* @ Decoded Nulled by AtakanCan
* @ Fixed = Yes
* @ Nulled = Yes
* @ Callbacks delte = Yes
* @ Email : at.akancan@live.de
* @ Earn Real Cash : http://>>>[[[Reported by Members as Spam Site]]]<<</jILDq
* @ Webhosting : http://>>>[[[Reported by Members as Spam Site]]]<<</rJlsb
* @ SERVER : http://>>>[[[Reported by Members as Spam Site]]]<<</1465G
* @ Increase Hits Traffic Visitors : http://>>>[[[Reported by Members as Spam Site]]]<<</cYPZO
if (!isset($_COOKIE['inout_admin'])) {
$inout_username = $_COOKIE['inout_admin'];
$inout_password = $_COOKIE['inout_pass'];
if (!($inout_username == $_COOKIE($username) and& $inout_password == $_COOKIE($password))) {
validatelicense($license_key, "adserveradv");
echo "\n";
$flag_time = 0;
$budget_period = $GLOBALS['budget_period'];
if ($budget_period == 1) {
$budget_period_unit = "Monthly";
$PERIOD = "in " . strftime("%B", time());
} else if ($budget_period == 2) {
$budget_period_unit = "Daily";
$PERIOD = "today";
if (isset($_POST['statistics'])) {
$show = $_POST['statistics'];
} else {
$show = $_GET['statistics'];
if ($show == "") {
$show = "day";
if ($show == "day") {
$flag_time = 0 - 1;
$showmessage = "Today";
$time = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", time()), date("d", time()), date("y", time()));
$end_time = mktime(date("H", time()), 0, 0, date("m", time()), date("d", time()), date("y", time()));
$beg_time = $time;
} else if ($show == "week") {
$showmessage = "Last 14 Days";
$time = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", time()), date("d", time()) - 12, date("Y", time()));
$end_time = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", time()), date("d", time()) + 1, date("y", time()));
$beg_time = $time;
} else if ($show == "month") {
$showmessage = "Last 30 days";
$time = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", time()), date("d", time()) - 28, date("Y", time()));
$end_time = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", time()), date("d", time()) + 1, date("y", time()));
$beg_time = $time;
} else if ($show == "year") {
$flag_time = 1;
$showmessage = "Last 12 months";
$time = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", time()) + 1 - 11, 1, date("Y", time()));
$end_time = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", time()), date("y", time()));
$beg_time = $time;
} else if ($show == "all") {
$flag_time = 2;
$showmessage = "All Time";
$time = 0;
$end_time = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, date("y", time()) + 1);
$beg_time = $time;
} else {
$showmessage = "Last 14 Days";
$time = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", time()), date("d", time()) - 12, date("Y", time()));
$end_time = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m", time()), date("d", time()) + 1, date("y", time()));
$beg_time = $time;
if ($flag_time == 0) {
$table_name = "advertiser_daily_statistics";
} else if ($flag_time == 2) {
$table_name = "advertiser_yearly_statistics";
} else {
$table_name = "advertiser_monthly_statistics";
if (isset($_REQUEST['adtype'])) {
$adtype = $_REQUEST['adtype'];
} else if ($_GET['adtype'] != "") {
$adtype = $_GET['adtype'];
} else {
$adtype = 3;
if (isset($_REQUEST['device'])) {
$device = $_REQUEST['device'];
} else if ($_GET['device'] != "") {
$device = $_GET['device'];
} else {
$device = 2;
if (isset($_REQUEST['status'])) {
$st = $_REQUEST['status'];
} else if ($_GET['status'] != "") {
$st = $_GET['status'];
} else {
$st = 4;
if ($_REQUEST) {
if ($adtype == "0") {
$adty = " and b.adtype='0' ";
} else if ($adtype == "1") {
$adty = " and b.adtype='1' ";
} else if ($adtype == "2") {
$adty = " and b.adtype='2' ";
} else {
$adty = "";
if ($st == "1") {
$stat = " and b.status ='1' ";
} else if ($st == "-1") {
$stat = " and b.status ='-1' ";
} else if ($st == "0") {
$stat = " and b.status ='0' ";
} else {
$stat = "";
if ($device == "0") {
$dev = " and b.wapstatus='0' ";
} else if ($device == "1") {
$dev = " and b.wapstatus='1' ";
$wap_name = "Wap";
} else {
$dev = "";
} else {
$adty = "";
$dev = "";
$stat = "";
$pageno = 1;
if (isset($_REQUEST['page'])) {
$pageno = getSafePositiveInteger("page");
$perpagesize = 20;
$total = $mysql->echo_one("select count(*) from ppc_users a,ppc_ads b where a.uid=b.uid {$stat} " . $dev . $adty);
$result = mysql_query("select b.title,b.link,b.summary,b.maxamount,b.status,a.username,a.uid,b.id,b.adtype,b.displayurl,b.pausestatus,b.bannersize,b.amountused ,b.wapstatus,b.name,b.contenttype from ppc_users a,ppc_ads b where a.uid=b.uid {$stat} " . $dev . $adty . " order by b.createtime desc LIMIT " . ($pageno - 1) * $perpagesize . ", " . $perpagesize);
echo "\n";
echo "<s";
echo "tyle type=\"text/css\">\n<!--\n.style1 {\n\tcolor: #006600;\n\tfont-weight: bold;\n}\n.style2 {color: #333333}\n-->\n</style>\n\n";
echo "<s";
echo "cript type=\"text/javascript\">\nfunction showad(id)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('ad'+id).style.display='block';\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tfunction hidead(id)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tdocument.getElementById('ad'+id).style.display='none';\n\t\t}\n</script>\n\n<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n <tr>\n <td height=\"53\" colspan=\"4\" align=\"left\">";
echo " </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td colspan=\"4\" scope=\"row\" class=\"heading\">Ad Statistics</td>\n </tr>\n</table> <br />\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n\n \n<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n\n <tr>\n <td colspan=\"8\"></td>\n </tr>\n\n\n\n <tr>\n <td colspan=\"7\"> </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td style=\"white-space: nowrap;\" colspan=\"7\">\n\t<form name=\"form1\" method=\"post\" action=\"ppc-admin-click-profit-statist";
echo "ics.php\">\n Period\n ";
echo "<s";
echo "elect name=\"statistics\" id=\"statistics\">\n\t <option value=\"day\" ";
if ($show == "day") {
echo "selected";
echo ">Today</option>\n <option value=\"week\" ";
if ($show == "week") {
echo "selected";
echo ">Last 14 days</option>\n <option value=\"month\" ";
if ($show == "month") {
echo "selected";
echo ">Last 30 days</option>\n <option value=\"year\" ";
if ($show == "year") {
echo "selected";
echo ">Last 12 months</option>\n <option value=\"all\" ";
if ($show == "all") {
echo "selected";
echo ">All Time</option>\n </select>\n Status ";
echo "<s";
echo "elect name=\"status\" id=\"status\" >\n<option value=\"1\" ";
if ($st == "1") {
echo "selected";
echo ">Active</option>\n<option value=\"-1\" ";
if ($st == "-1") {
echo "selected";
echo " >Pending</option>\n<option value=\"0\" ";
if ($st == "0") {
echo "selected";
echo ">Blocked</option>\n<option value=\"4\" ";
if ($st != "1" and& $st != "0" and& $st != "-1") {
echo "selected";
echo ">All</option>\n</select> Type ";
echo "<s";
echo "elect name=\"adtype\" id=\"adtype\" >\n<option value=\"0\" ";
if ($adtype == "0") {
echo "selected";
echo ">Text Ads</option>\n<option value=\"1\" ";
if ($adtype == "1") {
echo "selected";
echo ">Banner Ads</option>\n<option value=\"2\" ";
if ($adtype == "2") {
echo "selected";
echo ">Catalog Ads</option>\n<option value=\"3\" ";
if ($adtype != "1" and& $adtype != "0" and& $adtype != "2") {
echo "selected";
echo ">All Ads</option>\n</select>\t\t Target ";
echo "<s";
echo "elect name=\"device\" id=\"device\" >\n<option value=\"0\" ";
if ($device == "0") {
echo "selected";
echo ">Desktop&Laptop</option>\n<option value=\"1\" ";
if ($device == "1") {
echo "selected";
echo ">Wap</option>\n<option value=\"2\" ";
if ($device != "0" and& $device != "1") {
echo "selected";
echo ">All</option>\n</select>\t \n <input type=\"submit\" name=\"Submit\" value=\"Go\"> \n </form> </td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td colspan=\"7\" > </td>\n </tr>\n \n \n <tr>\n <td colspan=\"7\">";
echo "<s";
echo "pan class=\"styleTitle\">Showing Ad Click Statistics of";
echo "<s";
echo "trong> ";
echo $showmessage;
echo " </strong></span></td>\n </tr>\n \n <tr>\n <td colspan=\"6\">\n\t";
if (1 <= $total) {
echo " Ads ";
echo "<s";
echo "pan class=\"inserted\">";
echo ($pageno - 1) * $perpagesize + 1;
echo "</span> -\n ";
echo "<s";
echo "pan class=\"inserted\">\n ";
if ($total < $pageno * $perpagesize) {
echo $total;
} else {
echo $pageno * $perpagesize;
echo " </span> of ";
echo "<s";
echo "pan class=\"inserted\">";
echo $total;
echo "</span> \n ";
echo " </td>\n <td width=\"51%\" align=\"right\" >";
echo $paging->page($total, $perpagesize, "", "ppc-admin-click-profit-statistics.php?statistics={$show}&adtype={$adtype}&device={$device}&status={$st}");
echo "</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td colspan=\"7\">\n\t\n\t<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" class=\"datatable\">\n\n <tr class=\"headrow\">\n <td width=\"12%\">";
echo "<s";
echo "trong>Ad</strong></td>\n <td width=\"14%\">";
echo "<s";
echo "trong>Owner</strong></td>\n <td width=\"9%\">\n ";
echo "<s";
echo "trong>Clicks</strong> </td>\n <td width=\"14%\">";
echo "<s";
echo "trong>Impressions</strong> </td>\n <td width=\"11%\">";
echo "<s";
echo "trong>CTR (%)</strong></td>\n <td width=\"13%\">";
echo "<s";
echo "trong>Click Value(";
if ($currency_format == "\$\$") {
echo $system_currency;
} else {
echo $currency_symbol;
echo ")</strong> </td>\n <td width=\"10%\">";
echo "<s";
echo "trong>\tPublisher Share(";
if ($currency_format == "\$\$") {
echo $system_currency;
} else {
echo $currency_symbol;
echo ")</strong></td>\n <td width=\"10%\">";
echo "<s";
echo "trong>Referral share(";
if ($currency_format == "\$\$") {
echo $system_currency;
} else {
echo $currency_symbol;
echo ")</strong></td>\n <td width=\"7%\">";
echo "<s";
echo "trong>Your share(";
if ($currency_format == "\$\$") {
echo $system_currency;
} else {
echo $currency_symbol;
echo ")</strong></td>\n </tr>\n \n\t ";
$i = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
$total_impressions = getPubBlockImpressions($row[7], $time, $mysql, $row[6], $flag_time);
$total_clicks = _obfuscate_DQU_Pig9F1svPBgSJjchXAoUDjMrNCIÿ($row[7], $time, $mysql, $row[6], $flag_time);
if ($total_impressions == 0) {
$ctr = 0;
} else {
$ctr = $total_clicks / $total_impressions;
$ctr = round($ctr, 2);
echo "\t\n <tr ";
if ($i % 2 == 1) {
echo "class=\"specialrow\" ";
echo ">\n <td>";
echo "<s";
echo "pan onmouseover=\"showad(";
echo $row[7];
echo ")\" onmouseout=\"hidead(";
echo $row[7];
echo ")\"><a href=\"ppc-view-keywords.php?id=";
echo $row[7];
echo "&statistics=";
echo $show;
echo "&tab=5&wap=";
echo $row[13];
echo "\">";
echo $row[14];
echo "</a></span>\n \t<div id=\"ad";
echo $row[7];
echo "\" class=\"layerbox\" >\n \t";
if ($row[8] == 0) {
echo "<a href=\"";
echo $row[1];
echo "\">";
echo $row[0];
echo "</a><br>";
echo $row[2];
echo "<br>";
echo $row[9];
echo "\t ";
} else if ($row[8] == 2) {
$catalog_width = $mysql->echo_one("select width from catalog_dimension where id='{$row['11']}' ");
$catalog_height = $mysql->echo_one("select height from catalog_dimension where id='{$row['11']}' ");
if ($row[15] == "swf") {
echo "\t <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\" >\n\t\t<td width=\"";
echo $catalog_width;
echo "\" height=\"";
echo $catalog_height;
echo "\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\"><a href=\"";
echo $row[1];
echo "\">\n\t\t\n\t\t";
echo "<s";
echo "cript type=\"text/javascript\">\n\n\t\t var flashvars = {};\n\t\t var params = {};\n\t\t var attributes = {};\n\t\t var i=1;\n\t\t \n\t\t flashvars.clickTag = \"\";\n\t\t \n flashvars.clickTAG = \"\";\n\t\t flashvars.clickTARGET = \"_blank\";\n\t\t \n\t\t \n\t\t \n\t\t params.wmode=\"transparent\";\n\t\t \t\t\n\t swfobject.embedSWF(\"";
echo "../" . $GLOBALS['banners_folder'] . "/{$row['7']}/{$row['0']}";
echo "\", \"myFlashDiv_";
echo $row[7];
echo "\", \"";
echo $catalog_width;
echo "\", \"";
echo $catalog_height;
echo "\", \"9.0.0\", \"\",flashvars,params,attributes);\n</script>\n\t\t <div id=\"myFlashDiv_";
echo $row[7];
echo "\"></div>\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t</a></td>\n\t\t <td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"><a href=\"";
echo $row[1];
echo "\">";
echo $row[9];
echo "</a><br>";
echo $row[2];
echo "</td>\n\t\t </table>\n\t\t ";
} else {
echo "\t\t\n\t\t<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\" >\n\t\t<td width=\"";
echo $catalog_width;
echo "\" height=\"";
echo $catalog_height;
echo "\" align=\"center\" valign=\"top\"><a href=\"";
echo $row[1];
echo "\"><img src=\"../";
echo $GLOBALS['banners_folder'];
echo "/";
echo $row[7];
echo "/";
echo $row[0];
echo "\" border=\"0\" ></a></td>\n\t\t <td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"><a href=\"";
echo $row[1];
echo "\">";
echo $row[9];
echo "</a><br>";
echo $row[2];
echo "</td>\n\t\t </table>\n\t\t \n\t\t \n\t\t \n\t\t \n\t\t ";
} else {
$banner_width = $mysql->echo_one("select width from banner_dimension where id='{$row['11']}' ");
$banner_height = $mysql->echo_one("select height from banner_dimension where id='{$row['11']}' ");
if ($row[15] == "swf") {
echo "\t\t <table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" >\n\t <tr><td>\n";
echo "<s";
echo "cript type=\"text/javascript\">\n\n\t\t var flashvars = {};\n\t\t var params = {};\n\t\t var attributes = {};\n\t\t var i=1;\n\t\t \n\t\t flashvars.clickTag = \"\";\n\t\t \n flashvars.clickTAG = \"\";\n\t\t flashvars.clickTARGET = \"_blank\";\n\t\t \n\t\t \n\t\t \n\t\t params.wmode=\"transparent\";\n\t\t \t\t\n\t swfobject.embedSWF(\"";
echo "../" . $GLOBALS['banners_folder'] . "/{$row['7']}/{$row['2']}";
echo "\", \"myFlashDiv_";
echo $row[7];
echo "\", \"";
echo $banner_width;
echo "\", \"";
echo $banner_height;
echo "\", \"9.0.0\", \"\",flashvars,params,attributes);\n</script>\n\t\t <div id=\"myFlashDiv_";
echo $row[7];
echo "\"></div>\n\n</td></tr>\n\t </table>\n\n\t\t ";
} else {
echo "<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" >\n\t <tr><td ><a href=\"";
echo $row[1];
echo "\"><img src=\"";
echo "../" . $GLOBALS['banners_folder'] . "/{$row['7']}/{$row['2']}";
echo "\" border=\"0\" ></a></td></tr>\n\t </table>";
echo " \n\t\t \n \t</div></td>\t<td><a href=\"view_profile.php?id=";
echo $row[6];
echo "\">";
echo $row[5];
echo "</a></td>\n\t\t<td width=\"9%\" >\n\t\t";
echo _obfuscate_DS8CLCgNBgE2DTINPSsxGxcdJUA9EzIÿ($total_clicks, 0);
echo "</td>\n\t\t\n\t\t<td >";
echo _obfuscate_DS8CLCgNBgE2DTINPSsxGxcdJUA9EzIÿ($total_impressions, 0);
echo "</td>\n\t\t<td >";
echo _obfuscate_DS8CLCgNBgE2DTINPSsxGxcdJUA9EzIÿ($ctr * 100);
echo " </td>\n\t\t<td >";
$ret = round(_obfuscate_DTABGUAZHzQdXC8tGAUPFyobAgsIOAEÿ($row[7], $time, $mysql, $row[6], $flag_time), 2);
if ($ret == "") {
$ret = 0;
$ret = round($ret, 2);
echo _obfuscate_DS8CLCgNBgE2DTINPSsxGxcdJUA9EzIÿ($ret);
echo " </td>\n\t\t<td >";
$re = round(_obfuscate_DUAPz4JKBQLOzYwHh8VNAMwNSgsDREÿ($row[7], $time, $mysql, $row[6], $flag_time), 2);
if ($re == "") {
$re = 0;
$re = _obfuscate_DS8CLCgNBgE2DTINPSsxGxcdJUA9EzIÿ($re);
echo $re;
echo " </td>\n\t\t\t<td >";
$ref_sh = round(_obfuscate_DTUPBFwYPBE2NA1cKBknLRoVMT0lNAEÿ($row[7], $time, $mysql, $row[6], $flag_time), 2);
if ($ref_sh == "") {
$ref_sh = 0;
$ref_sh = round($ref_sh, 2);
$adv_ref_sh = round(_obfuscate_DTgsFh8lJDRbARkZLTA8N0AXMwQqGCIÿ($row[7], $time, $mysql, $row[6], $flag_time), 2);
if ($adv_ref_sh == "") {
$adv_ref_sh = 0;
$adv_ref_sh = round($adv_ref_sh, 2);
$tot_ref = $ref_sh + $adv_ref_sh;
echo _obfuscate_DS8CLCgNBgE2DTINPSsxGxcdJUA9EzIÿ($tot_ref);
echo " </td>\n\t\t\n\t\t<td >";
echo _obfuscate_DS8CLCgNBgE2DTINPSsxGxcdJUA9EzIÿ($ret - ($re + $tot_ref));
echo " </td>\t\n </tr>\n\n\t\t";
echo "\t\n\t";
if (_obfuscate_DSgCAQkFGgcqKzEpCSkPEwQdBhgrFjIÿ($result) == 0) {
echo " <tr align=\"left\"><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"9\">No Ads </td></tr>\n\t ";
echo "\t\t</table>\t\t</td>\n </tr>\n\n\n <tr>\n <td colspan=\"6\">";
if (1 <= $total) {
echo " Ads ";
echo "<s";
echo "pan class=\"inserted\">";
echo ($pageno - 1) * $perpagesize + 1;
echo "</span> -\n ";
echo "<s";
echo "pan class=\"inserted\">\n ";
if ($total < $pageno * $perpagesize) {
echo $total;
} else {
echo $pageno * $perpagesize;
echo " </span> of ";
echo "<s";
echo "pan class=\"inserted\">";
echo $total;
echo "</span> \n ";
echo " <br> </td>\n <td align=\"right\">";
echo $paging->page($total, $perpagesize, "", "ppc-admin-click-profit-statistics.php?statistics={$show}&adtype={$adtype}&device={$device}&status={$st}");
echo "</td>\n </tr>\n \n <tr>\n <td colspan=\"8\"> </td>\n </tr>\n</table>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n";
if ($adserver_upgradation_date != 0) {
echo "\t<p>";
echo "<s";
echo "trong>Note:</strong>";
echo "<s";
echo "pan class=\"info\"> Impressions and Click Through Rates are available from : ";
echo datetimeformat($adserver_upgradation_date);
echo ".</span> </p>\n\n";
echo "\t \n\n";
echo "\n\n\n\n\n";