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03-19-2014, 05:27 PM
Post: #141
Thanks to @wrenish (+ add rep), and for all you guys
(05-23-2013 04:44 PM)Rymond Wrote:  F****** double password given by you.. First Pass: http://bestblackhatforum.com is okay.. but after extracting there is another zip file.. I put the same pass: http://bestblackhatforum.com but don't work on 2nd zip.. Even I use: bestblackhatforum.com as password for 2nd zip, but same result, Can't extract the file.. why? Please provide 2nd zip password..
the 2nd zip password : if-you-share-or-spam-my-link-i-will-go-madea-on-you, available on page #10 of this thread share by (@boxykid add (+1) rep for you). and work for me.

# I just could give rep(+1) - that my default. Want to know how to get (+5 rep default) ?
sorry my bad english!
03-21-2014, 12:01 PM
Post: #142
This thread is closed, i just have to figure out how to do it. It was leaked to death i think, and the servers or something caught on, so no longer working.
It had a long run for about 4-5 months after this post. Worked pretty well, i found a sale going on on wf for this for 47 dollars. If that helps, twistedmetal and all of the others who tried to sell it to you, i have no way in how association with them, and im sorry for the ones that were ripped off. Hopefully i can use my research skills and find a new tbs, until then,,(which will take a long while) until then . Be happy. Rip TBS, RIP ;(
#Threadhealer - One on One request section Click Here
04-06-2014, 01:22 AM
Post: #143
thank you girl
10-22-2014, 10:58 AM
Post: #144
@wrenish: Thank you for all your good intentions. I like your attitude. be patient ...
