)vipteam Wrote: @Catzzz123456I understanded that we must crushing his sales.If yes its not cool.Because it may be valuable product. I cant understand main post because i dont know fully english language. |
07-14-2013, 11:59 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-14-2013 12:36 PM by StevieRay.)
Post: #10
Do what you want this guy might have a great sc4ript! HE JUST COULD HAVE ASKED! ;-)
I DONT SEE HIS REACTION ANYWHERE ANYMORE! USING US AS HIS BITCHES IS HE NUTS OR WHAT! MFING LEECHERS AND THIEFS THEMSELVES! I SHARE IT AND HOPE IT WILL SHOW UP ON THE INTIRE INTERNET! BECAUSE ITS SO F****** COOL SOFTWARE! "KissMyAss " aka "CopyMyCash" GUYS THIS POST AND THE COMBINED REPLYS FROM ME JOHNNY63 and ASHWIN77 ARE THE ONLY WORKING DOWNLOADS! MIRROR THEM AND SHARE! REMEMBER SHARING IS CARING! ;-) F*** ALL LEECHERS! Bonus 1 – Viral Marketing Exposed Viral_Marketing__50390cbcbc9c7 Need More Traffic, Optins and Sales? You’re About To Discover, From This Free Report, How You Can Use The Power of Viral Marketing To Make People Spread The Word About Your Product/Service Which Will Give You More Traffic, Optins and Profits! Link>> http://www.viralpaybot.com/vpb/bonuses/V...sed812.zip Bonus 2 – Google Share Button WP Plugin Google_Share_But_4f9c96ccd38a9 Use The Real Traffic Weapon The Google+ Has Unleashed — Without Touching A Single Line of Evil Code! Google Share Button WordPress Plugin gets Real Traffic from Google Plus! Link>> http://www.viralpaybot.com/vpb/bonuses/G...Button.zip Bonus 3 – Facebook Sharepoint FB_Sharepoint__50a5233687438 Dominate Facebook Using This Hot New All-In-One Plugin By Sharing Your Content On Facebook Directly From Your Own Website! Create Viral Streams Of Free Traffic That Will Flood Your Site With Ready To Buy Customers! Link>> http://www.viralpaybot.com/vpb/bonuses/FBSharepoint.zip Bonus 4 – Plus Authority Plus_Authority_5171e0b20a988 Discover How To Harness The Power of Google+ To Build Your Authority, Community And Share Content! If You’re Not Using Google+ Then You’re Missing Out On A Whole Lot of Free Traffic! Link>> http://www.viralpaybot.com/vpb/bonuses/P...ty_mrr.zip Bonus 5 – Social Media Power Social_Media_Pow_500a70c6bfcd9 Discover How To Harness The Power of Social Media Sites like Facebook And Twitter To Ignite Your Business Through The Roof…This Guide Will Share With You 200 Powerful Social Media Tactics For Increased Sales, Fans and Followers! Link>> http://www.viralpaybot.com/vpb/bonuses/S...aPower.zip Bonus 6 – Automatic Cash Rockets Automatic_Cash_R_5073f3dcbd21d Dummy Proof System – $25 to $200 Paydays With Only 1 Hour Per Day Effort! Let me share with you the secrets to your first successful online business and how you can easily start banking $25 – $200 paydays within as little as 30 days with only 1 hour per day. Link>> http://www.viralpaybot.com/vpb/bonuses/A...ockets.zip Bonus 7 Content Creation Handbook Content_Creation_516765db555af Discover 70 Valuable Tips To Creating Irresistible Blog Posts, Articles, Ebooks And Videos That People Will LOVE! No Longer Do You Have To Stare At A Blank Screen Wondering What To Write Or Create. http://www.viralpaybot.com/vpb/bonuses/C...ok_mrr.zip Bonus 8 – Writing Tips Writing_Tips_5182fcc3a62ad Create Your Own Content By Following These Simple Writing Tips! Find Out How You Can Sharpen Your Writing Skills. http://www.viralpaybot.com/vpb/bonuses/W...ps_puo.zip Read more @ bestblackhatforum.com : [GET] Viral Play Bot http://bestblackhatforum.com/Thread-GET-...z2YzGFy7oj bestblackhatforum.com |