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01-11-2012, 12:18 PM (This post was last modified: 01-11-2012 12:18 PM by warrior100.)
Post: #1
[GET] Tim Atkinson - Commission Overload
[Image: WTUmE.png]

Tim Atkinson - Commission Overload

[Image: 1w26V.jpg]

[Image: JeQuU.gif]

First let me introduce myself... My name is Tim Atkinson and I am dedicating this letter to all of you who are fed up with the CRAP and ready to start making serious money online NOW (as in today)!

I can bore you with a long drawn out story about how I was just like you a short time ago and how I developed this “magic” system or software that will make you millions...

But I won't waste your time because it's not true. We are NOT the same because...

[Image: tOc8A.jpg]

And thatʼs from just ONE of the 20+ “Fail-Proof” methods and campaigns you are about to learn.

Yes, Campaigns, Methods and Business Models. Not software!

As a matter of fact, if you are holding your breath waiting for me to mention the “magic” software that made me millions in 3 days, you're probably going to pass out!

Because this letter is not about software or some magic system...

Its about building a long term, sustainable internet business...

And you are about to learn from people who have practiced what they preached for 9 years!

It really all started about 4 years ago. I was at a pretty big internet marketing seminar in my local area.
Everyone was there...all the "big dogs".

By that point I had already established myself as one of the biggest JV partners in the world, so I pretty much knew everyone there.

On the last day of the event I noticed a guy walking around that looked a little different than everyone else. I had no idea who this person was.

He was cruising around the event like he owned the place in his typical “get-up”...

Sweatpants, a tee-shirt with more wrinkles in it than my 85 year old grandfathers(love you Papi), a hoodie and crooked hat.

It kind of seemed like he was making a mockery of the entire event.

I figured I had to approach this guy and at least find out what he was all about.

So I decided to just walk up to him and introduce myself expecting to get the “I'm just
starting out” line.

He went by the name 'Digital Gangsta' and the first words out of his mouth were...

“Are you one of the Blind, or are you one of the Blind Leading The Blind?”

Although that kind of annoyed me, it also peeked my interest a little bit. What was he doing there? That's what I needed to find out.

He went on to tell me...

[Image: WzKAx.jpg]

Although I didn't believe him, I knew I wanted to hear more. The reason is because I felt the same. I was one of the biggest JVs in the world, but because of my underground ninja tactics, no one knew my name.

During our 20 minute conversion I went on to learn that this 'Digital Gangsta' character was actually a former account manager at one of the largest affiliate networks on the internet.

He went on to tell me how he had 7 clients that were making over $100,000 per month.

And instead of trying to learn from books and courses, he learned from watching what these ninja super-affiliates did...

Little did we know, that short 20 minute conversation would go on to change both of our internet marketing careers forever.

[Image: GOJyP.jpg]

I always kind of understood that point but I never had the access to see behind the scenes before.
Digital Gangsta was the “behind the scenes” guy that I needed.

And I was the “JV Expert” that he needed. 5 Days after our first meeting was when our pens first hit the paper to begin crafting a product that would change the way the “Internet Marketing” business works forever!

A real 'game changer'!

It wasn't until that meeting where I first discovered that “Digital Gangsta” was actually Kenny Cannon, one of the biggest “underground” marketers in the CPA game. Right from the start, we had 4 simple goals

The product must be the BEST product to ever hit the market in our industry
It must produce results for our users almost instantly
We must teach people not only how to “make money” but also how to build a long term sustainable business
And we MUST provide “over the top”, Apple ™ style customer service.

[Image: Yv36J.png]

[Image: KzEqX.png]

[Image: c8e8ea.png]


http://*marked as SPAM*/54632735

