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08-16-2014, 04:51 PM
Post: #1
[GET] 2+ million GSA Urls
Found it on BHW, thought to share it here. hope you'll like it.

Article-AltoCMS-LiveStreet....: 268
Article-Article Beach.........: 152
Article-Article Dashboard.....: 208
Article-Article Directory Pro.: 144
Article-Article Friendly......: 100
Article-Article Friendly Ultimate: 25
Article-Article Script........: 347
Article-ArticleMS.............: 310
Article-BuddyPress............: 4624
Article-Drupal - Blog.........: 45023
Article-Free DNS..............: 299
Article-Joomla - Blog.........: 1845
Article-Moodle................: 2905
Article-Open-Reality..........: 888
Article-OSQA..................: 146
Article-php Link Article......: 7041
Article-php Link Article-Login: 6070
Article-PHPMotion.............: 911
Article-Press Release Script..: 920
Article-Question2Answer.......: 536
Article-SupeSite..............: 4446
Article-UCenter...............: 4800
Article-vBulletin - Blog......: 6353
Article-Wordpress Article.....: 316345
Article-XpressEngine..........: 15997
Article-YAD...................: 139
Article-Zendesk...............: 4617
Blog Comment-BlogEngine.......: 8789
Blog Comment-Blogspot.........: 187998
Blog Comment-Blogspot.es......: 20
Blog Comment-General Blogs....: 903225
Blog Comment-JComments........: 13955
Blog Comment-KeywordLuv.......: 9004
Blog Comment-Rocketeer CMS....: 1113
Blog Comment-ShowNews.........: 10984
Blog Comment-Storytlr.........: 497
Blog Comment-Textcube.........: 2283
Directory-Aardvark Topsites...: 1740
Directory-Astanda Directory Project: 31
Directory-AxsLinks............: 69
Directory-cpDynaLinks.........: 167
Directory-Directory97 PRO.....: 32
Directory-EasyLink............: 310
Directory-eSyndiCat...........: 1407
Directory-FFA.................: 103
Directory-Fractalum...........: 114
Directory-Freeglobes..........: 439
Directory-HubDir..............: 84
Directory-IndexScript.........: 123
Directory-indexU..............: 1073
Directory-jobberBase..........: 788
Directory-JV-LinkDirectory....: 196
Directory-kohany..............: 49
Directory-Link Bid Script.....: 130
Directory-Link Machine........: 419
Directory-LINKER..............: 51
Directory-LinkEX..............: 114
Directory-Mikomedi............: 33
Directory-Moje................: 11
Directory-MyEngines...........: 85
Directory-MyPHPAnnuaire.......: 579
Directory-Open Classifieds....: 685
Directory-Open Link Directory.: 114
Directory-Otwarty.pl Mini.....: 497
Directory-Particle Links......: 86
Directory-php Link Directory..: 4528
Directory-php Link Directory-Login: 5724
Directory-PHP Link manager....: 2454
Directory-PHP Weby............: 462
Directory-phpLinks............: 169
Directory-qlWebDS Pro.........: 275
Directory-SEOKatalog..........: 849
Directory-Site Sift...........: 107
Directory-Unesourisetmoi......: 453
Directory-Unknown Directory 2.: 252
Directory-Unknown Directory 4.: 25
Directory-Unknown German Directory: 58
Directory-Unknown Polish Directory: 85
Directory-Utilisable..........: 85
Directory-VLinks..............: 28
Directory-WebMini.............: 224
Directory-WebProNews..........: 227
Directory-Wordpress Directory.: 358
Directory-XZero Classified....: 301
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Forum-DZCP....................: 189
Forum-E-Blah..................: 500
Forum-e107....................: 184
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Guestbook-Easybook Reloaded...: 5365
Guestbook-Felix Riesterer Guestbook: 143
Guestbook-Firebook Guestbook..: 21
Guestbook-flat PHPbook........: 151
Guestbook-Free Perl Guestbook.: 284
Guestbook-GA Gaestebuch.......: 140
Guestbook-GA Gaestebuch2......: 214
Guestbook-Gaijin.at Guestbook.: 136
Guestbook-Guestbook...........: 3420
Guestbook-Guestserver.........: 179
Guestbook-GuestWho............: 130
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Guestbook-HyperBook Guestbook.: 230
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Guestbook-Jambook Guestbook...: 424
Guestbook-Jax Guestbook.......: 256
Guestbook-Lazarus Guestbook...: 1581
Guestbook-Maian Guestbook.....: 51
Guestbook-maxxibook...........: 41
Guestbook-Megabook Guestbook..: 10181
Guestbook-MGB Guestbook.......: 1128
Guestbook-Michatronic Guestbook: 31
Guestbook-mygb.nl.............: 3061
Guestbook-Nuke Guestbook......: 59
Guestbook-OnlineGuestbookPro..: 7493
Guestbook-OpenBook Guestbook..: 57
Guestbook-peoGuest............: 157
Guestbook-PerlSoft Guestbook..: 44
Guestbook-Phoca Guestbook.....: 5852
Guestbook-PHP Fusion Guestbook: 1110
Guestbook-phpBook.............: 440
Guestbook-Proxy2.de Guestbook.: 137
Guestbook-Purple Yin Guestbook: 205
Guestbook-QuickTalk Guestbook.: 6
Guestbook-Ricar Guestbook.....: 551
Guestbook-Sad Ravens Guestbook: 387
Guestbook-ScarBook............: 222
Guestbook-Silentum Guestbook..: 81
Guestbook-TPK Guestbook.......: 570
Guestbook-Ultimate Guestbook..: 26
Guestbook-Unknown Guestbook...: 1923
Guestbook-Unknown Guestbook 3.: 1264
Guestbook-Unknown Guestbook 4.: 45
Guestbook-ViperGB.............: 1098
Guestbook-Visitors Book.......: 129
Guestbook-vlBook..............: 847
Guestbook-Web Wiz Guestbook...: 280
Guestbook-Webgarden...........: 845
Guestbook-write2me.nl.........: 2482
Guestbook-Xeobook Guestbook...: 126
Guestbook-YapGB...............: 272
Image Comment-4image..........: 3089
Image Comment-Coppermine Photo Gallery: 3035
Image Comment-Coppermine Photo Gallery-login: 16324
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Indexer-Fast Indexer..........: 15
Indexer-Redirect..............: 245
Indexer-Whois or Statistics...: 3382
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RSS-rsstop10..................: 2
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RSS-xmeta.....................: 1
Social Bookmark-bibsonomy.org.: 4
Social Bookmark-diigo.com.....: 22
Social Bookmark-Drigg.........: 1357
Social Bookmark-GetBoo........: 44
Social Bookmark-Hotaru CMS....: 2689
Social Bookmark-linkarena.com.: 3
Social Bookmark-Meneame.......: 491
Social Bookmark-mylinkvault.com: 1
Social Bookmark-PHPBookmark...: 379
Social Bookmark-PHPDug........: 2710
Social Bookmark-Pligg.........: 17810
Social Bookmark-Public Bookmark: 233
Social Bookmark-Scuttle.......: 8881
Social Bookmark-stumbleupon.com: 28
Social Bookmark-Viral Socializer Script: 657
Social Bookmark-Wordpress Social Bookmark: 180
Social Bookmark-WPRO SOSBOK...: 125
Social Network-AvArcade.......: 2458
Social Network-BoINC..........: 93
Social Network-Chameleon......: 209
Social Network-ClanSphere.....: 409
Social Network-Dolphin........: 6461
Social Network-DotNetNuke.....: 2670
Social Network-DZOIC Handshakes: 309
Social Network-Elgg...........: 2802
Social Network-eMeeting.......: 313
Social Network-Envato.........: 53
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Social Network-PeoplePods.....: 213
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Social Network-PHPizabi.......: 716
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Social Network-SocialGo.......: 144
Social Network-vldPersonals...: 668
Social Network-WallpaperSiteScript: 839
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Unknown-vBulletin.............: 1
Unknown-Whois or Statistics...: 1424
Unknown-Wordpress Article.....: 1
Unknown-Xeobook Guestbook.....: 1
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URL Shortener-0xf.ch..........: 4
URL Shortener-[Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD]........: 1
URL Shortener-2.gp............: 3
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URL Shortener-2u.lc...........: 1
URL Shortener-7.ly............: 4
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URL Shortener-alumnice.co.....: 2
URL Shortener-apocalx.fr......: 4
URL Shortener-[Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD]..........: 1
URL Shortener-aty.se..........: 1
URL Shortener-b23.ru..........: 1
URL Shortener-[Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD]..........: 2
URL Shortener->>>[[[Reported by Members as Spam Site]]]<<<...........: 1
URL Shortener-bizz.cc.........: 2
URL Shortener-BrokenScript....: 46
URL Shortener-capture.in......: 2
URL Shortener-chilp.it........: 1
URL Shortener-cli.gs..........: 8
URL Shortener-clickthru.ca....: 1
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URL Shortener-dfl8.me.........: 2
URL Shortener-dft.ba..........: 2
URL Shortener-di.gd...........: 1
URL Shortener-[Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD].......: 1
URL Shortener-dok.do..........: 1
URL Shortener-du.cx...........: 1
URL Shortener-durl.me.........: 17
URL Shortener->>>[[[Reported by Members as URL Shortener! Post the actual link!]]]<<<.....: 2
URL Shortener-elpais.com......: 9
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URL Shortener-exigu.us........: 1
URL Shortener-fb.rgk.ro.......: 2
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URL Shortener-fwdurl.net......: 1
URL Shortener-General URL Shortener: 14055
URL Shortener-[Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD]...........: 1
URL Shortener-gho.co..........: 1
URL Shortener-go.ly...........: 1
URL Shortener-goclick.at......: 1
URL Shortener-goclick.ly......: 1
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URL Shortener-******...........: 6
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URL Shortener-linkshrink.com..: 2
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URL Shortener-mrte.ch.........: 4
URL Shortener-mut.la..........: 2
URL Shortener-mylink.to.......: 1
URL Shortener-nutshellurl.com.: 6
URL Shortener-nw.fi...........: 2
URL Shortener-nwspprs.com.....: 2
URL Shortener->>>[[[Reported by Members as URL Shortener! Post the actual link!]]]<<<..........: 1
URL Shortener-ourls.com.......: 2
URL Shortener-ovr.me..........: 1
URL Shortener-p.tl............: 1
URL Shortener-past.is.........: 1
URL Shortener-PHPurl..........: 50
URL Shortener-Phurl...........: 263
URL Shortener-Premium URL Shortener: 983
URL Shortener-pro-epic.net....: 2
URL Shortener-ptiturl.com.....: 1
URL Shortener-qlnk.net........: 6
URL Shortener-qr.cx...........: 1
URL Shortener->>>[[[Reported by Members as URL Shortener! Post the actual link!]]]<<<..........: 1
URL Shortener-[Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD].....: 1
URL Shortener-redir.ec........: 3
URL Shortener-[Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD]....: 1
URL Shortener-reducelnk.com...: 3
URL Shortener-S6L [Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD]....: 109
URL Shortener-[Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD].........: 2
URL Shortener-shorl.com.......: 2
URL Shortener-short.ie........: 4
URL Shortener-[Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD].com....: 2
URL Shortener-shot-url.biz....: 2
URL Shortener-shr.tn..........: 1
URL Shortener-shrink-that-url.com: 3
URL Shortener-shrink.im.......: 64
URL Shortener-shx.in..........: 1
URL Shortener-simurl.com......: 1
URL Shortener-siteo.us........: 4
URL Shortener-smll.co.........: 2
URL Shortener-smsh.me.........: 2
URL Shortener- >>>[[[Reported by Members as URL Shortener! Post the actual link!]]]<<<...........: 2
URL Shortener-************.....: 10
URL Shortener-snurl.com.......: 1
URL Shortener-soq.im..........: 2
URL Shortener-stos.me.........: 1
URL Shortener-surl.hu.........: 4
URL Shortener-surl.me.........: 1
URL Shortener-surl.wo.tc......: 1
URL Shortener-teil.cc.........: 2
URL Shortener-tighturl.com....: 1
URL Shortener-********.........: 1
URL Shortener-tiny.ly.........: 1
URL Shortener-[Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD].........: 1
URL Shortener-tinyarrows.com (ri.ms): 5
URL Shortener-tinyarrows.com (ta.gd): 1
URL Shortener-tinyarrows.com (xn--1ci.ws): 1
URL Shortener-tinyarrows.com (xn--3fi.ws): 1
URL Shortener-tinyarrows.com (xn--5gi.ws): 1
URL Shortener-tinyarrows.com (xn--9gi.ws): 1
URL Shortener-tinyarrows.com (xn--bih.ws): 1
URL Shortener-tinyarrows.com (xn--cwg.ws): 1
URL Shortener-tinyarrows.com (xn--egi.ws): 1
URL Shortener-tinyarrows.com (xn--fwg.ws): 1
URL Shortener-tinyarrows.com (xn--hgi.ws): 1
URL Shortener-tinyarrows.com (xn--l3h.ws): 1
URL Shortener-tinyarrows.com (xn--odi.ws): 1
URL Shortener-tinyarrows.com (xn--ogi.ws): 1
URL Shortener-tinyarrows.com (xn--rei.ws): 1
URL Shortener-tinyarrows.com (xn--vgi.ws): 1
URL Shortener-tinylink.in.....: 1
URL Shortener-************.....: 63
URL Shortener-tnij.org........: 1
URL Shortener-tny.tc..........: 1
URL Shortener-to.ly...........: 5
URL Shortener-togoto.us.......: 2
URL Shortener-[Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD]...........: 4
URL Shortener-trunc.it........: 1
URL Shortener-twt.fi..........: 2
URL Shortener-uchop.it........: 4
URL Shortener-ulo.me..........: 1
URL Shortener-unfake.it.......: 1
URL Shortener-url.az..........: 1
URL Shortener-[Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD]..........: 1
URL Shortener-urlenco.de......: 1
URL Shortener-urlms.com.......: 4
URL Shortener-urlshorteningservicefortwitter.com: 2
URL Shortener-ux.nu...........: 8
URL Shortener-v.gd............: 1
URL Shortener-va.mu...........: 1
URL Shortener-vai.la..........: 2
URL Shortener-valv.im.........: 1
URL Shortener-vl.am...........: 2
URL Shortener-wsi4.me.........: 1
URL Shortener-[Reported by Members as SURVEY SPAM THREAD]............: 5
URL Shortener-xav.cc..........: 2
URL Shortener-y.ahoo.it.......: 1
URL Shortener-[Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD]..........: 2
URL Shortener-YOURLS..........: 7989
URL Shortener-yuarel.com......: 1
URL Shortener-zombiehor.de....: 1
Video-Adult-AVS...............: 1
Video-Adult-VideoWatchPro.....: 1
Video-ClipBucket..............: 977
Video-ClipShare...............: 541
Video-CumulusClips............: 115
Video-MediaMaxScript..........: 312
Video-MediaShareSuite.........: 56
Video-PHPMelody...............: 905
Video-PHPVibe.................: 304
Video-ShareMixer..............: 24
Video-ViMP....................: 254
Video-vShare..................: 536
Web 2.0-9Fingers.pl...........: 1
Web 2.0-academia.edu..........: 117
Web 2.0-albawaba.com..........: 7
Web 2.0-alivenotdead.com......: 5
Web 2.0-artblog.fr............: 6
Web 2.0-arteblog.com.br.......: 4
Web 2.0-autisable.com.........: 9
Web 2.0-auto-blog.fr..........: 5
Web 2.0-babyblogg.se..........: 19
Web 2.0-babybloggo.de.........: 55
Web 2.0-bebeblog.com.br.......: 2
Web 2.0-bigbrotherblog.com.br.: 1
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Web 2.0-bloggspace.se.........: 9
Web 2.0-blogourt.fr...........: 3
Web 2.0-blogparty.fr..........: 4
Web 2.0-blogspace.fr..........: 21
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Web 2.0-bloguedesporto.com....: 9
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Web 2.0-fotosblogue.com.......: 21
Web 2.0-fr.blogspace.be.......: 4
Web 2.0-fr.musicblog.be.......: 1
Web 2.0-fr.sportblog.be.......: 3
Web 2.0-fr.travelblog.be......: 1
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Web 2.0-gamingblog.com.br.....: 3
Web 2.0-gamingblog.fr.........: 2
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Web 2.0-insanejournal.com.....: 5
Web 2.0-ireallylikefood.com...: 6
Web 2.0-jigsy.com.............: 678
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Web 2.0-loveblog.com.br.......: 2
Web 2.0-lovelyish.com.........: 2
Web 2.0-lovelyish.hk..........: 8
Web 2.0-memonic.com...........: 7
Web 2.0-momaroo.com...........: 2
Web 2.0-monbebeblog.be........: 6
Web 2.0-monbebeblog.com.......: 2
Web 2.0-motorbloggo.de........: 2
Web 2.0-musicblog.com.br......: 3
Web 2.0-musicblog.fr..........: 5
Web 2.0-musicblogg.se.........: 192
Web 2.0-musikbloggo.de........: 2
Web 2.0-netlog.com............: 6
Web 2.0-nexopia.com...........: 13
Web 2.0-novelablog.com.br.....: 2
Web 2.0-opera.com.............: 3
Web 2.0-posterous.com.........: 1
Web 2.0-prlog.................: 3
Web 2.0-receitablog.com.br....: 2
Web 2.0-reisebloggo.de........: 4
Web 2.0-revelife.com..........: 6
Web 2.0-spaceblog.com.br......: 1
Web 2.0-sportblog.fr..........: 3
Web 2.0-sportbloggo.de........: 4
Web 2.0-sportsblogg.se........: 10
Web 2.0-tblog.com.............: 5
Web 2.0-technorati.com........: 27
Web 2.0-thepopsite.com........: 2
Web 2.0-travelblog.fr.........: 6
Web 2.0-travelblogg.se........: 4
Web 2.0-tripcrazed.com........: 4
Web 2.0-tuningblog.com.br.....: 1
Web 2.0-viajeblog.com.br......: 2
Web 2.0-vilago21.com..........: 1
Web 2.0-weeklyvolcano.com.....: 3
Web 2.0-Wordpress.com.........: 2516
Web 2.0-xanga.com.............: 1412
Web 2.0-xfire.com.............: 127
Wiki-DokuWiki.................: 14472
Wiki-MacOSWiki................: 2515
Wiki-MediaWiki................: 28470
Wiki-MoinMoin.................: 2534
Wiki-TikiWiki.................: 12153
Wiki-WikkaWiki................: 1452
Category - Article............: 425459
Category - Blog Comment.......: 1137868
Category - Directory..........: 26193
Category - Document Sharing...: 229
Category - Exploit............: 1002
Category - Forum..............: 121185
Category - Guestbook..........: 72275
Category - Image Comment......: 92370
Category - Indexer............: 3642
Category - Microblog..........: 6332
Category - Pingback...........: 422538
Category - Referrer...........: 1086
Category - RSS................: 48
Category - Social Bookmark....: 35614
Category - Social Network.....: 55911
Category - Trackback..........: 203633
Category - Unknown............: 1524
Category - URL Shortener......: 24688
Category - Video..............: 4026
Category - Web 2.0............: 5593
Category - Wiki...............: 61596
Total.........................: 2702812

+Reps Please Cool
No Ripping of Courses allowed in Udemy Section (Freebies), if you saw any send me PM or report the thread. Thank You.
08-16-2014, 05:33 PM
Post: #2
08-16-2014, 06:10 PM
Post: #3
Thanks - Rep added

That is a HUGE list
08-16-2014, 06:57 PM (This post was last modified: 08-16-2014 07:55 PM by Arif Shah.)
Post: #4
That's Really huge list Thank You very very much rep +3 Added :)

when i imported list to gsa it's show 400000 urls in the list so where is other list
08-17-2014, 02:52 AM
Post: #5
Nice find. Thanks for sharing. Rep added
08-17-2014, 03:12 AM
Post: #6
how to use this?
08-17-2014, 04:25 AM
Post: #7
yes, thanks for your share but I agree with Xarbaxv, how to use, I downloaded but can't use in notepad, notepad+, excel .... Please guide...

08-17-2014, 05:35 AM
Post: #8
I dont give a F***, I'm using this list for a churn and burn project...lol
08-17-2014, 05:39 AM (This post was last modified: 08-17-2014 07:01 PM by MrGustaaf.)
Post: #9
(08-17-2014 04:25 AM)sharesolutions Wrote:  yes, thanks for your share but I agree with Xarbaxv, how to use, I downloaded but can't use in notepad, notepad+, excel .... Please guide...

Like this but choose from "file" instead of from site list:

[Image: Import-target-urls-from-sitelist-menu.png]
Have an awesome Day!
08-17-2014, 05:40 AM
Post: #10
(08-17-2014 04:25 AM)sharesolutions Wrote:  yes, thanks for your share but I agree with Xarbaxv, how to use, I downloaded but can't use in notepad, notepad+, excel .... Please guide...

This list must be imported into GSA SER. You can't open it using notepad or Excel.

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