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10-01-2021, 12:58 AM
Post: #1
[F4LT] HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects: Sidebar and Navbar Menus
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Projects: Sidebar and Navbar Menus
Construct responsive sidebar and navbar menus while learning the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (JS)
Rating: 3.5
(48,410 ratings)
105,959 students
1hr 8min of on-demand video

After completing this course, you will be able to complete two projects: the first will be a beautiful and responsive sidebar created entirely with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which will allow website users to add and remove (toggle) the sidebar by clicking on the bars and removing the Sidebar using the closing button; and the second project will be a Responsive Navbar created entirely with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which will allow website users to toggle the menu by clicking on the bars.


