Overall: Interesting niche research module and ad's writing,campaign creation for non adwords setups,mediocore tracking setup ,good list of ppc engines,other things are standard like in any other training/course
Find paid traffic sources that allow direct linking
Pick 3 offers cpa/digital/physical to test
Chris made money in:
Digital niches:membership training,software,ebooks,info products
Physical niches convert better but lower commissions,electronics&gadgets
BIG MONEY NICHES:health fitness,make money save money,dating and relationships,self help
physical products:com of 30$+ ,high end items(several hunders $),search amazon for product then try to find if they have a website and sign up as affiliate from there
cpa offers: com over 1$ ,ppc allowed
digital products:com 30$+,has upsells funnel,recurring billing
clicksure,paydot.com,clickbank.com (digital product networks)
commission junction,amazon (physical products)
Follow trendsetters,leaders,sign up for newsletter optin forms of leaders,pinterest,g trends(hot searches),Product Launches(JVNotify,LaunchBoardMarketplace),blogs,fb,twitter
choose 3 categories around your interest
go for products that give you 30$+ commission,avg rebill total 30$,try for 75% commission and high price products w/e rebill,high gravity,
use cbengine.com
(email/zip submits) well known and trusted brands/names,health and beauty,
if its a product, you want at least 30$ and if its email/zip 1$
Fat-Loss:Truth About Abs,Fat Loss Factor (on clickbank)
Make/Safe Money niche(you can promote many things here,even chris course),
Dating&relationships: Tao of Badass,or RSD stuff,D Angelo,Double your dating,etc...
Green niche(saving money on electric bill,etc...): Earth 4 energy (on clickbank)
[keyword] affiliate
[keyword] "become an affiliate"
[keyword] "affiliate program"
[keyword] "become an associate"
search g for affiliate tracking software:
Affiliate Software - IdevAffiliate
"Affiliate Software by IdevAffiliate"
also type: affiliate software by (and g will popup suggestion of some other softwares used)
also inurl: directtrack (searching g for all urls that have directtrack inside of it)
also you can type something before those advanced searches like general kw "health" "beauty" etc...
Txt Ads:
bing ads first to try
7 search first to try
looksmart first to try
business.com (good for business only niches)
bidvertiser(search sites where u want ur ads to show up)
google adwords(this he recommends last to use,its hard but not impossible for direct linking and aff,must be a full blow site/blog not just direct link,have lp's)
Banner Ads:
plenty of fish
google display network
45$ commission
3% conversion rate = out of 100 clicks u get 3 sales
At 45$ commission per sale you earned 135$
135$/100 = 1.35 $
Break Even CPC = 1.35$ (you can spend 1.35 per click to break even,if you spend more then u loose money,if you spend less than then u make money)
Lets say you are getting .60 cents per click.for 100 clicks you spent 60$.you earned 135$ in commissions, 135-60=75$ = PROFIT
Important that you know that and dont spend more then you need to.
3-10 kw's,Monitor Kw's brand name,company name,product name,category,trademarks,main keywords,action triggers,specific buy terms,youse page source to see details for names,
You can do 1 kw per ad group or 1-10 kw per ad group for best performance
Tools you can use:Ad-Spy.com(works crawling with bing,not google) / KeywordSpy / Spyfu /
You can copy comp ad but maybe with a . , and add your own too,run 2 ads and test which is better,bid a little higher then the other person,
Check merchant sales page for kw's his source page in meta tags,
-no cost
-free download
use whitespace(if all ads are very long,you use white space-contrary and make it shorter)
use symbols and numbers ?,",+,%,
drop,cut words
u can use lists how to ? then in desc 1. 2. - it gets attention
use quotes in description(using snipet of testimonials in ur ad)
focus on benefits
make a strong offer
include call to action
use competitor in desc to target your thing
use display url to put ur kw or expand ur msg (35 char)
display url must match the site they land on but after the url u can put anything u want there even if the page doesnt exist
one kw one ad group
title:25 chars
txt(line 1 and 2): 71 total
display url: 35 chars
destrination url: 1024 chars
title:25 chars
txt(line 1 and 2): 70 total (35 each line)
display url: 35 chars
destrination url: 1024 chars
after 100 clicks you ll see which one performs better,delete the looser,add another ad to the test and try beat your winner
get "Adwords Copycat" from bbhf or copy your competitor ad's and modify them
Pixel Tracking - puting pixel on your landing page and thank you page (cant use since no access to vendors pages)
Sub-Id Tracking - you can add 8 char tracking id at the end of your clickbank aff link,then u insert the link in ur destrination url to your ad
bing ads->performance and analysis tools->create goal->name goal ,what ur promoting,conversion step name(sale,optin,lead...),revenue put constant(whats ur commission),conv period 30 days,get the code number
domain id and dedup code,go to clickbank->settings->edit integrated sales reporting->add tracking code,type ms bing,domain id is the number u got,tracking method 1(dedup=1),enable tracking code,
Tracking 202(hosted on their servers,Chris's Favourite,just easy login),Prosper 202(free version,on ur own server,all data),can hire someone to set it all up on your own server on elance or track it
with Sub-ID's
at end of dest url goes tracking
10$ daily ,budget accelerated
gmt -8 pacific time usa tijuana
1 kw per ad group(or 1-10 per group),2 ads,type of kw broad(use modified broad)/phrase/exact,ad distribution search network only,ad rotation - each ad equaly to see which ctr is better
give ur kw's 100 clicks to see ,3% or 5% for buyer kw's
add more to daily budget
expanding to content and site targeting advertising and banner ads(display),post links in blogs/forums