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07-24-2016, 04:38 AM (This post was last modified: 07-24-2016 06:18 AM by SHINOBI NINJA.)
Post: #1
[GET] REHub - Directory, Shop, Coupon, Affiliate Theme V6.2
[Image: 4_TDT5.jpg]



*** Rehub Changelog ***


6.2 - 20 july 2016

    Added: Extended WC Vendor support and new Revendor child theme. Demo http://revendor.wpsoul.net/ How to setup multivendor site https://wpsoul.com/how-to-create-multi-vendor-shop-on-wordpress/
    Added:Woocommerce major update for some modules + new woocommerce featured area module (supports also custom height)
    Added:New header layout for shop
    Added:New widgets for woocommerce – Woo deal of day, better categories + featured slider widget supports woocommerce now
    Added: Countdown for woocommerce single pages supports also default schedule fields for sale dates
    Added:Related block for blog for redirect theme
    Added:Seo titles for dynamic comparison charts
    Added:Better support for RT media Buddypress
    Fixes:Some fixes, improvements, etc

6.1.2 - 17 june 2016

    Update: woocommerce compatibility with 2.6.1 version

6.1.1 - 15 june 2016

    Added: new separate widget area for Woocommerce and MDTF (please, update your widgets)
    Added: Woocommerce updates (new woocommerce rows module, option to show products by User ID, update design of woocommerce columns, added featured label, added better cart and account layout and much more)
    Added: Pros and Cons fields for review
    Update: Visual Composer + better support VC and Custom post type UI plugin
    Update: Specification plugin, RH Frontend PRO (added paid submit and bug fixes)
    Fixes: many small fixes and improvements

6.1 - 1 june 2016

    Added: New bonus plugin RH Specification fields and Post layout builder
    Added: New child theme Re:Direct http://redirect.wpsoul.net
    Added: Tutorial for setting directory sites https://wpsoul.com/creating-business-directory-site-with-search-filters/
    Added: 3 new Home pages templates for Visual composer (check demos on http://redirect.wpsoul.net )
    Added: Conditional widget which shows only on single pages
    Update: RH Frontend PRO plugin now supports paid submission, numeric fields, map fields
    Update: improvements for some shortcodes and bug fixes

6.0.7 - 26 may 2016

    Added: Support for favorites posts based on thumb meter. Use shortcode [rh_get_user_favorites] to show favorites posts of user
    Added: New module category box for visual composer
    Added: Search module now can search among taxonomies, categories
    Changed: Hot metter

6.0.6 - 25 may 2016

    Added: support for new version of Content Egg (Tradedoubler, OptimisedMedia, AffiliateWindow supported)
    Some fixes

6.0.5 - 14 may 2016

    Added: Option for custom message in register popup
    Added: Woocommerce shortcode zone for buttons and for summary. Use it for price comparison sites. Check video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-9B69fLa24
    Added: Price comparison shortcode for Content Egg, Affiliate Egg (with logo of merchants instead of product images)
    Added: Better single product design for woocommerce products (no croped images now, better cart and other improvements)
    Added: Brand store archive shortcode can show only logos now ([wpsm_tax_archive type=logo])
    Added: Woo comparison list shortcode (shows logo of stores instead of product images)
    Added: Schema format was changed to JSON-LD
    Added: Import extensions for WPAI were updated. Check new video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSuTOSEeF_Y
    Deprecated: Additional deals panel in woocommerce products for attaching other woocommerce and thirstyaffiliate deals (tell me if you need it again)    

6.0.4 - 24 april 2016

    Couple of fixes

6.0.3 - 24 april 2016

    Added: multiple post types in ajax search
    Added: update for Rehub Wp all import extension - now with ability to add reviews
    Added: Option to add frontend reviews http://rehub.wpsoul.com/documentation/docs.html#frontreview
    Update: Visual Composer

6.0.2 - 13 april 2016

    Fixes: login popup for 4.5 wordpress + update of RH Frontend Posing plugin + button fix in columned grid

6.0.1 - 12 april 2016

    Fixes: couple of fixes

6.0 - 12 april 2016

    Added: BuddyPress support and customizations
    Added: Notificator from Buddypress in user dropdown section
    Added: MyCred support and customizations + additional hook for post likes
    Added: Option to show badges, ranks, points in default comment system (theme option - user options)
    Added: Option to disable BP email activation
    Added: Option to have a link to author page for users in comments
    Added: Option to redirect author page to BuddyPress
    Added: Customizable header layout (enable button, login section, search, additional menu in header). Use it instead of old way with shortcodes in header
    Added: Separate colors for buttons, main color of elements and secondary colors
    Added: New shortcode for update notices
    Added: Powerfull customizable filter panels for post loops in VC
    Added: Ajaxed tab widget
    Added: Share buttons in bottom sliding panel on mobiles
    Added: Default styles for inputs and buttons
    Added: Support for Nelio external images and theme thumbnails
    Added: taxonomy value field in top table constructor
    Added: New bundled plugin for FrontEnd posting (now with support of editing posts). Based on Frontend Posting PRO. Note, if you have this plugin - deactivate it first, because bundled plugin is customized and with some improvements
    Added: Bodybuilding.com, Suppz.com, airnb.com, booking.com parsers for Affiliate Egg
    Fixes: Many small fixes and improvements
    Update: Visual Composer

5.9.2 - 21 march 2016

    Added: printable coupon function for woocommerce (must be enabled in theme option - shop settings)
    Added: User reviews star rating column in top table and top chart constructor (based on full reviews)
    Added: Carousel template for Amazon Content Egg module
    Improvement: Filters for grid index in Repick are dropdown on mobiles
    Fixes: Couple of other fixes

5.9.1 - 16 march 2016

    Fix: couple of fixes for woocommerce + some preparation for v.6
    Added: option to enable/disable sidebar on woocommerce posts

5.9 - 13 march 2016

    Added: Better woo list template
    Added: Better author template
    Added: Store page template functions for woocommerce (divided by deals and coupons, added description, etc)
    Added: Better woocommerce single page template (full width, better button block, compact related block)
    Added: Deal Thumbs counter for woocommerce (you can enable it in theme option - shop option)
    Added: Some strings to localization options (title for comments, Where to buy section, etc)
    Added: Additional meta data for Repick grid (theme option - repick settings - grid settings)
    Added: Templates for quick set of demo page layout in Visual Composer
    Added: Jabong.com custom parser for Affiliate Egg
    Improvement: Better woocommerce top offer widget    
    Improvement: Better coupon reveal popup
    Improvement: Better logic for deal expiration
    Update: VC,MDTF, AccessPress plugins

5.8 - 22 february 2016

    Added: ajax search (possible for default search form in header and for search VC module). See example http://rehub.wpsoul.com/layout-with-ajax-search/
    Added: option to choose post type for default search form
    Added: separate logo field for sticky menu
    Added: option to grab featured image from video for video post
    Added: more filter options for woocommerce VC modules (now you can add also any taxonomy filter)
    Fixes: many small fixes, improvements

5.7.2 - 14 february 2016

    Fix: couple of fixes and some speed optimization

5.7.1 - 10 february 2016

    Added: better fallback thumbnail for woocommerce. Now, products without images look much better. Also, image is dynamic, based on type of product (product, deal with discount, coupon)
    Added: Store taxonomy for woocommerce. Now, you can add store pages and divide all deals by stores. Also, it's better to use this taxonomy for creating store archives. So, you don't need to use tags for stores and store page has better link. More information http://rehub.wpsoul.com/documentation/docs.html#woobrand
    Fix: woocommerce external button
    Fix: woocommerce ajax add to cart link
    Improvement: autocomplete function of VC. This allowed to reduce 70% of memory usage on sites with big amount of tags/categories/taxonomies
    Update: Visual composer

5.7 - 6 february 2016

    Major update. Please, read about important changes https://wpsoul.com/rehub-5-7-update/

    Added: option to use logo in one line with menu + compact logo section for mobiles + logo in sticky menu
    Added: Brand archive shortcode. Example, http://rehub.wpsoul.com/offer-archive/
    Added: New social share icon style
    Added: New Video Playlist module http://rehub.wpsoul.com/layout-variant-8/
    Added: New 3 post module + simple list of post module
    Added: Option to change colors of footer widget area
    Added: 2 new featured areas (full width slider, bottom text slider, grid area) http://rehub.wpsoul.com/layout-variant-1/ http://rehub.wpsoul.com/layout-7/
    Added: New better Title module with tons of possibilities
    Added: All modules in VC have color badge options and much more filters
    Added: better image resizer class + lazy load option for thumbnails
    Added: better expired function for woocommerce
    Added: Smart sidebar scroll function for VC row
    Added: new design of all carousels + deal carousel module + woocommerce carousel
    Added: Better blog layout
    Added: Better slider shortcode
    Added: Extensions for Wordpress All Import plugin to import offers in post or woocommerce (available in Rehub - Plugins Tab)
    Added: Posibility to use quick_offer shortcode with ID
    Fix: Ecwid css
    Fix: Shortcode generator now is compatible with Rocketloader
    Fix: Responsive for relative articles    
    Update: Visual Composer + Woocommerce templates + Ecwid layout
    Update: Design of all modules were updates.

5.6.1 - 7 january 2016

    Fix: pagination issue for wordpress 4.4.1 + other small fixes
    Fix: sideout widget for adsense oriented layout
    Update: blockquote design is now more universal and better compatibility
    Added: global option to disable left align of featured image in post for Re:pick child

V5.6 – 31 DECEMBER 2015

    Added: Table responsive script for top table constructor
    Added: New badge system
    Added: Better logic for woocommerce coupons offer – now you can disable expired offers from archives and related products
    Added: Better UI for admin page. Now, theme has own page with quick links to docs, plugins + direct links for clone files (only for official buyers)
    Added: Infinite scroll for repick theme archives
    Improvement: Better icecat specification table
    Improvement: Updates for some Content Egg templates
    Update: for Visual Composer 4.9.1

5.5 - 16 december 2015

    Added: Dynamic comparison function http://rehub.wpsoul.com/documentation/docs.html#dynamicchart
    Added: Specification template for Amazon (data is from icecat.biz)
    Added: Specification shortcode from Icecat.biz http://rehub.wpsoul.com/documentation/docs.html#addicecat
    Added: Infinite scroll for columns grid in VC
    Added: Shareasale templates for Content Egg
    Improvement: Article schema changed to Product schema as it's more stable for google. You can disable Product schema from theme option - review/affiliate option
    Improvement: Better design for comparison charts, sticky header on scroll, dynamic differences
    Improvement: Logic in user reviews. When you delete user review, user can add new review
    Improvement: LinkID for offerbox is supported again
    Improvement: Updated class for autocontents. Now, supported several levels. Example, [contents h2 h3]
    Update: Visual Composer 4.9 included

5.4.2 - 29 november 2015

    Fix: Price update data in affiliate egg templates
    Fix: MDTF specification fixes
    Fix: Vimeo video thumbnails
    Improvement: some security improvements
    Added: Author image for testimonial shortcode

5.4.1 - 20 november 2015

    Added: Multiple module select for synchronization between main offer and Content Egg offers
    Added: Option to show random product in Top offer widget
    Improvement: Additional button is not visible when offer has coupon with reveal function
    Improvement: Table Maker plugin is moved to wordpress repository
    Fix: Multiple countdown shortcode on page
    Fix: some deprecated filters for Seo by Yoast are removed
    Deprecated: linkID parameter in offerbox shortcode

5.4 - 15 november 2015

    Added: Static table builder plugin (Table Maker). Some demo http://rehub.wpsoul.com/static-table-example/
    Added: prefix and postfix for meta key values in Top charts builder
    Improvement: Better WC Vendor support + tutorial https://wpsoul.com/how-to-create-multi-vendor-shop-on-wordpress/
    Update: for Visual Composer 4.8.1  

5.3.3 - 4 november 2015

    Fix: Custom header background and other small fixes

5.3.2 - 3 november 2015

    Added: Adsense optimized layout (theme options - Review/Affiliate).
    Fix: fixes for Repick theme white background

5.3.1 - 2 november 2015

    Added: more background customizations
    Fix: small fixes for Repick theme and Affiliate Egg parsers

5.3 - 1 november 2015

    Added: White style for repick theme
    Added: option to use shortcode for woocommerce deals list. Check docs http://rehub.wpsoul.com/documentation/docs.html#31
    Added: Autoupdate price function for woocommerce + Content Egg
    Added: Template for Favorites plugin with thumbnails
    Improvement: Header style, now each line of header can be customized separately
    Improvement: Css optimization (changed all system images to font icons)
    Improvement: Support for new title function of wordpress 4.4
    Improvement: Amazon templates for Content Egg now have time of last update (according to new Amazon rules)
    Update: Visual composer to 4.8

5.2 - 19 october 2015

    Added: RTL support
    Added: option to disable button in post loops
    Added: category filter for Repick child theme
    Added: option to use simple button instead of full offer in Repick theme    
    Added: support favorites button in column posts module
    Improvement: changed logic of hot filter in Repick (now it's showing deals which reached "hot" temperature and sorted by date. You can set "hot" limit in theme options - repick options)
    Improvement: better support masked coupons for non flash browsers
    Improvement: compatibility for jQuery smooth UI
    Improvement: many different improvements and fixes
    Improvement: full width slider for Rehub + added offer button in main slider + some reduce of css and js code

5.1 - 6 october 2015

    Improvement: added password field to user login + better compatibility with UM plugin
    Improvement: some compatibility improvements for Woozone Affiliate
    Added: link hider shortcode http://rehub.wpsoul.com/documentation/docs.html#linkhide
    Update: Visual Composer to 4.7.4 (recommend to update plugin because of XSS vulnerability in previous version)

5.0 - 27 september 2015

    Added:  User login, user profiles, user submit, social login - make your site as community. Read docs http://rehub.wpsoul.com/documentation/docs.html#user1
    Added:  WC multivendor support for woocommerce visual composer modules
    Added:    Conditional user loggined menu
    Added:    Option to choose tags as base for relative posts (check theme option - global enable/disable)
    Added:    Login/register ajax popup, user login buttons, links in header
    Added:    User dropdown for loggined users
    Added:    Customizations for Ultimate Member plugin (better user profiles, social login buttons, tabs in profile, etc.)
    Added:    Customizations for Wordpress Social Login plugin (better design, icons, automatically added in Ultimate Member forms and default theme popups)
    Added:  User Submit function
    Added:    Option in Repick theme to choose link on title (affiliate or on post)
    Added:  Search form changed to html5 standarts and added in 404 page, option to add search link in menu, search popup
    Added:  Custom templates for Content Egg for Affili.net, Linkshare
    Improvement: Some seo improvement for scroll link
    Improvement: UI improvements in popups (added transitions, fixed some issues)
    Improvement: Redesign shortcode buttons (now with modern flat design)
    Fix: Fix for reveal shortcode and some other fixes
    Deprecated: some unnecessary css and js code
    Update: Visual composer to 4.7.2

4.9.1 - 11 september 2015

    Added: support for favorites plugin for Rething child theme
    Fixes: old php compatibility fix + some small fixes

4.9 - 8 september 2015

    Added: support for WC vendors plugin (for creating multivendor stores)
    Added: support for Report content plugin (for creating button for reporting broken links, issues, etc http://rehub.wpsoul.net/documentation/docs.html#reportbtn )
    Added: CJ links and coupons for free version of Content Egg, CJ products for PRO version support
    Added: custom parsers for Affiliate Egg - Etsy.com, wiggle.com, wiggle.co.uk, shopclues.com
    Added: localization .pot file for support Loco Translate plugin

4.8.1 - 1 september 2015

    NEW!:  Content Egg plugin support + free version. Check video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqfg4H3jFXk
    Added: User review filters in comments + some improvements in UI
    Added: Reveal shortcode. Example, [wpsm_reveal textcode='EXAMPLE' btntext='Reveal code' url='http://google.com']
    Added: social icons for grid in Rehub and Rething
    Added: Slider module for Repick
    Improvement: css customization code now optimized by default
    Improvement: option to change place of image in cartbox
    Fix: search word fix, background fix for Repick
    Fix: author name fix for Rehub
    Fix: affiliate link option for thumbnail in top table constructor
    Update: Font Awesome icons, TGM activation class

    Deprecated: favicon function from theme option. Set favicons from default wordpress 4.3 option in Appearance - Customize - Site Identity - Site Icon

4.8.0 - 20 august 2015

    Fix: pagination fix for VC grid module
    Update: MDTF plugin with compatibility for wordpress 4.3
    Added: some templates for Content Egg plugin

4.7.9 - 17 august 2015

    Added: support for favorites plugin for Rehub and Repick. See docs http://rehub.wpsoul.net/documentation/docs.html#favor
    Added: tag filter, include, exclude, support for custom post type and custom taxonomy for VC loop modules
    Improvement: woocommerce compatibility for last version
    Improvement: now all modules store price in rehub_main_product_price meta field
    Improvement: option to choose inner and external links in grid (for Repick)
    Improvement: option to include/exclude category from grid index (for Repick)
    Update: VC to 4.6.2

4.7.8 - 4 august 2015

    Added: Float social buttons on images in grid loop (for Repick child theme)
    Fixes: Couple fixes for user reviews
    Update: Amazon parsers now is moved to plugin. If you have amazon parsers in child theme - remove them.

4.7.7 - 2 august 2015

    Added: thumbs buttons to user reviews (enable them in theme option/reviews)
    Improvement: changed ajax js function to better compatibility with new jquery versions
    Fix: images for amazon parsers of affiliate egg

4.7.6 - 27 july 2015

    Added: Scorebox shortcode (docs http://rehub.wpsoul.net/documentation/docs.html#scorebox)
    Improvements offer section supports different price patterns (set them in theme options - localization)
    Improvement: Table constructor supports custom post type
    Fix: price discount label fix for some cases + other fixes
    Added: snapdeal.com, ebay.es, amazon.es custom parsers for affiliate egg

4.7.5 - 22 july 2015

    Fix: some small fixes and improvements

4.7.4 - 21 july 2015

    Fix: woocommerce single image fix

4.7.3 - 21 july 2015

    Fix: long urls are working now in branded area and in offer url field
    Improvement: user review text is formatted now
    Improvement: clean up some css
    Added: pl_PL localization

4.7.2 - 20 july 2015

    Fix: branded banner area for single page

4.7.1 - 20 july 2015

    Fix: small fixes in woo slider + small changes in design of user comments

4.7 - 19 july 2015

    Added: Additional woocommerce layout, option to choose 3 or 4 columns in archives
    Added: Compact grid module for visual composer
    Added: Ability to use html, shortcodes in branded banner area (in single posts, for category and globally)
    Added: de_DE localization (not full)
    Improvements: Woocommerce grid module (now you can choose up to 6 columns in row)
    Improvements: Woocommerce now has slider and carousel for main image area
    Fix: couple of fixes for reviews, EDD, etc
    Update: schema according to new google rules for article schema

4.6.9 - 14 july 2015

    Fix: Jquery fix

4.6.8 - 13 july 2015

    Fix: Pagination bug for custom loops on homepage (for next, previous buttons)
    Fix: Logo url for woocommerce tags
    + some other small fixes

4.6.7 - 11 july 2015

    Fix: Fixes for affiliate egg parsers

4.6.6 - 11 july 2015

    Fix: Some VC modules and other fixes

4.6.5 - 10 july 2015

    Fix: VC shortcodes attributes

4.6.4 - 9 july 2015

    Update: Visual Composer (youtube video backgrounds, new tabs, accorditions), some speed improvements
    Improvement: Now you can set url for brand image in woocommerce, post offer section (useful for bulk import)
    Improvement: Widget construction for compatibility with 4.3 wordpress
    Added: New widget Post image grid
    Added: Ebay.de parser for affiliate egg

4.6.3 - 4 july 2015

    Fix: Some fixes for footer
    Improvement: Now you can choose what schema type to use for review (review or aggregate review)
    Improvement: Option to change color of button separatelly from theme color
    Added: Fixes for custom templates and custom parsers for Affiliate Egg. Added Amazon.it, Saturn.de parsers (you need update also child themes if you use them)

4.6.2 - 30 june 2015

    Fix: fix some bugs for Affiliate Egg parsers. Added flipkart.com and amazon.in parsers

4.6.1 - 30 june 2015

    Fix: syntax error if you use old php version on hosting

4.6 - 28 june 2015

    New: Enhanced support for Affiliate Egg plugin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zvplPxeuWs
    New: Meet RE:Pick. New child theme of RE:Hub. Demo https://repick.wpsoul.net
    Fix: Many small bugfixes
    Fix: prettyPhoto XSS fix

    Update: Visual composer to 4.5.3 with prettyPhoto XSS fix

4.5.2 - 12 june 2015

    Fixes: Some small compatibility fixes

4.5.1 - 10 june 2015

    Improvement: Post offer section now works good with any import plugin + some optimization

4.5 - 8 june 2015

    Fix: critical bug in admin page (in file admin/sources.php)

4.4 - 7 june 2015

    Added: Categories ajax directory shortcode (example, http://rehub.wpsoul.net/categories-directory/)
    Added: Cartbox module and shortcode (example, http://rehub.wpsoul.net/directory-carts/)
    Added: Option to choose layout for search pages
    Added: Ajax function to count post views. So, post views works with cache plugins now
    Added: Post offer panel. Now post offers can be added to any post format and works with reveal coupons. You can import offers to post with wp all in one plugin now
    Added: Additional deals panel for woocommerce now works with other woocommerce products
    Added: New look of post-previous buttons
    Improvements: Tabs widget have more options. Please, resave your tabs widget
    Improvements: Offers block and review is on content hook now.
    Improvements: Top comparison charts have a table look if has only 2-3 posts
    Improvements: Better schema for user reviews
    Improvements: Post edit page is not broken now if you have many woocommerce products
    Fix: Line in featured slider for retina display
    Fix: Catalogue constructor shows custom read more button now
    Fix: Filter by tags for woocommerce modules of VC

    Deprecate: Second cover background for branded pages

4.3.3 - 20 may 2015

    Added: New template for visual composer (background block with links)
    Fix: some stretching images in mobile view

    Update: Visual composer to last version

4.3.2 - 11 may 2015

    Added: Shortcode for links in title for top table constructor
    Fix: mobile menu for RE:Things child theme
    Fix: many small fixes and improvements

    Update: RE:Thing child theme

4.3.1 - 6 may 2015

    Added: Option to set url for review slider
    Added: Option to set thirstyaffiliates category for top offers widget
    Fix: Custom header background

    Update: RE:Thing child theme

4.3 - 5 may 2015

    Added: Better support for non standard mobile resolutions (like in iphone 6 +). Now layout for mobiles are full width for any resolution
    Added: Editor's score badge in items for top list, top table pages
    Added: Top comparison charts constructor
    Added: Shortcode function for creating affiliate button
    Improvement: better menu widget suports child items of menu

    Update: RE:Thing child theme
    Update: Visual composer plugin

4.2.1 - 24 april 2015

    Update: Update for TGM classes for security purposes
    Added: Option to sort review criterias and slider items in review


4.2 - 21 april 2015

    Improvement: changed breadcrumb function for better use with custom taxonomy
    Improvement: improvements in tabs module and shortcode
    Improvement: small optimizations for images in some blocks
    Added: added body font size option
    Added: added option to change read more text from theme options
    Added: Meet new TOP TABLE CONSTRUCTOR (see video tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGR1EdabM1s)

    Update for RE:Thing child theme (now included in main package of ReHub)
    Update: MDTF plugin update (more speed and cache options + shortcode for sort panel)

4.1.1 - 6 april 2015

    Fix: Fix for datepicker, which sometimes brokes scripts in admin page

4.1 - 5 april 2015

    Added: Enhanced woocommerce affiliates (coupons for woocommerce, masked coupons, better logic for external links, etc)
    Added: Top offer widget supports woocommerce
    Added: Option to connect posts to woocommerce lists of offers
    Added: Woocommerce list for MDTF output template
    Improvements: Woocommerce offers list module and shortcode
    Improvements: Compare and wishlist buttons now interactive in product archive
    Fix: logo + menu layout for block header
    Fix: Rel nofollow for Button shortcode
    Fix: Small fixes for top review shortcode

    Update: Countdown now works as shortcode ([wpsm_countdown year="2015" month="04" day="03" hour="14"])
    Update: Tutorials for auto adding products with wp all in one import plugin
    Update: Russian localization + Danish localization added

4.0.1 - 19 march 2015

    Added: new header type - logo + menu in one line
    Added: styles for mailchimp email form. See docs http://rehub.wpsoul.net/documentation/docs.html#mailchimp

    Updated: Visual composer to 4.4.3 (delete and install plugin from notice in top of admin pages)

4.0 - 12 march 2015

    Improvement: Better compatibility with ssl protocole
    Improvement: Better design for blockquotes
    Improvement: Added total score counter in user review with criterias input
    Added: Option in catalogue constructor to show posts by taxonomy
    Added: Widget TOP OFFERS
    Added: Widget BETTER CUSTOM MENU
    Added: Option to set custom text for read more (good for seo)
    Fix: Google + not correct title when share post

    + BONUS: MEET RE:Thing theme - child theme of RE:Hub. Free for buyers of RE:HUB

    Some unique functions of RE:Thing

    Love it plugin included
    Link post format
    Better default fonts and stylish typography
    Better design of single posts
    New module - columned grid with equal height
    Option to choose colors of buttons separately

3.9.4 - 13 february 2015

    Improvement: css improvements for compatibility with last version of woocommerce


3.9.3 - 11 february 2015

    Added: Field to use video for top sliders
    Added: "Popup on button" module
    Added: Option to use infinite scroll for woocommerce grid module
    Added: Option to disable big full width title on inner page
    Fixes: Review script fix when comments are closed in user review system
    Update: Flexslider to last version
    Update: Font awesome icons
    Improvement: js optimization (move some inline scripts from footer to main js file)

3.9.2 - 4 february 2015

    Added: New column grid module for visual composer
    Added: New module for visual composer for more easy setting MDTF filters output. See docs http://rehub.wpsoul.net/documentation/docs.html#res_tem
    Added: update in child theme, now all visual composer custom blocks work also with child theme
    Added: Captions for post slider
    Fixes: small fixes
    Update: deprecated catalogue/filter-masonry template for MDTF. Use template/grid instead and shortcode [mdf_custom template=template/grid]
    Update: now you can disable share buttons in top of page and in bottom separately

3.9.1 - 30 january 2015

    Fix: fix bug with comments in regular posts when you enable user review system
    Fix: fix bug in footer widget when you use slider inside widget
    Update: update for visual composer (delete it and install again from theme)


3.9 - 27 january 2015
    Added: NEW LAYOUT BUILDER WITH MORE THAN 30 custom blocks
    Added: opening in new window for some blocks
    Added: ability to use grid templates in search pages
    Added: option to disable cart from header
    Improvement: changed title block on single page + added social buttons in top of page (you can disable them and insert buttons by custom plugin)
    Improvement: some js and css optimization
    Improvement: improvements in adblock notificator script
    Fix: bug in popular posts widget inside REhub: Tabs
    Fix: fix for woocommerce order page
    Fix: bug fix for user reviews. If you have not correct overall score of user reviews, create page, enable user review corrector, publish and view page
    Changed: deprecated template "Landing page", use "Page for visual builder instead" as more complex

3.8 - 28 december 2014

    Added: Now you can add links to gallery block in page builder
    Added: Copy with click on coupon code
    Added: Option to mask coupon code
    Fix: Fix number of posts when more than 1000 in category widget
    Changed: Changed field for menu description (now you need to use description field, not title)
    Fix: Some small fixes based on user feedbacks

    Update: redesign and full update of docs files    


3.7 - 20 december 2014

    Fix: Fix pagination problem in offer template
    Fix: Fixing equal height of widgets in footer
    Fix: Fix for next - previous pagination in blocks of page builder
    Fix: Fix ie11 menu issue
    Added: Added tag description on tag archive page
    Added: Added option to change color of link in post
    Added: Added shortcode style for sidebar in MDTF plugin (reinstall plugin from theme bundle if you need it)    
    Added: Added ability to sort affiliate list
    Improvement: circle design of ratings in top review pages + animation
    Improvement: tons of small improvements based on buyer's feedbacks    


3.6 - 8 december 2014

    Added: Some redesign of main menu UI
    Added: Added option to add description for link
    Added: Added option to choose base for ordering in top review page
    Added: Added blank child theme + some changes for better compatibility with child theme
    Update: Update of MDTF plugin (delete your current plugin and install again from theme bundle)
    Added: 4 templates for ajaxed filtered page for MDTF (see docs how to use them)
    Added: added ability to insert MDTF slideout search panel (see docs how to use this).
    Improvement: Added random post ordering in post list widget, added black color for post list widget
    Improvement: Compatibility for uber menu plugin
    Improvement: Change possition of currency to front in affiliate list

    Updated: docs

3.5 - 30 november 2014

    Added: Option to change text on buttons for each offer
    Improvement: Deleted schema code from offer buttons for preventing schema errors
    Added: Option to change "Choose offer" text on button from admin panel
    Added: Added placeholders for comment section
    Added: Added coupon option to affiliate link builder
    Added: Added option to set sale price and old price to offers
    Added: Added option to set date of coupon to affiliate link builder
    Improvement: Changes in affiliate link list for woocommerce page
    Improvement: Change menu for tablets to mobile view
    Improvement: Added option to set category of products for woo carousel
    Added: Added new shortcode for creating offer lists
    Improvement: You can use video post format on ssl websites
    Added: Added 2 templates for creating archive of Thirstylink Offers (grid and list)
    improvement: added share to FB button

3.4 - 17 november 2014

    Fix: fix safari image stretching issue for 1-4 tab and shop carousel
    Improvement: adding more compatibility for captcha plugins in comment section


3.3 - 16 november 2014

    Improvement: more wider layout and redesign
    Improvement: color styles and buttons
    Improvement: video blocks now are responsive
    Improvement: redesign of woocommerce carousel
    Improvement: redesign of home carousel
    Added: full width grid layout for blog
    Added: styles for single specification widget for MDTF plugin
    Added: new ads block before footer
    Added: function for post views count
    Added: option to choose popular widget tab based on post views
    Changed: predefinite image sizes

3.2.2 - 6 november 2014

    Fix: some small seo fixes and improvements


3.2.1 - 5 november 2014

    Fix: fix for broken review box for logined user for guests review


3.2 - 4 november 2014

    Added: User reviews function with criterias (beta)
    Added: now ads slots can use shortcodes
    Added: Review box option to make colorable design of rating bars
    Improvements: some improvements in review box design, small bug fixes



3.1.1 - 28 october 2014

    Added: Option to disable crop in thumbnails
    Added: Option to set "read full review" text from admin
    Fix: Fix for count in top lists with manual choosing
    Update:help files


3.1.0 - 23 october 2014

    Imrovements: speed optimization (changed some images to icon fonts, create css sprites, deleted unuseful css code and js code)
    Improvements: in mobile version. Increased font size and image size
    Fixed: some small w3c bugs
    Improvements: Now you can use content in category description (html and shortcodes are allowed)

    folder: images

    Updated: help files. Added an article "How to get A grade on Yslow and PageSpeed"

3.0.1 - 18 october 2014

    Fixed: [wpsm_top] shortcode for creating top lists inside post changed to [wpsm_toplist] for preventing conflict with other shortcodes
    Fixed: [wpsm_specification] shortcode is working now without attributes
    Update: help files


3.0.0 - 16 october 2014
    Added: WordPress Meta Data Filter and Taxonomies Filter plugin for creating filtered catalogues, directories, listings (see some examples http://rehub.wpsoul.net/directory-mode/)
    Added: Catalogue constructor template
    Added: Shortcode for creating specification
    Added: Numbered headings shortcode
    Added: Top lists inside post shortcode (see demo http://rehub.wpsoul.net/example-of-top-list-post/)
    Fixed: crop bug in resizer
    Improvement: Option to use custom fields values as description for top lists
    Improvement: Option to disable dotted overlay on thumbnails
    Improvement: Width of content area for mobiles changed to 300 px
    Improvement: Tons of different improvements
    Added: Vimeo social icon in theme options
    Update: Help files

2.9.5 - 29 september 2014

    Improvement: Option to disable resize images of top post sliders
    Improvement: Option to fit branded banner to width and height of screen
    Improvement: Option to choose 3 different design of rating block in comparison lists
    Added: Out content ads widget
    Improvement: Change default thumbnails images

    folder: lang, images/default

    Added: inc/widgets/outer_ads.php

2.9.4 - 21 september 2014

    Fix: deleted word "Array" from news ticker
    Improvement: compatibility with SEO by Yoast (deleted dublicated site name from title)
    Added: infinite scroll for grid layouts
    Improvement: Timer can be set for all product review types
    Added: 2 ads slot (after post title and before content)
    Added: option to set featured section by tag name
    Fix: small fixes for dark header style and color of current menu item and other improvements

    lang folder


2.9.3 - 13 september 2014

    Fix: category setting of news ticker
    Improvement: simplifying review schema for better google indexing
    Added: person schema (add url to your google plus to your profile)
    Improvement: Design of rating score in comparison lists (old design with red colors grab too much attention from button)
    Added: Option to globally disabling top image from single post
    Added: Pros and Cons shortcode
    Improvements: feature section now is disabled from pagination



2.9.2 - 2 september 2014

    Improvement: ability to use woocommerce box shortcode in any post
    Added: related reviews widget
    Small fixes

    folder lang, plugins


2.9.1 - 28 august 2014

    Fix: fix issue with not correct place of output for shortcode of comparison list


2.9 - 26 august 2014

    Improvements: in responsive view of top review lists
    Fix: in count of posts in post lists widget
    Improvements: ability to have multiple grid layout on page
    Added: options to connect woocommerce products with affiliate links and review posts
    Added: block with affiliate links to woocommerce products
    Imrovements: responsive view of woocommerce products
    Improvements: option to disable price and button in woocommerce affiliate products (just don't set any link and price)
    Added: shop image in affiliate link builder (just add image link to category and this image will be used as offer thumbnail)

    folder: lang


v2.8.1 – 17 august 2014

    Improvement: speed optimization when your site has a lot of categories
    Fix: fix for price (when you use price with dot) for affiliate links block

    Updated files:

    folders :

v2.8 – 13 august 2014

    Improvement: option to choose descriptions in top lists
    Added: shortcode to add top review list to any page
    Added: Ads area before header

    Updated files:

    folders :

v2.7.2 – 6 august 2014

    Improvement: Main menu
    Added: Mega Main Menu compatibility
    Improvement: russian localization
    Improvement: built-in shortcode plugin now support subfolder wordpress installation
    Improvement: woocommerce cart link in header now with ajax    

    Updated files:
    shortcodes/tinyMCE/includes    (full folder)

    Added folder and files:

v2.7.1 – 1 august 2014

    Fix: widget work when use localization
    Fix: small fix in russian localization

    Updated files:

v2.7 – 1 august 2014

    Added: woocommerce product review post
    Added: awesome woocommerce product shortcode (just add [wpsm_woobox id="woocommerce product ID"])
    Added: compatibility with YITH WooCommerce Compare, YITH WooCommerce Wishlist
    Added: russian localization
    Improvement: flex slider preload in posts
    Improvement: many small fixes and improvements

    Updated files:

v2.6 – 22 July 2014

    Improvement: add link to post from image in grid template
    Improvement: when you don't set review scores, review block don't show
    Improvement: option to set background for overlay in feature slider
    Improvement: option to set block width for footer
    Improvement: links from branded banners and backgrounds open in new window
    Improvement: options to add rel="nofollow" and open links in new window for all affiliate link buttons (for this, please, resave theme options page)

    Updated files:

v2.5.1 – 20 July 2014

    Fix: small bug that can cause critical blank page of website
    Fix: full width logo option

    Updated files:

v2.5 – 18 July 2014

    Added: option to add slider to review post
    Improvement: feature area now work in full-width templates
    Improvement: fix many validator errors
    Fix: small fixes for ecwid css

    Updated files:

v2.4 – 14 July 2014

    Added: option to manually selection and order for top review pages
    Improvement: grid template has preloader now

    Note! If you have already settings (category or tag) in top review pages, you need to select type of selection and resave page.

    Updated files:

    Added file:

v2.3.4 – 14 July 2014

    Fix: category pagination in grid template
    Fix: slider thumbnails in grid template
    Improvement: offer box shortcode

    Updated files:

v2.3.1 – 12 July 2014

    Fix: mobile menu
    Fix: small issue with disqus plugin

    Updated files:

v2.3 – 10 July 2014

    Added: EasyDigitalDownload plugin compatibility and customization
    Added: Pagination for grid fullwidth template
    Fix: icon in sticky mobile menu
    Fix: small fixes for different blocks
    Improvement: pagination design

    Updated files:

    Added file:
    folder: edd_templates

v2.2 – 7 July 2014

    Added: Adblock notice for ads (see help files how to add notice to post ads)
    Added: Option to change body font
    Improvement: beautiful mobile menu
    Fix: small fix for column shortcode and other

    Updated files:

    Added file:

v2.1 – 3 July 2014

    Added: Option to change button text for offer block
    Added: Option to change sidebar to the left side
    Fix: prevent wordpress changing facebook comment widget
    Fix: button on woocommerce carousel when product is variable

    Updated files:

v2.0 – 1 July 2014

    Added: Affiliate links builder integration
    Added: Option to delete standart comments and set other comments widget (facebook, disqus, etc)
    Added: 4 style of header (full width logo + 728*90 banner)
    Added: Full width Grid style page template
    Fixes: small fixes and improvements
    Update: help files

    Updated files:

v1.8.5 – 26 June 2014

    Improvement: Now you can choose category in post string for page builder
    Added: Grid layout for blog, archives, category
    Added: zip of clone of demo site, please see instructions at Demo_data folder
    Improvement: Post order by review score in top reviews\product pages.
    Attention. If you have already top review/product pages, you need to resave review posts that on this page. Sorry for inconveniences, but this update will open a way for new future functions and improvements.

    Updated files:

    New files:


v1.8.2 – 22 June 2014

    Improvement: Now you can use shortcodes in custom content block in page builder
    Fix: Small bug with overlaping arrows of news ticker in boxed header
    Fix: feature section on home page if no post set

    Updated files:

v1.8.1 – 20 June 2014

    Added: Option to insert content on top review/product page
    Fix: Bug with freezing button when enabled auto-saving draft
    Update: Font Awesome font to 4.1.0
    Added: Psd source for comparison pages

    Updated files:

v1.8 – 19 June 2014

    Improvements: 3 NEW designed Top review and product page templates
    Fix: small fix for woocommerce css
    Fix: fix language for FB button

    Updated files:

    Added files:

v1.7.1 – 17 June 2014

    Small fix for retina images

    Updated files:

v1.7 – 13 June 2014
    Added: More powerful option for header customization. Now you can change color, background of logo zone, colors of top line area, navigation.
    Added: Option to change style of layout for categories
    Added: Asynchronous load for post share buttons
    Update: Change images in header on iconic fonts

    Updated files:

    Added files:

v1.6 – 11 June 2014
    Fix: sticky post bug in default slider
    Fix: bug in custom widget when no post founded.
    Added: WPML compatibility

v1.5 – 5 June 2014

    Added: Option to set branded banner image on category page and all inner posts of this category

v1.4.2 – 4 June 2014

    Fix: bug with sticky navigation in block header
    Improvements: Woocommerce buttons in main shop page match site colors

v1.4.1 – 30 May 2014

    Fix: home carousel, sticky post with offset option in page builder

v1.4 – 29 May 2014

    Added: Home page full-width carousel

v1.3 – 27 May 2014

    Added: Option to choose header style (logo+banner 468X60+search, logo + banner 728X90 + full-width logo)

v1.2 – 26 May 2014

    Improvements: Changed sidebar width to 300px for better compatibility with popular format of ADS
    Improvements: Changed responsive version for pad
    Added: Option to filter posts by post formats in post string blocks in page builder
    Added: Customization for BBPress

v1.1 – 25 May 2014

    Bug Fixed: Fixed problem in video block in page builder
    Bug Fixed: Fixed responsive bug in IE and Safari

Version 1.0.0
- First release


Magic Button :
08-01-2016, 10:12 PM
Post: #2
RE: [GET] REHub - Directory, Shop, Coupon, Affiliate Theme V6.2
thxxx for share
08-12-2016, 04:00 PM
Post: #3
RE: [GET] REHub - Directory, Shop, Coupon, Affiliate Theme V6.2
Thanks for share.

09-02-2016, 12:53 AM
Post: #4
RE: [GET] REHub - Directory, Shop, Coupon, Affiliate Theme V6.2
You have been sharing some great things Goran...thanks! Is this purchased or nulled?
09-03-2016, 11:57 AM
Post: #5
RE: [GET] REHub - Directory, Shop, Coupon, Affiliate Theme V6.2
Nice work, thanks for the up! Has anyone had issue with it, backdoors, malicious script, etc?
09-03-2016, 04:58 PM
Post: #6
RE: [GET] REHub - Directory, Shop, Coupon, Affiliate Theme V6.2
Awesome share!
09-06-2016, 05:47 AM (This post was last modified: 09-06-2016 05:50 PM by Walt The Heavyweight.)
Post: #7
RE: [GET] REHub - Directory, Shop, Coupon, Affiliate Theme V6.2
(09-03-2016 11:57 AM)fxrising Wrote:  Nice work, thanks for the up! Has anyone had issue with it, backdoors, malicious script, etc?
Virustotal shows clean, you can google for "wordpress theme scanner" and re-confirm for yourself. I'd say this is a 97% chance it's clean.

The worst possibility it has is it includes a secret backlink to some site (common technique in shared themes by crackers to benefit somehow)
09-06-2016, 09:09 AM
Post: #8
RE: [GET] REHub - Directory, Shop, Coupon, Affiliate Theme V6.2
(09-06-2016 05:47 AM)Walt The Heavyweight Wrote:  
(09-03-2016 11:57 AM)fxrising Wrote:  Nice work, thanks for the up! Has anyone had issue with it, backdoors, malicious script, etc?
Virustotal shows clean, you can google for "wordpress theme scanner" and re-confirm for yourself. I'd say this is a 97% chance it's clean.

The worst it has is it includes a secret backlink to some site (common technique in shared themes by crackers to benefit somehow)

Thank you for alert @Walt The Heavyweight I did not know
09-06-2016, 09:48 AM
Post: #9
RE: [GET] REHub - Directory, Shop, Coupon, Affiliate Theme V6.2
Last Update 6 September 16
09-06-2016, 12:03 PM
Post: #10
RE: [GET] REHub - Directory, Shop, Coupon, Affiliate Theme V6.2
Thanks Walt The Heavyweight. Hopefully I like it and will buy it, getting rid of any links.
