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06-28-2023, 01:45 AM
Post: #1
[GET] The Social Tigress: Dating Advice for Women to Attract Men and Get a Boyfriend!
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Here is the first of five shares I will be posting that is geared for women. As most of you are aware the fast majority of items in the Adult section are for men. This will be a test I guess to see how many female members actually browse this category. If there is little interest then I won't waste my time in sharing anything I find in the "for women" category in the future.

This dating book will produce one thing: MORE MEN. Now, I know you don't want more men, you just want the RIGHT man. But to get the right man you need change, and that's where I come in.

Hi, I'm Gregg. My life is spent going out, meeting people, and learning the dynamics of Saturday nights, daytime get togethers and work place interactions that lead to love and EVERYTHING in between. One thing still blows my mind: why wonderful, intelligent women are still single! Many have given up or don't have a clue what they are doing wrong. I can change this. No fluff, no crap, just the price of a cup of coffee! Powerful dating advice for women that will attract men.

The Social Tigress will:

1) Define who you really are
2) Decide what type of a man you really want
3) Find and meet that man at HIS venues (not a bar)
4) Chase down your passions while meeting men
5) All while we stroke your confidence

The bottom line? This dating advice for women book will attract men and get you a boyfriend while building your self-esteem! If you want to attract a man in your life then listen to a guy! My tactics work, and I have the reviews to back me. My biggest problem is not getting you to believe my advice, you will, it is to get you to change. Ladies, you are gonna love this!

1) Four immediate steps that you can start tonight to attract men
2) Five sure-fire ways to meet quality men. They are not what you think!
3) The mindset to choose men and not be chosen
4) How to become a high value woman while you are single
5) How to attract men with an emotional connection and NOT the lure of sex
6) Recognizing the sharks and wasting them at their own egotistical game
7) Having REAL fun at bars all while attracting descent men

Be open to my advice, bring me attitude and I'll change your life!

Newbies: Don't know how to find stuff to share on the forum?
07-01-2023, 06:35 PM
Post: #2
RE: [GET] The Social Tigress: Dating Advice for Women to Attract Men and Get a Boyfriend!
Interesting read, women dating and self-help market is huge, thank you for the share.

Curious to hear feedbacks from female members.
