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03-01-2013, 10:59 AM
Post: #1
[GET] 'OFFLINE CLI3NT R3V0LUTION' - Amazing N3w Meth0d for 'S0URCING' and 'S3CURING' N3w 0ffline Client5
[Image: WSO_Offline_Client_Revolution-03.jpg]
[Image: WSO_Offline_Client_Revolution-03-2.jpg]
[Image: WSO_Offline_Client_Revolution-03-3.jpg]


Magic Button :
Too lazy to upload
03-01-2013, 11:04 AM
Post: #2

Q: Will this work in any country
A: Yes. The methods used are applicable to any country and any language

Q: Are there any hidden cost inside
A: No. Part of the method we teach uses 'Scrapebox', but we also provide an alternative, free method that gets the same results.

Q: How long before we start getting Clients.
A: The whole package will take about 90 minutes to watch, read and fully absorb what we're trying to teach. After that you're good to go and should be getting new clients thereafter.

Q: Will this make me a millionaire overnight?
A: No, but if you’re committed to building your business offline, this is one method you NEED to have in your locker.

Q: Is there an OTO
A: No
03-01-2013, 11:11 AM
Post: #3
thanks for share,,, nice work
03-01-2013, 01:15 PM
Post: #4
My review:

Worth a look for anyone looking for new offline client leads.

The PDF outlines a simple approach to getting new offline clients by locating existing websites that have canonicalization issues (multiple home pages with and without www in the URL) and offering to fix the problem for free. Basically, a door-opener strategy... give a valuable gift, get attention and credibility.

Also included are videos and email templates that show you how to locate these problem websites and email templates on how to do the fix.

I hadn't thought of this before and it seems like a worthwhile approach, although I suspect that many of the businesses that didn't know they had this problem aren't going to care enough to hire you to do any work for them. But I suppose some might.
03-01-2013, 08:19 PM
Post: #5
Thanks OP, good stuff.

Mediafire Mirror
[Image: 4288fe0665f51576e5e2870372e1e3a32596789c...c24b86.jpg]
03-01-2013, 11:43 PM
Post: #6
Here is what it is about....

You find offline businesses.
Run a check of their site through here:
To check for errors with their site. For example, if they have a http://www. and a http:// with no www.
Having both will cause backlinks to go to both, lowering the SEO effectiveness, but also may get their site into trouble for duplicate content.
Even though it's the same site, it's indexed differently.

Then you contact the business owners and let them know about the problem.
The idea is this info overwhelms them and they pay you to fix it.
Then they pay you for SEO as well.

Hope that makes sense.
03-02-2013, 02:24 AM
Post: #7
already shared, but thanks for taking the time to share

03-02-2013, 04:17 AM
Post: #8
great job thanks for shearing
03-02-2013, 01:46 PM
Post: #9
Thank you so much to the OP and the reviewers. OVERALL GUYS GREAT JOB.
