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04-12-2020, 05:53 AM
Post: #1
[GET] 365 Dare You To
[Image: 51lxrnmXw3L._SX412_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]

This title offers 365 ways to inject fun, naughtiness and novelty into your sex life - every night of the year. Drop your inhibitions in preparation for a journey of intense sexual discovery! "365 Dare You To" encourages couples to be more playful in bed by daring each other to try games, role-plays, costumes, positions and much more - ones you may have been too shy to suggest before. Lovers can decide how far they want to push their boundaries with dares increasing from romantic to kinky throughout the book. Tick off each sexy dare as you go along on the featured chart. Each idea is illustrated with full-colour photography to provide erotic inspiration, while playful how-to instructions are offered for both him and her. Why not work through the book from day 1 to day 365 - by the end no sexual challenge will make you blush again.

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