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09-06-2022, 10:59 AM (This post was last modified: 09-06-2022 11:08 AM by Theo1.)
Post: #1
You tell me?

I don't know about you but I'm trying to just rest my weary feet from all of my labor (Ok, ok yes, I do sit and write/create for a living but you know what I mean...)

And I am TIRED of all of these bombastic bombardments in my email boxes (yes I have multiple email addresses as you should as well in case the you-know-who decides to shut them down- Oh wait, I guess I'm more referring to merchant accounts but one can never be too careful)-

ANYWAY- I am TIRED and FED UP with getting one half-baked long-past-it's expiration-date product "discount" after another this weekend- Who do these THOO-ROOS think we are? We're professional BBHF-ers!

We've seen it all, and we know a smelly mackerel from a few yards away- They don't know who they're messing with!

SO NO THANK YOU Mr. and Mrs. THOO-ROO, I'm through! Take your musty-crusty courses from 2015 and stick them in some unmentionable digital commode!

I'm going back back to the basics, the original, the REAL master-

You want to learn how to TRULY get rich, like sooner rather than later? Then listen to our beloved sage Gary tell us all we EVER NEEDED TO KNOW-

Have you ever read the underground (get it?) classic book ACRES OF DIAMONDS by Russell Brunson er I mean CROMWELL? I won't give you the SECRET here, but let's just say the answer has been sitting here with us ALL THE TIME-

Is this THE BEST Gary Halbert newsletter ever? I believe you will think so, and if you don't, feel free to hit me up any time and I'll send you something special from my own personal Vault #15-

But honestly, of the millions of courses and pdf's that I have (only SLIGHT exaggeration) I don't think there's much of anything I have that will top this one-

But let me know- If you're disappointed in any way, shape or form I promise I will make it up to you-


09-06-2022, 12:17 PM
Post: #2
I here you Theo1...and I have been tired of it for a long time...Can we do this one technique without a snail mailing? Using common everyday email?...If the product offer was made to people who could make the check pout without hesitation....(Who could afford the risk maybe) ?
09-06-2022, 01:48 PM (This post was last modified: 09-06-2022 02:08 PM by Theo1.)
Post: #3
Hey inboxtycoon,

Going by your moniker I would guess that you prefer the good "old fashioned" FREE email route lol-

Can you do this technique without snail mailing? Well, I guess the answer would be "could be-" But when we're sitting at the feet and touching the hem of the master Sir Gary of Halbert, let's review again what he said in the newsletter, which I believe was written alllll the way back in those sweaty, smelly and troglodyte years of 2002 B.M.C. (Before Mass Control)-

Gary says: "So, I ask myself, "Self, what is the very best way for my subscribers to make a lot of money really, really fast... without too much risk... without too much investment?"

Can you guess the answer? It's the same answer that was true 50 years ago. Or 30 years ago. Or 10 years ago. Or 1 month ago. This answer will still be true next month, next year... and... throughout much of the next century! What I'm talking about, of course, is...

Direct Mail

Are you serious about making huge wads of money and making it fast? If so, forget TV infomercials, forget magazine ads, forget newspapers, forget the Internet... forget everything... but... direct mail."

You want to REALLY know what Gary and plennnnty of other established entrepreneurs especially from the olden times enjoyed doing with their spare time (which they had a lot of due to their successful entrepreneurial pursuits- and I'm giving some REAL inside baseball here, secrets that nobody but Bill Myers and Gary were willing to share back then)-

They could think of NOTHING better than drawing themselves a nice, hot bubble bath, pouring an ice cold brew (although Gary shares in another newsletter that he stopped drinking in his 50's due to the hangovers) or other favorite liquid to imbibe, and curl up with a nice, fresh copy of the SRDS and read it for hours on end- While the rest of the world was out there curling up with a nice sultry Fabio-laden novel (Hey I only look at those for the articles!) this group of underground warriors were constantly coming up with new ideas for offers, ALL stemming from the detailed demographic goodies they were finding in the SRDS-

BUT, today, in 2022, there is another source you can utilize for FREE (YES, the most favoritist word in the world!) Go to


Look up all of the mailing lists, and yes, even for a clearly hungry and motivated entrepreneur like yourself, you also can get scads and scads of EMAIL mailing lists- Apparently the people on the email lists have been vetted by the list brokers and have agreed to be emailed to-

Remember, the key here, is that all of these lists are so broken down not only by gender (although I'm not sure how deeply they dive on THIS yet), but you can see ALL of the BUYING HABITS of millions of people in thousands and thousands of niches- And you can see HOW MUCH MONEY they spent on what types of products, and also how RECENTLY they purchased- Did they spend $100 on a product within the last 30, 60, 90 days? You get the picture-

There is ONE caveat thought to wanting to focus strictly on "Free" email- If you are up to date on reading the feedback from various marketers such as Doberman Dan and plenty of others, email deliverability has definitely taken a plunge, including people reporting that they are having emails delivered to people on their own lists going into spam or into promotions in Gmail-

In other words, you can send out the greatest offer to someone on your list who loves you and responds like a trained seal every time you send out an offer- And chances are, they may NEVER see your offer!

Now with Direct Mail, different story-


What do I mean? Well, you will be spending some of your good old hard-earned cash (whoops I just broke a MAJOR Manifestation LOA no-no, according to Dan Kennedy at least)- NEVER refer to Money as Hard-Earned-

Ok anyway, to wrap this up, just like with email, you have to be just a little-bit cleverer than the next guy or gal- To get your mail opened- I'll give you a trick I learned from my marketing manager whom I guess you could say I "Apprenticed under" so many years ago-

He had a trick on ALL of the direct mail they would send out- It would always have a LIVE STAMP on it (per Sir Gary), but there would be NOTHING ELSE on the envelope EXCEPT the words...


I thought that was a rather strange approach, as everything that was in the envelope was already folded (it was your standard # 10 envelope)-

He said "EXACTLY!" It creates an insatiable CURIOSITY- What could possibly be in the envelope that can't be folded? Pictures? Pictures of the person opening the envelope? Pictures of the person opening the envelope with someone they didn't want their spouse to see? Yikes!

Sorry I got a little carried away but when he showed me their sales stats it was clear that the envelopes were getting opened to a solid enough degree that the technique worked-

OK! Man did I go on a rant there- I hope I sort of, in some way, answered your question a LITTLE?

Have a good one!

09-06-2022, 06:46 PM
Post: #4
Hello my friend! Thank you go posting this. Going back way back to Gary and Both Dan's is the way to go. Email sucks. I asked Doberman about it. And he told that you just send and hope for the best. Of course they try to put odds in their favor. Like for example Doberman will stop sending you free emails if you dont buy sth. Thats how bad of a thing is with delivery these days. I wonder how Ben can keep sending for decades even if we dont buy anything. Would love to know his secretm but he won't tell. I tried and he told me to go **** to the basics of course jaj.
09-07-2022, 04:04 AM
Post: #5
Great share mate! Thanks
09-07-2022, 08:48 AM
Post: #6
Thank you, Classics are the best!
I forgot how brilliant he was!
Reps to you and yours for reintroducing this again!
