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04-22-2014, 08:11 PM
Post: #1
[GET] CodeCanyon - Splitscreen v1.6.2 - Plugin for WordPress v3.x
[Image: EhhHu6b.jpg]

WordPress Splitscreen

WordPress Splitscreen is a bold and different way for WordPress sites to display image ads, promote content, or welcome web visitors. Splitscreen remains an unique, interactive, fullscreen, billboard style, overlay plugin with three valuable modes: splash, promo and teaser.

Mobile and touch ready, WordPress Splitscreen transforms the core jQuery Splitscreen plugin into a powerful Wordpress plugin.

Assign a Splitscreen to any page, category archive, post, posts within a category or shortcode enabled area in a WordPress site, including text widgets.

The WordPress Splitscreen admin panel makes it easy for WordPress administrators to create, manage, customize and publish Splitscreens to WordPress sites on the fly. This plugin includes over 30 available settings and options including:

Horizontal and Vertical splitting
    Timed dismissal of Splitscreens
    Layered Splitscreens in Gallery Mode
    Shortcode sized Splitscreens
    Add custom CSS, JavaScript, HTML behind the split
    Generate buttons with the button maker
    Track Splitscreen views and clicks in promo and teaser modes
    Set expiration dates for Splitscreens
    Set maximum clicks or maximum views for Splitscreens
    Your SEO is not affected!

3 Splitscreen Modes

In Splash mode, Splitscreen appears above your website content and is dismissed (closed) by clicking on the center of the page.

In Promo mode, Splitscreen appears above your website content with two buttons behind the split. One button leads to a custom URL, while the other dismisses (closes) Splitscreen, allowing the user to view the current page.

In Teaser mode, Splitscreen appears above your website content and provides the option to add custom ‘teaser’ html behind the split; in this mode Splitscreen cannot be dismissed (closed) unless you add a special CSS class to an element in the ‘teaser’ html or use the included JavaScript call to close Splitscreen programmatically.


1.6.2, 02/4/2014    

CSS overflow-mobile-workaround: added call to slimscroll.js and init-slimscroll.js to core.php on line 409 and 410 to allow for scrolling if content overflow.

http://codecanyon.net/item/wordpress-splitscreen/695762?ref=REPORTED AS REFERRAL. Please be WARNED. LAST WARNING!!!

http://[Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD]/vcv66fcs

[Image: SaIPBgS.png]


SHA256:     999e38317cefe38ec7eb1134e1e21b1a57301d54cbc13be2e86bb821358a32d3
File name:     cdf27e068fe390c4f61d4a3e3464f633424405ed.rar
Detection ratio:     0 / 50
Analysis date:     2014-04-22 10:04:01 UTC
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