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03-30-2022, 09:32 PM
Post: #1
[GET] Dan Kennedy - Moving Money Up The Pyramid
Dan Kennedy - Moving Money Up The Pyramid

Sales Page:

Attention Anyone Who Wants To Create Big Profits With Tiny Lists...PLUS Keep Reading To See How You'll Get A Brand New, Never Before Released, GKIC Product That Will Debut For $797 In Two Weeks, for FREE!!!

Sorry to break it to you, but size does NOT always matter when it comes to making money from your list!

"Discover My 'Yet-To-Be-Revealed' System
For Extracting The HIDDEN Money From The
'Elite 1%' Of Customers Who'll Give You
Money Over And Over Again... Allowing You
To Sell Less And Make More And Achieve
More Success, Control, And
Freedom In Your Business Life!"

Keep Reading To Discover Why The REAL Money Is Made From Customers On Top Of The Pyramid—And How You Can Systematically Sift Through The "Low Hanging Fruit" That Have Little Or NO Value To You.

This Is The First Time I've EVER Revealed This System Outside Of Clients Who Gladly Pay Me $100,000 And Up For My Expertise. This Could Represent A HUGE Turnaround For You And Your Business,
So Keep Reading To Get The Scoop!

Dear Renegade Marketer,

What I'm about to present to you is not just another "make money" strategy. It's not another system that "might" bump conversions temporarily...or "might" get people excited momentarily.

I'm about to give you some serious "Insider" strategies you can quickly begin using today to start boosting your bottom line.

This message will be the most important message you'll EVER read if you CARE about your business future.

You see, there's been a HUGE "change in tide" in the past 5-10 years that's putting a LOT of people out of business...

...but can be a HUGE opportunity for you---that is, if you know what you're doing.

These are strategies I've been implementing in my client's businesses for the past several years...the same clients that pay me up to $100,000 per sales letter...and $18,800 for each daily consultation.

And 85% of them are thrilled to death to hire me again.

In other words, what I have to say to you is going to truly be "money" when it comes to your bottom line...that is if you take action and HEED what I have to tell you:

If You Aspire To Be Rich, Here Are The "Big 3 Benefits" You'll Experience Immediately!

You'll be able to skyrocket your lifetime customer value.Most clients who come to me have pitiful lifetime customer values since they depend on the whole "churn and burn" philosophy of marketing:

Just sell as MANY products as possible to them...a fast as possible.Send as many pitches them until they buy or cry "Uncle" and leave the reservation for good. And then find the next prospect and pound the HELL out of them until they buy.

What I have to share with you is a more sophisticated method for ensuring the RIGHT customers stay with you long-term....so they can give you money again and again...and actually BRAG about you to other people.

Believe me, this is the HOLY GRAIL of many businesses...but when you finish reading this message, you'll soon be on the "up and up" of what's working today.

2) You'll be able to successfully filter which customers are going to give you money, and the people who are simply going to waste your time---giving you massive headaches, a lot of trouble, and spinning your wheels.

Later on in this letter you're going to learn why 99% of your prospects are going to be of little or no value to you...and how you can successfully filter out the "Elite 1%" who are actually going to give you money long-term.

There's a certain characteristic about this Elite 1% that makes them the ideal customer for you... and it's this brand of customer my System elegantly "filters out" for you...so you can make MORE money and run a more enjoyable business.

Which leads to my next point...

3) You'll be able to create a business that's going to leave you rich, relaxed and happy. Think about having LESS customers that give you MORE money... and allow you to have more free time, more autonomy, and live life the way YOU want...not "someone else".

You see, I always encourage each entrepreneur to create a "Do not do" list when it comes to how their business is going to be run.

And I encourage them to imagine what they want their life to be like 5-10 years from now...and how to structure their business so they can live the lifestyle they choose.

When you implement everything I'm going to tell you in this message, and do what it says, you'll be able to run your business the way YOU want...and not beholden to a business that's full of "low-hanging fruit" customers.

Yet that's what the MAJORITY of businesses have to put up with...and, to give you a quick newsflash about how I work...the majority is ALWAYS wrong when it comes to marketing!

Now I'll tell you more about my System of getting a smaller group of people to give you MORE money with LESS hassle in a second. But for now I am going to warn you:

Some Of You Are Going To Dismiss
What I'm Telling You And Think Of This As Merely "Entertainment"...

Listen: I know there is a small percentage out there that will simply "brush off" what I have to say in this letter—or read it as merely "entertainment"...

You're going to think that "that Dan Kennedy guy" has some really "cute" ideas...and "interesting" thoughts....

You may even dismiss these ideas because you're in a certain industry.

Here's the deal: GKIC Platinum Member Dr. Tom Orent created a big wall poster for my conference room because he's hear it so often from so many – "...But MY Business Is Different."

Thinking this way is a huge temptation. But it is also a huge roadblock to any progress.

If you insist on paying attention only to examples, ideas and information from your specific business, you GUARANTEE that things will remain "the way things are" in your business.

You see, most businesses sequester themselves, only read their industry trade journals and the other ads in their section of the Yellow Pages.

The truth is that breakthroughs in sales, income and growth are only possible for the business owner who eagerly looks at EVERY example and idea of effective marketing that we deliver to find something he can translate and transfer.

So merely dismissing my 35 years of marketing experience would be a mistake. Believe me, if you're like most of my clients, you have only "scratched the surface" of what's possible with your current or future business.

I know I'll have a slew of Renegade Entrepreneurs who are automatically going to be "all in"...and happily take advantage of what I'll share with you in a second.

Some have been with me for 5-10-20 years and listen to what I have to say like gospel. Why? Because they always get immediate value. They "get it".

And this case will not be any different.

Ok enough of the preamble.The following is the current state of affairs of today's business environment...and if you've been in marketing for any length of time, you'll completely resonate with what I'm saying here.

Believe me, this is VERY important to your current and future business—otherwise, I wouldn't be wasting my time writing this letter.

And if you're relatively new, then I've just saved you YEARS of banging your head against the wall in frustration...

The "Old" Paradigm Of Selling...
And Why It Doesn't Work Today:

You see, back in the day, you could sell a simple $27 dollar ebook. $47 e-course or $97 set of DVDs. And all you had to do is drive a heap load of traffic to a website, or order form and expect to make a killing.

Pay-per-click traffic was cheap. You could literally drive heaps of traffic to your website for 5 cents a click. And all you had to do is score a mere 1% conversion rate to rake in a profit.

Then simply "rinse and repeat" and duplicate this simple model over and over again. Piece of cake, right? Just watch the money flow into your bank account with little or NO effort.

Best part: competitors were scarce, as the Internet was still "new" and very few wanted to mess around with online marketing. Just too complicated—so many people just sat on the sidelines.

In other words, it was a bonanza for many businesses. All they had to do is sell as much product as possible and watch the profits roll in.

Same went for the seminar business. Just pile a bunch of people into a room for a $2000-per-head seminar and have a HUGE 1 day cash-surge. And do it over and over again.

You see, those were the good ol' days...and there are still some people who are able to do this (perhaps you're one of them). But as many marketers have witnessed, this has become a THING of the past...

Why Product-Based Selling Is 'Dead In
The Water' In Today's Economy...
Here's the deal: the cost of doing business is getting waaaay too expensive—pure and simple. Just ask anyone who has paid for Facebook advertising, purchased banners online, or blown money on Google Adwords.

Those 5-cent clicks that existed 5-10 years ago are now worth $2.00 and up. And if you're a lawyer or other professional looking for high-value leads, prepared to spend up to $100 per click on some keywords.

Further, the lower cost of entry of starting a business thanks to Internet has lead to a slew of "copycat" competitors flooding the marketplace. Now anyone can get in the game with just a $8.95 domain and $2.95/month hosting.

Another thing: the Internet has allowed everyone to have an equal say. Before, if you wanted to have a voice, you would have to submit an editorial to your local newspaper and hope and pray it gets published.

Nowadays it takes you 2 minutes to create a blog or website. The guy living in his parent's basement can now have the same reach as the New York Times.

The raising costs of advertising and a whole SLEW of new competitors has led to one of my BIGGEST no-no's–being "cheap" when it comes to attracting leads—in flailing hopes they'll recreate or generate the SAME profit margin they had 4-5 years ago.

Big mistake! It's seriously like shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic...you're almost certain to go down!

But that's not all. This mostly applies to the information marketing industry but can be applicable to ALL businesses:

Most People Are Like Heroin Junkies
When It Comes To Buying Products!

Listen: I've been in info-marketing for a very long time. And I've personally sold millions of dollars of info-products...and have written copy for info-marketers that have raked in the dough.

And there's one thing that's certain.Most people buy info-products because they get a psychological "hit". That "hit" makes them feel good as they feel they're taking action to solve their problem.

...yet they NEVER implement the information!

These people are like information junkies...they'll fill their hard drives with $27 ebooks, and bookshelves with $97 audio programs that represent their "hits"...like a heroin junkie who just had a fix.

...but when they "comedown" from a high, they're looking for the next hit.

Another product.Another "guru". Another "thing" they can use to whip out their credit card and BUY...so they "feel good" that they've done something about their problem.

You see, the self-improvement niche is RIFE with this activity. People who fit this category will buy all of Zig Ziglar's stuff. Then they'll move onto Tony Robbins. Then they'll move on to Brian Tracy.

Sure they may listen to the first CD or read the first chapter. But it's been proven over and over again that only 10% of people who buy a book or course actually read past the first chapter...or listen to that first CD.

I'll show you why these people are "low hanging fruit" on your business...and I'll reveal a system that'll allows you to sift through these that your competitors will NEVER know about.

Why? Because most of the time they're not ambitious or motivated to take action!

How My Wayward Relative Represents MOST Of
Your Prospects On Your List Right Now
(This WILL Wake You Up!)

I have a relative that speaks of entrepreneurial ambition all the time. I hear it all the time: "I want to start a business, grow a business...be in a business". Etc. etc. etc.

However, when you look at his house, you'd be hard-pressed to find at least 4 books that have to do with building a business. No info-products, no courses, and no books at all...

I tell you this is good representative of MOST of your prospects. Most will "talk the talk" but will NEVER take action on what you teach, or do anything to improve their lives.

They'll just download your free report and leave them sitting on their hard drive, stuff your newsletter in that "pile" while they tell themselves, they'll "get around to it" someday.

Thus literally wasting space in your auto-responder and your prospect database.

These people have absolutely little or NO value to you. I know it probably breaks your heart if you have a BIG list.

But the truth is, only 1% of those people have any value to you. They just want to be like Ted Danson in Cheers—just stand behind the bar, talk to patrons, hit on the attractive women...

...and NOT do the hard work and marketing it takes to create a sustainable business that'll provide long-term CONSISTENT income. They just want the BENEFITS of owning a business.

Now this isn't just for prospects in a business—this is for ANYONE in society. Only 1% of people in society in general are really kicking butt and taking names...and THESE are the people you want deal with in your business...as you'll discover later on.

Oh, and one more thing:

If You Think You Can Light A Fire
Underneath Their Butt So They Can "Move On Up" To The Top 1%, Then FORGET IT!

You might think that you might be able to "wake up" your sleeping, dormant, non-motivated prospects and get them to "move on up" to the Top 1%

Sorry to tell you but that ain't gonna happen.

You can give them a bunch of "done for you" stuff. Even double the amount of stuff they're getting. You can lock them in a seminar for 4 days and present benefit after benefit...reason after reason...for them to get off their rear end and actually DO something.

You can even go to their house and threaten to beat them up. But the truth is, NOBODY is going to move up.

And for you to constantly fight it by offering these prospects "Shock and awe" packages, more "FREE" stuff to win them over, and a offer a host of "done-for-you" services, it's just going to FRUSTRATE and aggravate you.

That's not where your focus should be in your business if you value your sanity.

Size Does NOT Always Matter!

You see, the biggest "a-ha" moment you should be getting from this message is that there is only a TINY percentage of prospects that have REAL value to you.

Think of it as a pyramid.The base of the pyramid consists of mostly "low hanging fruit" that have absolutely NO value to you.And the tip of the pyramid...only 1%...actually have the money to spend money with you--without them asking themselves: "Can I Afford It".

Best part: These Elite 1% are motivated and immediately see the benefits your products can give them.In other words, they "get it".

They're ambitious and are willing to invest in themselves to improve their lot in life.They're not in it for "quick-fix" solution.

As a result:

They'll BUY from you again and again.Since they used your last product and got results (after all, they DO take action) they'll gleefully purchase your subsequent products. In other words, your lifetime customer value will skyrocket.

They'll be better customers who'll treat you better and are pleasant to hang around. You "get them" and they "get you"...after all, you're ambitious yourself (otherwise you wouldn't have read this far). Therefore your business life will have less headaches and stress.

You'll have LESS customers...making it easier to run your business so you're not beholden by it. Now I know having less customers sounds like a BAD thing, but it's better to have 1000 paying customers than 1 million "looky-loos". That means you can sell less and make MORE...meaning less hassle, less customer support issues...and MORE time off for you!

They'll recommend you to their family and friends. The best form of advertising is via word of mouth. Since these elite customers are ambitious, they probably have ambitious friends. And they'll talk about you...brag about you...and you'll be able to attract even MORE of these ideal customers!

Believe me, this will allow you to achieve more certainty and sustainability in your business.Since these elite customers will keep buying from you...you'll have consistent, repeatable income...

...not just short, unpredictable "spurts" of income.

As a result, you'll achieve more POWER in your niche. You'll be able to outspend, out-maneuver, and outsell ANYBODY in your field.

You see, one of my clients, Dr. Ben Altadonna, is able to run multiple full-page ads in Chiropractic magazines selling his marketing system...while his competitors are running small dinky classified ads. And he's able to do this month after month.

In other words, you'll sleep better at night. You'll NEVER have to stare at your ceiling at 2 in the morning wondering how in the WORLD you're going to meet payroll at the end of the month.

Most people brag about their "list size". Well, in this case anyway, bigger is not always better. And you cannot "guesstimate" when it comes to this stuff.

Filtering This Elite 1% Is Like
Finding A Needle In A Haystack...That Is If
You Don't Know What You're Doing!

Sure, you can try to filter your top 1% of customers from your prospects. But, to be honest, it's easy to mess it up.

If you do this "wrong way" you could end up ruining your business forever. Prospects could stop responding to your advertisements, emails, social media posts, and direct mail...leaving you dead in the water.

And you could totally alienate your BUYERS...the most important people on your list. That's like business suicide!

Seriously, it's like a master painter needing to draw a sketch before he draws a painting. That sketch serves as the framework by which the painting will be drawn....

...and without it, just one mistake could totally ruin the painting.

Well, I'm about to present to you the EXACT framework you can use to filter out the top 1% of customers...so you can make more money and get more free time and autonomy in your business.

This is the exact blueprint I share with my top-dollar clients...and GKIC implements this strategy all the time.

Your present and FUTURE business life is about to get a LOT easier when you take action right now and start:

Moving Money Up The Pyramid

"Moving Money Up The Pyramid" is the single most important strategy I've taught my high-dollar clients—who recently surpassed a collective 1 BILLION Dollars in income thanks to my tutelage.

I'll show you EXACTLY what to do to implement this blueprint in your business so you can start filtering out the true "customers" who are going to be the most VALUABLE to you...

...and not just take up space in your email auto-responder...or your customer and prospect database.

This 3-hour presentation was taken at a conference...where attendees paid $2000+ to attend. No stone was left unturned...and no door was left unopened as I shared the "nuts and bolts" of this System you could be implementing right away.

You'll get the DVDs, audios, transcripts, and presentation slides so you can review what you missed. It's like you were actually there!

I will Warn You: You
Might Be Just A TAD Offended!

Now you might be turned off by my coarse language and think I'm a little "off my rocker".

We'll if that the case, then so be it.I created this course and am writing this letter so it can be USED.

Also if you're going to let this course just sit on your shelf so it collects dust, then this might not be for you.

I've created a REAL "thing" that has REAL value.Not some "pie in the sky" push-button fantasy that will show you how to create "instant" riches.

That stuff doesn't exist...and never will.

It will take some effort. This is not a "quick-fix" thing that will solve all your business problems overnight. In fact, I teach that the most sophisticated business models are the best—that way competitors cannot come along and "rip off your stuff".

Nobody Else Teaches This Strategy...And
Chances Are...Nobody Else WILL!

Listen, most marketers out there are stuck in the "sell as much product as possible" paradigm—where their goal is to sell the HELL out of their $27 ebook, $97 CD series, and $47 e-course.

So most stuff out there is about 3 things:1) Find a market, 2) Sell a product and 3) Sell it to a hungry crowd.

Sorry to say it, but this is mostly for LAZY marketers who just "follow the crowd". And, as Earl Nightingale once said:

"If you want to achieve success in any endeavor, and have not an
example to follow, look at what everyone else is doing and
do the opposite. Because the majority is always wrong."

Moving Money Up The Pyramid goes deeper than most courses out there...even the ones we sell at GKIC. It's a sophisticated, yet elegant way you can carefully and skillfully sift out your most VALUABLE customers...

...and not just build a list of prospects you can brag about to your marketing buddies.

This blueprint has been time-tested and proven OVER and OVER again not only at GKIC, but also with my many private clients who trust this model with their bank accounts....

...the same clients who plunk down $10,000 to $100,000 on marketing campaigns based on my "say so".

And I HAVE to be right. Otherwise, my "Millionaire Maker" image gets raked through the coals.

So this is not some cheap ebook or report I spent a weekend writing so I can sell it to you and take your money.

These are REAL Strategies I implement over and over again with my private clients.

And you can implement them too!

Here's What You'll Discover
When You Start Targeting The
"Elite 1%" Today!

Why you simply cannot just sell "information" if you're in an info-marketing business. That ship has sailed a LONG time ago and this is what you should be doing instead.

The scourge of "Big List Syndrome" and how this can sabotage your profits for YEARS to come. This is the "death-knell" for many businesses and how you can overcome it...

How market fragmentation is shifting business as we know it...and how you can gain an unfair advantage for years to come (your competitors will run home and cry to Mommy!)

Why "shortcuts" and "turnkey" business solutions could expose you to undue risk in your business—and what you can do about it (this is key for unparalleled sustainability and certainty in your business!)

The difference between a "business" and a "moneymaker" and how I helped infomercial giant Guthy-Renker snap out of the latter...and move into the former. You can do it too!

14 "Gamechanger" concepts that represents the NEW economy and today's NEW selling environment that could lead to quantum shifts in business (I live and breathe this stuff on a daily basis, and this is what I'm implementing in my OWN ventures)

Where the REAL power is in your marketing. This is how you essentially pound your prospects into submission, and it's not what most people (including other marketing "experts") think!

Where to find the "hidden money" in your business (it's 6x easier to sell to existing customers than to NEW customers, and this will show you how to extract more profits from your business!)

...And a whole LOT more!

How Much Is The Ability To Target The
"Top 1%" Customers At The Top Of The Pyramid Worth To You?

Listen: nothing in the myriad of strategies I've taught in my 35 years in info-marketing matches what is in this course.

The concepts taught in "Moving Money Up The Pyramid" have been shown to double...even TRIPLE the lifetime customer value of my highest-paying clients.

If you're new to business, this course will give you a "head start" on the rest of your competition and leapfrog YEARS of trial, error, and headaches.

And if you've been with me for awhile and are looking for more complex business strategies you can implement to gain a bigger foothold in your market, then this is just for you.

Now I'm not going to sit here and promise you're going to double or TRIPLE your lifetime customer value...guaranteed.

All of this depends on whether or not you follow my simple instructions and take action on what I teach in this course.

But if you DO take action, think about what this can do for your income. What it can do for your family...and waking up just KNOWING what your business will be like 5, 10, 15 years from now.

And think about how well you'll sleep at night knowing you have a proven SYSTEM for sifting your high-value customers...while others in your market are just "guessing".

I know for a FACT that GKIC lives and dies by this strategy. We credit millions of dollars of sales toward "Moving Money Up The Pyramid"...as do my Renegade Millionaire clients.

In fact, they would have GLADLY paid at least $5000 for this blueprint—considering they would get that investment back in more power in their niche, HUGE income, and greater confidence.

Well, guess what? You won't pay $5000. And you won't pay $3000 either.

In fact, $2000-$3000 is how much I charge for most of our "big" product launches—and thousands of people GLADLY pay that.

When you step up today and take action, you'll get Moving Money Up The Pyramid for only $997

Think about it: you could get that money back with just 1 customer who buys a high-ticket info-product or coaching program—a customer who went through this proprietary "Vetting" process you're about to discover...

...making the price of this invaluable system practically insignificant!

I GUARANTEE Your Profits Will Skyrocket
...Or You Won't Have To Pay A Penny!

guarantee.pngI have never once sold anything of mine without a proper guarantee.

People can say many things about me, but they can NEVER honestly accuse me of pocketing a dollar I didn't earn in the sole judgment of the person paying the dollar.

You see, I'm a serious guy. I've built a serious program for serious adults pursuing exceptional goals.

In any case, for any reason or even no reason at all, you may return my entire System anytime within 1 year of receipt for a full and complete and instant refund.

No questions asked. No hassle.No "funny stuff".

This is cruel, but I don't want idiots using my Systems to prop up tables with broken legs. I pride myself on the extraordinary results people get.

In fact, my refund statistics might interest you. I average about 7%. So 93% keep whatever of mine they invest in, and the overwhelming majority invests again, and again...as I mentioned.

Now why would ANYBODY do that if they weren't getting great profits?

So Don't Put Up With A
"Diseased Herd" For Very Long!

You know, I always talk about "The Herd"...a group of customers who bond with you and read all your emails, blog posts, free reports, and buy your product.

Well, there's a difference between a healthy Herd and a "diseased" Herd.

The marketers with a diseased Herd just have a "list". They'll brag about their email list size but the fact is 80% of them have absolutely NO relationship with the marketer.

Well, here's your chance to get rid of the "low hanging fruit" and focus on the top 1% of customers that will spend money with you over and over again.

Don't ignore this. You can probably make money with them in the short term...but it'll DESTROY you in the long term.That's what happens when you settle for low-hanging fruit—a business that teeters on the edge of "going under".

I don't want this to happen to you. I gave this presentation at one of my $2000-per-head events for a reason: so I can reveal this blueprint to "action takers" who are going to use it, implement it, and profit from it.

The reason you're seeing this message is because I believe you are one of them. There's something "missing" in your business right now that could make a QUANTUM leap in income...

Or you're just starting out and looking for a pathway—a "roadmap" for structuring an info-marketing business that'll lead to GREATER profits and less headaches for you.

You have found it in Moving Money Up The Pyramid. Just ask my many Renegade Millionaire clients and they'll personally vouch for what you'll discover in this course.

So what are you waiting for? Start Moving Money Up The Pyramid right now by clicking on the "Add To Cart" button below. And prepare to become a little more rich, relaxed and happy in your business!

Yes Dan! I Want To Avoid The "Low Hanging Fruit" And Extract More Wealth From The "Elite 1%" Who'll Give Me Money Again And Again!

I know this is the ONLY time in your illustrious career that you've laid out this EXACT blueprint that your clients have gladly paid you up to $100,000 and UP to implement in their OWN businesses...

I know I'd be absolutely nuts to NOT take you up on this offer...as you're doing me a FAVOR by assembling all these strategies in one place...thus saving me years of trial and error!

I know that my investment today is only a FRACTION of what I could be making when I start making more and working less thanks to these strategies.

And I know if I'm not the least bit satisfied, I can request a FULL refund within 1 year of purchase. In other words, I get to use Moving Money Up The Pyramid For Essentially FREE!

Dan Kennedy's Moving Money Up The Pyramid

Only $997

Dan S. Kennedy

P.S.One more thing: if you've been stuck in what I call "Shiny Object Syndrome"...where you're stuck buying "trick" after "trick", then this is a breath of fresh air for you.

No it's not a "magic pill" that's going to solve all your problems overnight. But it is going to flick the "make money" switch from difficult to easy.

This is a REAL system for extracting more profits from your "herd" that'll allow you to attract more opportunity, raise capital when needed, and create a sustainable business. And I'm about to reveal how you can do it!

P.P.S. Moving Money Up The Pyramid works in ANY economy...no matter what "doom and gloom" most of the "Talking Heads" on TV suggest.

In fact, prospects are becoming more fickle than ever to fork over their hard-earned cash—which makes it even more CRITICAL to filter out the prospects that actually HAVE money...and are willing to spend it.

Sure they are fewer and farther between these days. But my System allows you to extract more money from the "Elite 1%" that MORE than makes up for the people that have little or NO money.

Think about it: More "high value" customers...and less frustration in your business. You'll get it when you claim your copy of Moving Money Up The Pyramid today!

P.P.P.S. Tools change constantly. Media change constantly.But there are Systems that are as reliable as gravity. So when you take action and claim your copy of Moving Money Up The Pyramid, you'll get access to an "Evergreen" system you can implement in any moneymaking enterprise.

Imagine having certainty in your business...and having a dedicated herd of prospects that are motivated and have money, fork over money to you every time you send out an email or direct mail piece.

Quite simply, I didn't just wake up one night and dream this stuff up! I have a 35-year track record of creating multimillionaires and 7-figure income earners. And I'm handing my System to you on a silver platter---so these skills can be transferred to you. So take action and claim your copy today!

Get it here. (NOTE: you need all 3 parts of this and I used 7Zip to make it.)

Reps are always appreciated.


Consistency builds momentum... And that’s how dreams become a reality.
03-30-2022, 11:30 PM (This post was last modified: 03-30-2022 11:41 PM by imjuanita.)
Post: #2
RE: [GET] Dan Kennedy - Moving Money Up The Pyramid
Thanks GordonShumway, just getting started to focus with my "tiny list of buyer" and here you are with DK material about it...big thanks! Reps added

Thanks Thanks
03-31-2022, 01:18 AM
Post: #3
RE: [GET] Dan Kennedy - Moving Money Up The Pyramid
Another great share!
Thanks a lot, my friend!
+ Reps

03-31-2022, 02:34 AM
Post: #4
RE: [GET] Dan Kennedy - Moving Money Up The Pyramid
Thanks for yet another DK product. DK's sales pages pack as much value as the product. They are a lesson of their own.
03-31-2022, 05:06 AM
Post: #5
RE: [GET] Dan Kennedy - Moving Money Up The Pyramid
Welcome back with a big bank mate! Thanks for share
03-31-2022, 09:06 AM
Post: #6
RE: [GET] Dan Kennedy - Moving Money Up The Pyramid
Great share - Reps to you and yours!
08-01-2022, 04:58 PM
Post: #7
RE: [GET] Dan Kennedy - Moving Money Up The Pyramid
huge giveaway but files been deplete..
rep-up more help..

+max rep for the <3
08-17-2022, 02:14 PM
Post: #8
RE: [GET] Dan Kennedy - Moving Money Up The Pyramid
Links are down :(
09-24-2022, 06:22 PM
Post: #9
RE: [GET] Dan Kennedy - Moving Money Up The Pyramid
New Mirror? Thx
09-24-2022, 10:57 PM
Post: #10
RE: [GET] Dan Kennedy - Moving Money Up The Pyramid
New Links:

(You need ALL 3 Parts of this Before you can Unzip. I used 7Zip for this)


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